Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals

Project: SCRIPTING PI FUN (spf0)



In addition to the tools you're already familiar with, it is recommended you check out the following tools for possible application in this project (you may not need to use them in your solution, but they definitely offer up functionality that some solutions can make use of):


To create two scripts that perform some operation in the domain of calculating digits of PI, and searching its digits for patterns of substrings.


PI is an important mathematical constant. It is used in various applications, and we often find ourselves making use of it.

But what about generating it? That's part of what this project seeks to have us explore.

We will also, once successfully generating pi out to a variable amount of digits, write a script to allow us to search those digits for numeric substring patterns.

Calculating PI

There are various methods for calculating PI, which take varying amounts of processing power and time to perform, and have different levels of accuracy.

We will want to come up with a process that is accurate, yet perhaps also relatively simple to express.

You may want to check out the method using arctan to accomplish this:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ echo "4*a(1)" | bc -lq

Here we see that the default precision of bc(1) is to scale to around 20 digits.

With that, if we check a database of PI digits (which I have conveniently stored on lab46, in the /usr/local/etc/pi.1000000 file), we can compare our results against the verified, correct results (note that the database omits the period '.' separating the 3 from the 14…, be sure to compensate for this):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat /usr/local/etc/pi.1000000 | cut -c1-21

It would seem that all but the last value is correct. In which case, we'd want to strip that off and retain the valid component in our explorations.


It is your task to write 2 scripts; one will be responsible for generating a file containing calculated digits of PI (and you must perform the calculations… no skimping on this), and the other will use that produced data to search through the digits of PI in order to find occurrences of patterns. Further details follow:

script1: pigen

You are to write a script, called and submitted by the name pigen (no extension, although it is to be a bash script, with proper shabang, comments, and solution).

By default, if you run the script by itself, it should calculate and produce (in a file in the current directory), a file by the name of pi.100.out, which will contain the first 100 digits of PI (lacking the period '.' that separates the 3 from the rest of the irrational number):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ ./pigen
lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ ls
pi.100.out  pigen
lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.100.out

If you provide a command-line argument, it must be a valid numeric value between 1 and 2000, and will calculate that many digits of PI, saving it in a file pi.#.out, where # is the number of digits requested.

You also need to verify your results against the PI digit database on lab46 (do not copy this file… set a variable to it for easy access), and display the message “MISMATCH” if your calculated/processed results do NOT match the validated PI computation out to that indicated quantity of spaces.


script2: pigrep

Your second script will be called pigrep (no extension, although it is to be a bash script, with proper shabang, comments, and solution), and will perform searches on a pigen-generated pi.#.out file for specified patterns (numerical substrings) within the generated digits.

By default, if you run the script by itself, it should generate the following error (and exit with a non-zero value):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ ./pigrep
ERROR: must specify PATTERN

It will have online usage information, displayed when the 'help' option is provided anywhere on the pigrep command-line:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ ./pigrep help

 pigrep - search available pi digits via regex for matches;
          must be part of pipeline (send PI digits in via STDIN)

   usage: pigrep [OPTION...] PATTERN

    note: if MAX variable is set, cap processing at that value


  atend - calculations are based on last digit of match
 byline - output one value per line (default is space-separated)
  drop3 - do not include leading 3 of pi (*3*14) in processing
 offset - determine offsets of matches (from start of digits)
   help - display this help and exit


Your script should also take the following arguments (in this order):

You are also to check for the existence of a MAX variable, and if set to a valid, positive non-zero decimal (base 10) number, will cap the amount of results it processes / outputs.

Numerical arguments are to be given as valid, positive non-zero decimal (base 10) values.

With any of these arguments validly provided, they should adjust the script's processing and output accordingly.

Also to keep in mind:

Some sample outputs follow:

Only specifying numeric pattern

In the event only a pattern is provided, search through the PI data for the provided pattern, displaying each match to STDOUT.

For example:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep '26'
26 26 

one result per line

Using the byline option, instead of displaying results horizonally, they'll be displayed vertically (one result per line) to STDOUT.

