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May 2nd, 2015

OpenBSD 5.7 bootable USB creation

I finally got around to setting up a bootable USB thumb drive with the OpenBSD 5.7 installer. Quite useful instructions were found at:

To summarize, first we “local loopback” attach and mount the 5.7 downloaded ISO:

# vnconfig vnd0 install57.iso
# mount /dev/vnd0a /mnt

Next, we created the destination image (will will be written to the flash drive). The ISO was 219MB, I made the image 256MB, although we could easily have cut it far closer to 220MB):

# dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1m count=256

Local loopback attach our newly created image file:

# vnconfig vnd1 disk.img

Partition, slice, and format the disk image in accordance with OpenBSD preferences (I rather enjoyed the echo line automating the disklabel session… another reason why I love that “everything is a file”):

# fdisk -i vnd1
# echo "a\n\n\n\n\nw\nq\n" | disklabel -E vnd1 
# newfs /dev/rvnd1a

And mount it:

# mkdir /mnt2
# mount /dev/vnd1a /mnt2

Copy the installer:

# cp -r /mnt/* /mnt2/

Make it bootable (this method only applicable for OpenBSD 5.5 and newer, previous versions had at least 2 steps):

installboot -r /mnt2 vnd1 /usr/mdec/biosboot /usr/mdec/boot

Penultimately, wrap everything up (unmount and detach):

# umount /mnt
# umount /mnt2
# vnconfig -u vnd1
# vnconfig -u vnd0

Finally, actually write it (I did this on a Linux box, as my OpenBSD box is on a rather raw VM):

# dd if=disk.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M

I recalled some vague and increasingly distant thoughts over how difficult this once seemed… raw write an image to a device? That needed special tools… nope, just do a low-level binary write… everything is a file.

Should be good to go.

May 1st, 2015

auth2/auth3 ldap package hold

To avoid manually saying 'n' everyday, I have placed the upgraded ldap packages on hold on those two machines (I suspect auth1 is similar).

grub updates on file servers

I noticed there was grub-level config support for specifying sysvinit instead of the default (systemd), so I specified sysvinit. Rebooted data2 a couple times to make sure everything was working as it should.

pruned backups

I cleared out upwards to 100GB of no-longer-needed user homedir backups. I really should deploy an auto-pruning script once again.

new router

One of my summer projects, especially with the anticipated LAIR move, is to update the routers… possibly into just one box, on one of the i5 boxes donated recently. Using OpenBSD 5.7, and running the system out of RAM, much in the same way data1/data2 operate (might as well, I've got enough RAM in it).

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