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Some links of interest:

Other Days

July 29th, 2011

DSLAB connectivity issues FIXED

Fixed it!

Three separate problems….

duplicate IP across juicebar interfaces

xl0 and xl1 were competing for 137.238.7.x addresses.. xl0 was a disconnected interface, xl1 is the actual external interface.

ifconfig xl0 down does NOT disable the interface on OpenBSD. ifconfig xl0 inet delete, however DOES fix the problem.

DNS firewall rule

I was using an rdr rule for DNS, which is not what is needed. This is what we want:

# Allow DNS
pass in on {$ext_if} proto {tcp,udp} from any to ($ext_if) port 53

node00 resolv.conf non-existent

node00 is suffering from some stale NFS handles… resolve.conf is the primary victim… no resolv.conf, no DNS… no DNS, no resolution of things like LDAP servers… which prevents users from logging in; so some local entries in /etc/hosts were performed to enable necessary functionality.

July 28th, 2011

juicebar external connectivity issues

I believe I found the culprit causing some grief when trying to connect to juicebar… turns out there were two network interfaces with identical IPs assigned… xl0, which is unattached, had a IP, which I know I accidentally assigned.

xl1 is the actual external interface, where I aliased the IP… so this was apparently causing some grief. What I can't fully figure out is why I could access it (and VPN directly to juicebar) just fine but others could not… the emerging pattern seems to be that those originating from SUNY Geneseo addresses were completely cut off from juicebar, but those from an outside address had no problem.

This would make sense in that all the people who reported problems have the ability to VPN into Geneseo's network, so would be accessing juicebar from a Geneseo address.

July 26th, 2011

DSLAB DNS still broke

Turns out that while I can talk to the DSLAB DNS server via nslookup, the world may still be experiencing problems talking to it. Investigating…

July 24th, 2011

DNS lookup

A useful command-line for MacOS X nslookup:

$ nslookup

Address:	canonical name =


First arg is what you're testing, second arg is the server you're testing against.

juicebar pf for DNS

Turns out external DNS queries for were not working.

I fixed it as follows:

# Allow DNS
rdr pass on {$ext_if} proto {tcp,udp} to port 53 ->

July 7th, 2011

Fun with Arduino/Gameduino

I picked up an Arduino UNO and a Gameduino, and spent some quality time with them in the LAIR.

Some useful links:

Wiimote Classic Controller and SNES9x EX

After Jailbreaking the iPad 2 with the recent service, I took advantage of the availability of Cydia to install SNES9x EX (a free SNES9x port to iOS), which has functional classic controller support. Full screen playable SNES goodness on the iPad!

