Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS2320 Data Structures


Project: SLL (Singly Linked List)


To implement base singly linked list functionality (insert, append, getNode) and explore the processing of data through utilization of a linked listTake the Singly Linked List code we worked on in class, and extend it as follows:


Utilizing the same basic node structure we created and experimented with, create the following functions (in accordance with function prototypes given) to perform the requested functionality on our list:

Some other implementation criteria:


Your task for this project will be to implement the above functions, working with our previously established node structure, to create singly linked lists.

For this project, you will be focusing on the implementation of those functions, and providing some means of demonstrating their efficacy:


Points I will look to evaluate:

Looking ahead

While I am not requiring such for THIS project, these will soon become requirements (perhaps as soon as next week), so you may want to start considering and being mindful of them: