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sysprog spring2021 eoce

The End of Course Experience (eoce) satisfies the fourth discrete grading component of the course. It is meant to evaluate your knowledge and understanding gained through the semester.

Unlike the regular weekly projects, the purpose of which is to promote a learning and understanding of the concepts of the course, this EoCE is meant more as a demonstration of your proficiency in understanding and utilizing the concepts and skills obtained, showing me how productive you can be with the experiences gained.


Presented within will be various activities evaluating your knowledge and experience gained this semester. In places where you are able, the more you write (ie comment) and explain topics the better the chance you will have of receiving full credit (and alternatively, the more credit you will receive should something defer correctness).

Unless otherwise specified, the components on this experience are open resource with the exception of other individuals. In that respect, it is CLOSED PERSON. This means you are not to communicate with other people (either in the class or otherwise), in real life or electronically. Use your own knowledge, use your own skills, and use your own ability to access the allowed resources to aid you in coming up with your well thought out responses to each activity.

You are allowed, and expected, to seek clarification on any activity by asking me. But the aim here is to evaluate what you have learned, so do not expect tutoring. Any help should be prompted by a well-asked question. The better and more informed your questions, the better my responses may be. In many ways, I designed this EoCE premised on each and every one of you interacting with me through the asking of informed questions. Those that do not take advantage of asking such calibre of questions and instead end up struggling, please know that you're doing this wrong.

You are to do at least four of the available items. Submission is to be as a submitted archive to the usual and appropriate place (the 'eoce' project via 'make submit' on lab46).

To maximize any credit received (or to minimize points lost), optimize your submission for an organized and easy-to-read presentation of information that conforms with each section's stated guidelines. In the case of programs or scripts written, ensure that you are following proper and consistent commenting/documentation and indentation practices. Use well-named variables (at least 4 symbols long), and be mindful of how your particular files submitted will appear on a reasonably-sized terminal (most of my terminals are 80-90 characters wide).

The EoCE is worth 26 points of your overall grade (projects + participation + journal + eoce = 104), representing a distinct fourth category within the grading policy of the course (Projects, Journal, Participation, and EoCE).

Obtaining the EoCE files

Using the 'grabit' tool on lab46, you can obtain your copy of the EoCE. As a first step, change into a location suitable for storing and organizing your files within your repository:

lab46:~$ cd ~/src/sysprog

… and run the grabit tool as pertinent for your class desig:

lab46:~/src/sysprog$ grabit sysprog eoce

Please, do not change the name of the directory from eoce/.

Change into that directory:

lab46:~/src/sysprog$ cd eoce

Use “ls” to list files, read any README files (with cat/less/nano), and “cd” into the various subdirectories.

Further information can be found in various README files located amidst the directories within the eoce; please be sure to read them.

For some activities there may also be some form of verification resource made available to you. Be sure to utilize this to help ensure your implementation meets the requirements laid out in each section.

You will notice a directory tree, resembling the following, within your extracted EoCE data:

        +-- README
        +-- Makefile
        +-- 0x0/
        +-- 0x1/
        +-- 0x2/

Within each “0x” subdirectory you will find a README file and any supporting files related to the particular activity you are tasked with.


The DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION of this EoCE is 11:59:59pm (that's 23:59:59 in 24-hour time) Wednesday, May 12th, 2021. This is the ultimate deadline for any and all coursework. There is no “late”, only “too late”. Don't be that person, not with this.

I would highly recommend not waiting until the last moment (or even the last week) to start on this.

To submit, please change into your base eoce directory within your home directory:

lab46:~$ cd ~/src/sysprog/eoce

… and run “make submit”:

lab46:~/src/sysprog/eoce$ make submit

As with the projects and other deliverables this semester, you can submit early (and worthwhile submissions will receive bonus points), and also submit as many times as you desire. Note that when you submit, that resets the timestamp from which I will evaluate any bonus points or on-time eligibility.

Good luck!