Table of Contents

Corning Community College

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals

Project 0x04: Super Puzzle Box 2 Turbo



To solve the puzzle.


For this assignment, the file you seek is located in the puzzlebox/ subdirectory of the UNIX Public Directory (/var/public/unix/). The file is called: windows.iso

1. Do the following:
a.Copy windows8.iso into your home directory.
b.Use your skills to unravel this puzzle.


All questions in this assignment require an action or response. Please organize your responses into an easily readable format and submit the final results to your instructor.

Your assignment is expected to be performed and submitted in a clear and organized fashion- messy or unorganized assignments may have points deducted. Be sure to adhere to the submission policy.

The successful results of the following actions will be considered for evaluation: