Table of Contents

Corning Community College

CSCS2330 Discrete Structures

PROJECT: Debug And Polish (DAP0)


As we have been implementing our pong and breakout games, occasionally some logic error occurs, preventing desired functionality. Debugging then ensues, to try and ascertain what isn't as it should be, what assumptions are we making that are incorrect, and what is just plain wrong and needs to be fixed.

One useful debugging tool we all could benefit from is a set of functions for displaying values onto the screen: if we know the value of a variable during runtime, we can better determine if things are as they should be. And if not: potentially help us in identifying the source of whatever problem is being experienced.


Take your ttb1-level breakout and add in a function that provides the following functionality:

This function (and any other helper functions) can then be a companion on your other endeavours this semester in Vircon32, giving you quick access to some tools to help you figure out problems as they crop up.


You will want to go here to edit and fill in the various sections of the document:


To be successful in this project, the following criteria (or their equivalent) must be met:

Submit Tool Usage

Let's say you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following:

lab46:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ submit DESIG PROJECT file1 file2 file3 ... fileN

You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos and or locational mismatches.


I'll be evaluating the project based on the following criteria:

39:dap0:final tally of results (39/39)
*:dap0:multibase value output function implemented [26/26]
*:dap0:code compiles with no warnings or errors [7/7]
*:dap0:all game and build related files submitted [6/6]

For those doing data/dap0, and wondering if this multibase function can be the entirety (or in fact considered as any) of your enhancement or polish: no.

Pertaining to the collaborative authoring of project documentation
