Hannah Ju's Opus
Fall 2015 Data Structure
Hello! Nice to meet you! I like computer and programming!
I would like to learn a lot about the data structure
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As a first time doing data structure project, I am very excited! XD
So I am done with my review project, dsi0. It's been a while using c language so I forgot most part of it. However, It became familiar as I use them :) For the project, I used switch for the selection of the menu. Because I used the switch, I put break after each cases. I got problem where the menu pops up twice. It was because of the character ENTER. So I used if statement for that and it worked fine! :) Also I used some techniques that I learned last semester such as fprintf,fscanf and arrays. It wasn't so hard but it was long.. I wasn't sure about the project at first , however, I think I finished project well. I am so happy with that because I forgot C a lot at first.
Today, I got some idea of how to finish the project sln0. I still don't sure about the difference of code between insert and append, however, I understand the concepts of them. Insert is something that goes before of the specific node and append goes after the node. I had hard time understanding what 'Assuming you do not know the composition of the list' means. I didn't know that it meant I know the list but computer don't. On a piece of paper, I finished the project based on my understanding. So I'm not sure if this is what Matt wants hmm… But the good news is that this singly linked thing is making sense to me. Actually, fun. I am so excited to do the next project, sln1! But, I am worried about how to make this work with “code”.
I finally get to write “real” code for singly linked node. The organization of directories were quite confusing. So it took me while adjusting to the directories. I forgot some of function part from C class so I didn't notice the return(). But I finally got it! :) The thing that really helped me was the “make check”. I really liked it. It was very convenient check if I have any errors in my code.
The node-app-display and node-app-arrtolist help me to see how the code can be shorter by using mknode. Also, I used while loop and if statement for cpnode. If I see more than one node, I copy the next node, too. Matt said it is the next project, however, I think I did that in this project. :) I am very glad that I am actually understanding “node” thing.
I almost submit late for sll0. I had so much hard time struggling this project. I spent all of the weekend for this and I finally submit it 3 hours before the deadline. I am really happy that I am not late. So the project was all about the list and making various functions with it. All of the project was hard for me. I struggled displayf for a long time and after figuring it out, pos.c was much of time consuming (not so hard). However, insert.c was the worst. I had same error everytime even if I fixed it a lot! So the problem came out to be that I did not consider myList → last points to the null. So if I say
newNode → after = myList → last;
newNode → after points to NULL, too. For the solution, I made new node that could be temporary myList → last. After I insert the node, I removed it. I think really hard for this. Once more, I recognize what pointer is.. hmm….
Wow! I finished sll1! This is unbelievable! I literally spent a whole week for this project. I had hard time making libraries for the functions in sll1. So many segmentation faults! I couldn't handle those. So I emailed Matt about it. Most of the time, I eventually figured it out with some assist. I just fixed some codes because of many returns. I reduced it to only one. I thought append wouldn't be that hard because I wrote code for insert a week ago. However, it was little bit different. So I did searchlist first. It was really easy compared to other functions. Displayb, too. Just reversing displayf. Then I figured out append. The problem was that I didn't set myList → last node after changing the last node to newnode. For cplist, I thought I did all right. However, it wasn't compiling. The problem was because my insert function wasn't working right. Maybe I should fix it. Then compare function. Aww.. It was hard come up with idea of how to make it. First part which was dealing with null and empty lists wasn't that hard. However, real compare part which includes position was somewhat confusing. I actually didn't understand the function well at first. The position is in parameter and I thought I was able to use it. But I had to adjust the value of the *pos. It was looong project and I saw sll2, sll3 and sll4 comming up. I will finish everything next week!!
I finished sll2 today! I wish this project would been last week's project. It was much easier than last one. Less time consuming. I think it is because now I really got the concept. For obtain, the basic shape of the code was similar. I had to check 5 things: NULL, empty, one node, first node, last node and other cases. For rmlist, it was very similar to the rmnode. For clearlist, I removed nodes one at a time until the list is empty. Next was swapnode. For this function, I used a lot of obtain, append and insert. The real thing was sortlist. In order to complete sortlist, I had to use arrays. I was really confused between int and char. Because the char was used for searchlist. I didn't figured out why char can be int, too.
Awesome! I finished all of the projects that is due 28th. I was stuck on last unit test for lobtain not knowing what the problem was. Today, I figured it out. It was the [place] part in insert. I thought considering 5things would work perfectly at any circumstances. However, I considered null group, null newList. But, not null place. If place is not given, all I have to do is return as it is. This part was little bit tricky, because, I didn't have any problem with obtain function (obtaining node). I am not actually used to the gdb. But today, I saw magic running gdb that provides a lot of information. sll3 and sll4 wasn't big deal. Actually, better than sll2. So I am looking for the new project! doubly linked list! I heard that it has previous pointer in there. I think that makes my life so much easier. Because I finished all of my projects, I will walk away from the lab46 for a while. ~_~ and eventually I will come back.
So now we are learning about doubly linked list! The good thing about doubly linked list is that now I can use the pointer that points to the before node(prior). Also, the new thing is that now the return type has changed. Now I have to return the status which is expressed as hex value. We did this kind of return when we did 'compare'. I didn't started the project yet. However, I assume it wouldn't be so different from the projects that we did before.
I got some error when I try to assign value to the newnode. I thought I just had to do
*(newNode) → VALUE = info;
However, it gave me error. I should find out today. Other than that, I think this is fine start. Since I didn't finish the mknode, I wasn't able to start cpnode. Of course I am done with rmnode.
ugh… I forgot to do make submit for dln0. So I did it today. However, I was pressing upward arrow key for doing my project, I accidently submitted dll1. Oh, well.. I don't care. I will submit once again whenever I finish my project. So far, I finished rmlist, emptylist and obtain. Not so hard. It was similar to what we did with singly linked node. Just adding prior pointer.
I finally finished my dll1. I was really scared of swapnode and sortnode. However, I think I did well. Actually, I had problem with compare. I wasn't able to assign values to the difference. However, the problem was solved. I forgot to put pointer there. Other than that, I had swapnode issue. I didn't think of the case where I have to swap the first and the second node in the list. Because of the error, I couldn't do anything for the sortnode. But, Matt found the error for me. :) So nice. Now, I have to deal with dll2 and stack. I forgot the name of the project.. However, it looked fun. I can't wait to be started! dll2 was just adding qty values to the lists, I assume. Last time when I was dealing with qty values, it took me about half hour to finish. I was so proud of myself :P So I guess dll2 won't be so challenging..
It was matter of pointers!! @_@ I had hard time figuring out the pointers that are all over the place. Returning status code wasn't hard. Dealing with double pointers was harder. So I completed the dls0. Stacks are fun and easy. It is because there are only top pointer and size. I didn't know that I had to make things up for the cpstack and pop function. I actually figured out by myself by making one more if statement.
else if( (*node) == NULL )
By adding this line into the code, I recognized that all successful cases fell in to this if statement. Smart way to check it. :) Another part that made trouble was removing the thing that I made. Because I didn't recognize it earlier, I lost all my bonus points.. T_T… But not a big deal, I will shoot for it during the break.
I finished dlq0. It wasn't hard because it was similar to the last project. Queue was just time consuming project. Now I really got the concept of the pointer, address and so on. I can't wait for the last project eoce!