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep '26' byline

compute offsets from start of digits

The offset argument will, instead of displaying the numeric matches (which, aside from counting are of dubious value) will display how many digits away from the start of the PI digits the pattern resides.

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep '26' offset
7 22 

With an example like this, we should easily be able to verify its correctness:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out
lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | cut -c7-8,22-23

mixing options (offset, byline)

And we can mix options (in any order):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep byline '26' offset 

Using atend with offset

The atend option, issued by itself, has no impact on operations:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep atend '26'        
26 26 

So we need to combine it with the offset option to make an impact:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep atend offset '26' 
8 23 

dropping the leading 3

With the drop3 option, we merely exclude the leading 3 of pi from our calculations. This should result in everything being “off by one” from previous outputs (with any combination of arguments):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep atend offset '26' drop3
7 22 

Using MAX to limit processing

Sometimes, a pattern may produce an untenable quantity of results. We may wish to restrict it, and can do so with the aid of setting the MAX variable.

Take this request, which produces numerous results:

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | ./pigrep '2'                    
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 

We can cut that down to a smaller quantity by setting MAX accordingly (let's say, limit to 4 matches):

lab46:~/src/unix/spf0$ cat pi.120.out | MAX=4 ./pigrep '2'
2 2 2 2 

You could also export MAX, mitigating the need to manually specify it for each run.


Evaluation will be based on correctness of values as well as on formatting/spacing.

You'll notice that everything lines up and is positioned similarly:

To be sure, I'll be checking to make sure you solution follows the spirit of what this project is about (that you implement functional, flowing logic utilizing the tools and concepts we've learned, in an application that helps demonstrate your comprehension). Don't try to weasel your way out of this or cut corners. This is an opportunity to further solidify your proficiency with everything.

Spirit of project

The spirit of the project embodies many aspects we've been focusing on throughout the semester:

Basically: I want your solution to be the result of an honest, genuine brainstorming process where you have figured out a path to solving the problem, you have dabbled and experimented and figured things out, and you can command the concepts and tools with a fluency enabling you to pull off such a feat. Your solution should demonstrate the real learning that took place and experience gained.

Cutting corners, avoiding work, skimping on functionality, cheating through getting others to do work for you or finding pre-packaged “answers” on the internet violates the spirit of the project, for they betray your ability to pull off the task on your own.

Identifying shortcomings

I would also like it if you provided an inventory of what functionality is lacking or out of spec when you submit the project. The better you can describe your deviations from stated requirements, the more forgiving I may be during evaluation (versus trying to hide the shortcomings and hoping I do not discover them).

The more fluent you are in describing your shortcomings on accomplishing the project (ie “I didn't know how to do this” is far from fluent), the better I will be able to gauge your understanding on a particular aspect.

This can be in the form of comments in your script, or even a separate file submitted at time of submission (if a file, be sure to make mention of it in your script so I can be sure to look for it).


By successfully performing this project, you should have a fully functioning set of scripts by the names pigen and pigrep, which are all you need to submit for project completion (no steps file, as your “steps” file ARE the scripts you wrote).

To submit this project to me using the submit tool, run the following command at your lab46 prompt:

$ submit unix spf0 pigen pigrep
Submitting unix project "spf0":
    -> pigen(OK)
    -> pigrep(OK)


You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos and or locational mismatches.

I'll be looking for the following:

26:spf0:final tally of results (26/26)
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize variables in operations [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize command-line arguments [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize command expansions [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize regular expressions [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize selection structures [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts effectively utilize looping structures [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts are proper bash scripts with shabang and exit [2/2]
*:spf0:pigrep displays values in proper orientation [2/2]
*:spf0:pigrep accurately displays values as requested [2/2]
*:spf0:scripts properly manage input violations [2/2]
*:spf0:pigen operates according to specifications [2/2]
*:spf0:pigrep operates according to specifications [2/2]
*:spf0:script logic is organized and easy to read [2/2]
