In C++, write a Color class that accomplishes the following:
To “add” or “subtract” colors, look to actual color combinations:
Red, Yellow, and Blue are primary colors
Orange, Green, and Purple are secondary colors
White is the presence of all colors
Black is the absence of all colors
Might there be some mathematical relationship between the colors, so that we can apply numerical values to aid us in our processing?
With the completion of your Color class, write a small application program (ie a main()) that instantiates a few Color objects.
With this program, do the following:
Instantiate at least 3 color objects
Set two of them to various colors
Add two colors together (using the + operator), and store the result in the third color
Subtract two colors (using the - operator), and store the result in another color
Display the colors going into various operations, and the resulting color after the operation has taken place.