12/08/2014 11:45am - UNIX projects, attendance, and opus entries have been updated! Be sure to check status output to verify everything is in order.
if I missed anything (especially notes project entries you might have done for bonus), shoot me an e-mail and let me know the date(s), so I can record them appropriately.
as I had to update week 12 opus entries due to my “week after break” bug, everyone had plenty of time to get their opus entries up to date. At this point I am considering the window for updating past opus entries for credit to be closed. Note that you still have one Opus entry remaining, for week 13 (due before it is Tuesday).
all projects prior to the statuscalc project have been closed to submissions; they are sufficiently late at this point so as not to get any credit.
the statuscalc project itself is getting a little long in the tooth; it may still be open, but there will be considerable late penalties applied- the aim is to get everyone focused on timeonline and the eoce.
Reminder: if you have any borrowed books from the LAIRbrary, be sure to return them before the end of the semester!
Week 12
Unveiled EoCE… from this point on it will be “work on stuff” time;
no attendance will be recorded after the 12/02/2014 class
one more Opus entry will be recorded
Week 11
Congratulations to user for winning the Week 10 bonus point drawing