Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS2730 Systems Programming

Systems Programming Progress (sppX)


To immerse yourself in relevant and important aspects of library API, documentation, OS facilities, and other systems-level programming functionality, aided by the “Understanding UNIX/Linux Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice” book that we will spend the semester exploring.


Each week, throughout the semester, the aim will be to focus on a chapter in the book:

The overall aim is to enable you to challenge yourself, explore areas and concepts you are not familiar with, and grow as a programmer and problem solver. I don't want to see you just doing things the way you are familiar with (simply because you've always done them that way).

The outline of semester progress:

week project chapter points per item (PTS) TOTAL
2 spp2 Chapters 1 and 2 4 52
3 spp3 Chapter 3 6 78
4 spp4 Chapter 4 8 104
5 spp5 Chapter 5 10 130
6 spp6 Chapter 6 12 156
7 spp7 Chapter 7 14 182
8 spp8 Chapter 8 16 208
9 spp9 Chapter 9 18 234
10 sppA Chapter 10 20 260
11 sppB Chapter 11 22 286
12 sppC Chapter 12 24 312
13-15 eoce Chapters 13, 14, 15
TOTAL:sppX:final tally of results (TOTAL/TOTAL)
*:sppX:read indicated chapter in book [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:asked, responded, worked through any questions [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:reveal of interesting insight, knowledge gained [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:discussion regarding chapter content, library, system [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:experimentation, playing reporting insights gained [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:selection of UNIX tool or program to implement [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:implementation of pertinent UNIX tool or program [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:statement of limitations in code [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:no warnings, compiler notes in code [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:no syntax errors in code [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:no logical errors in code [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:no runtime errors in code [PTS/PTS]
*:sppX:duplicating similarly structured content in code [PTS/PTS]
