NEXT WEEK, there will be a “Knowledge Assessment”, which will test your skills on anything learned up through this week. Be sure you have been keeping up with the labs, case studies, playing, and have an up-to-date Opus (I may also be checking things off).
Make sure you find time to play! That's the only way you are really going to learn this material.
Week 1
Read over the syllabus.
Obtain and start perusing through the books (I highly recommend reading UNIX for the Beginning Mage from start to finish, as soon as possible).
Here is a guide on setting up the screen/irssi session for class chat.Get on the class chat, and familiarize yourself with basic screen usage (attaching/detaching). Most everyone doesn't get the screen setup right the first time. Pay attention- ask questions. You are already starting to learn course material with this. I will be watching your progress!