Table of Contents

Corning Community College

ENGR1050 C for Engineers

PROJECT: Explore A Project (EAP2)


Explore some new component from the electronics kit: construct and test a circuit, demonstrate operations with software.

We are now onto part 3, where you will complete the finished product.


Do note, the productive way to go about this project involves taking the following steps:

If you start too late, and do not ask questions, and do not have enough time and don't know what is going on, you are not doing the project correctly.


This is part one of a sequence: decide on some project you’d like to pursue, this project lays the groundwork of understanding of individual components.

Peruse the Freenove tutorial PDF, generate ideas, don’t bite off more than you can chew (considering you have about 3 weeks).

And document your selection, progress, and final results on the project documentation page!


No grabit for this project: you should be able to reference previous project demos and create working programs from what you’ve used and what you’ve learned.

It would be highly recommended to create a eap0/ directory in your repository, alongside your other projects, and perhaps to call your program eap0.c

The Makefile from other projects can be adapted to work with your current endeavour (would only need to change perhaps one line near the top of the Makefile in a text editor).


You will want to go here to edit and fill in the various sections of the document:


To be successful in this project, the following criteria (or their equivalent) must be met:

Submit Tool Usage

Let's say you have completed work on the project, and are ready to submit, you would do the following (assuming you have a program called uom0.c):

lab46:~/src/SEMESTER/DESIG/PROJECT$ make submit

You should get some sort of confirmation indicating successful submission if all went according to plan. If not, check for typos and or locational mismatches.


I'll be evaluating the project based on the following criteria:

104:eap2:final tally of results (104/104)
*:eap2:clean compile of code, no compiler messages [13/13]
*:eap2:picture or short video of finished product to class chat [13/13]
*:eap2:completed code using components to accomplish target [52/52]
*:eap2:code tracked in lab46 semester repo [13/13]
*:eap2:project documentation page updated with pertinent information [13/13]

Pertaining to the collaborative authoring of project documentation
