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Corning Community College

CSIT1320 HPC Fundamentals

Project: WEB PAGE ADVENTURE (wpa0)


One of the original draws of the early World Wide Web, which for most people seems to have outpaced the general Internet in popularity, was the ability to host web pages.

We will be experiencing that very task, through the manual creation of our own web pages, as well as the necessary UNIX-related backdrop helping to ensure its operation.


Web pages are written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language), a document format that web browsers can interpret and render content to the screen.

They are reached via URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), which inform various tools of the how, where, and what to retrieve.

In our case, we'll be using the Lab46 Web Server to host our own web content. Piecing together the above how, where, and what, our URL will resemble the following:

Many of you have likely already been interacting with your web URL as a means of facilitating activities in other assignments.

The “~username”, and specifically the tilde (~), is a server-configured feature indicating your home directory's web directory, which is public_html/, any content put under that directory and made world readable (public_html/ itself as well as your parent home directory must both have world search in order for it to work as well). You may create subdirectories under public_html/ and store web content under them- the same permissions requirements apply.

To reference any subdirectories, merely append the directory name after the “~username/” component of the URL.

Basic rule of thumb for file permissions is as follows:


As indicated above, web documents intended for viewing in a web browser are predominantly either written (or ultimately displayed as) HTML.

HTML uses a set of predefined tags, very much like some of the wiki-based tags you may have used while maintaining your up-to-date weekly Journal entries.

A google search for HTML tags will turn up a seemingly unending list of information on HTML and the available tags, that information which you will be required to obtain to complete this project.

The basic format of many tags is of one of the two formats:

The forward slash (stroke) is used to identify the closing tag, and is also present at the end of the unary tag.

Common mistakes are misspelling the tag, or forgetting to close an opening tag.


Your task for this project will be to create a series of web pages in the form of a simple web-based adventure game.

It will consist of a minimum of 11 pages (1 for start page, 1 for map page, 9 minimum for world pages– of course, you can always have more), each one consisting of a room that the viewer can navigate to.

You get to come up with the theme of your particular world/adventure. Is it medieval? Futuristic? Based in the Thundercats universe? Filled with furries? Bronies? Pick something you can have fun with that still conforms to the requirements.

Requirements are as follows:

As this would be a great opportunity to better familiarize yourself with vi/vim, I will emphasize the following:

Past Entries

Here are some prior semester examples, which you can use for inspiration (but please, no copying!)

Spirit of project

The spirit of the project embodies many aspects we've been focusing on throughout the semester:

Basically: I want your solution to be the result of an honest, genuine brainstorming process where you have (on your own) figured out a path to solving the problem, you have dabbled and experimented and figured things out, and you can command the concepts and tools with a fluency enabling you to pull off such a feat. Your solution should demonstrate the real learning that took place and experience gained.

Cutting corners, avoiding work, skimping on functionality, cheating through getting others to do work for you or finding pre-packaged “answers” on the internet violates the spirit of the project, for they betray your ability to pull off the task on your own.


To successfully complete this project, the following criteria must be met:

To submit this project to me using the submit tool, run the following command at your lab46 prompt:

$ submit unix wpa0 wpa0.tar.gz
Submitting unix project "wpa0":
    -> wpa0.tar.gz (OK)


You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos or location mismatches.

I'll be evaluating the project based on the following criteria:

78:wpa0:final tally of results (78/78)
*:wpa0:successfully submitted project [4/4]
*:wpa0:correct URL given [4/4]
*:wpa0:has starting page at /adventure.{html,php} [4/4]
*:wpa0:adventure starting page describes adventure [4/4]
*:wpa0:adventure page has link(s) to navigate [4/4]
*:wpa0:has map page at /map.{html,php} [4/4]
*:wpa0:map provides clear information on how to navigate [4/4]
*:wpa0:at least 9 additional pages [4/4]
*:wpa0:each additional page has link(s) to navigate [4/4]
*:wpa0:each additional page is connected via available links [6/6]
*:wpa0:adventure contains at least 3 terminal end points [4/4]
*:wpa0:adventure contains at least 4 images [4/4]
*:wpa0:adventure pages utilize additional content enhancements [6/6]
*:wpa0:minimum of three subdirectories storing adventure files [4/4]
*:wpa0:content correctly referenced within directory [6/6]
*:wpa0:page and media located in pertinent directory [4/4]
*:wpa0:content is original [4/4]
*:wpa0:content has a consistent theme [4/4]