Corning Community College

UNIX/Linux Fundamentals


Assignment Title Due Date
EoCE End of Course Experience 12/17/2010
CS 0xC Groups and Security 12/10/2010
Lab 0xC Filters 12/10/2010
CS 0xB Data Manipulation 12/03/2010
Lab 0xB Data Analysis with Regular Expressions and Scripting 12/03/2010
CS 0xA Fun with grep 11/19/2010
Lab 0xA Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions 11/19/2010
CS 0x9 Device Files 11/12/2010
Lab 0x9 Introduction to Pattern Matching 11/12/2010
CS 0x8 Data Types in C 11/05/2010
Lab 0x8 The UNIX Programming Environment 11/05/2010
CS 0x7 Scheduled Tasks 10/29/2010
Lab 0x7 Shell Scripting Concepts 10/29/2010
CS 0x6 Collaborative Documentation 10/22/2010
Lab 0x6 Job Control and Multitasking 10/22/2010
CS 0x5 UNIX Messaging Tools 10/15/2010
Lab 0x5 More UNIX Shell Explorations 10/15/2010
CS 0x4 Unconventional naming 10/01/2010
Lab 0x4 UNIX Shell Basics 10/01/2010
CS 0x3 The “file” utility 09/24/2010
Lab 0x3 Text Processing 09/24/2010
Data Dirs Checking Status in your data directory on-going
Lab 0x2 Files and Directories 09/17/2010
CS 0x2 Archive Handling 09/17/2010
Lab 0x1 Basic Utilities and their Manual Pages 09/10/2010
CS 0x1 Netiquette 09/10/2010
Lab 0x0 Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Lab46 09/03/2010
CS 0x0 Web Pages 09/03/2010
JIT Journal Initialization Tutorial 08/29/2010
IRC Join the Class IRC 08/29/2010

Assignments are due by 11:59:59PM on the date listed in the Due Date column above.