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dsi0 is done and my brain feels like 8 pound jello… the program is working as described displaying editing and creating arrays. debugging was so time consuming and i had to do 3 re hall of my program. that is complete restructuring.

i swear to you this was not procrastination i dont have fun any more … i dont even know why im typing this… i think i should go to sleep now i just feel so defeated…


recently we dived into the intricate structures of linked list and their sudo counterparts.

i know have enough of an understanding that i want to create a node vector drawing program for graphics libraries i could try it with text and refresh but that sounds insane.

here is an example for later reference *note* this is not perfect. check in src/data/sll0/unit/list/vector.c

#include        <stdio.h>
#include        "node.h"
#include        "list.h"
struct point
        int *x;         //make float later
        int *y;
        int *z;
        struct point *after;
struct vector
        point *first;
        point *last;
typedef struct point Point;
typedef struct vector Vector;
int main()
        // begin drawing 3d cube
        // fnt face
        Vector *fnt1 = NULL;
        Vector *fnt2 = NULL;
        Vector *fnt3 = NULL;
        Vector *fnt4 = NULL;
        //bk face
        Vector *bk1 = NULL;
        Vector *bk2 = NULL;
        Vector *bk3 = NULL;
        Vector *bk4 = NULL;
        // fnt face data points  
        fnt = mkpoint(fnt,5,5,0);
        fnt = mkpoint(fnt,10,5,0);
        fnt = mkpoint(fnt,10,10,0);
        fnt = mkpoint(fnt,5,10,0);
        // bk face data points
        bk  = mkpoint(bk,5,5,-5);
        bk  = mkpoint(bk,10,5,-5);
        bk  = mkpoint(bk,10,10,-5);
        bk  = mkpoint(bk,5,10,-5);
        return 0;
Point *mkPoint(Point *pnt, int * x, int *y, int *z)
        pnt = (vector *) malloc(sizeof(vector));
        // do stuff
}       //return pnt
Vector *addPoint(Point *vList, Point * new)
        // do stuff
}       // return vList


experiencing multiple levels of burnout but i have finally reach a crest in this part of the code were i can see new horizons. unfortunately this also reveals the upcoming storm. i feel good though today code sll3 will be submitted early even though sll2 is broken ill eventually revisit it.


been really busy working one these newer projects in the doubly linked list section ive finished the dln0 doubly linked nodes. and it was way more thought then i had imagined. i thought i wasn't getting any rest earlier ….anyways the special things about dll and beyond is we have now added error handling to our code and restructured our base node and list structs to now include a new type UNION containing DATA,VALUE,OTHER also the list struct now has a node linking to prior or a previus node in the list. this allows us to now move forward and backwards in the list with more freedom. thats all for now im off the finish dll0 display because its due today.


this week been pretty bussy trying to get my pc up and running got distracted with the idea of trying to hack the oppus for an impossible grade lol. and have an incomplete understanding of this stack que thing… just submited a completly incomplete project ill continue on it for now…


this is a opus entery im not sure what to put so yeah… had break last week started stacks and queues. currently 2 weeks from end of course experience… not looking forward to this.


time is coming near the count down has begun. things ive learned this week trees are a pain in the ass but supper useful i finished addnode in the tree project now im trying to understand traverse. the problems i had with addnode were minimal logic i used a || logic when i should have used a && causing a seg fault then i was iterating my max height check causing it to reach its limit early.