=======Home Server====== Name: Samantha Weller Course: HPC1 Due Date: a long way from now. Assignment # and description Short abstract describing the purpose of your program / assignment. =====Objective===== This is probably more for me then for the class. I am going to make a server for home use that is going to store data and other things. I am hoping that I can set it up, secure it, accesses it remotely, have it log info on my home net: when it was used, what it was used for, and so on. I also am going to use the server to keep a raid copy of the data on it. And that is going to give me a net inter face. =====Prerequisites===== =====Background====== =====Concept Attributes===== - Attribute - stuff - Attribute - Attribute - Attribute - Attribute =====Scope===== =====Procedure===== =====Source Code===== =====Reflection===== =====References=====