======Centeralized Syslog Database====== All of the VMs will use rsyslog to send their log files to a central log database powered by MySQL that can then be accessed via the LogAnalyzer web based graphical front end to facilitate easy viewing and filtering of events. In order to ensure that the system logs are securely transmitted from the local machine to the central log server, we will be using the native TLS encryption that is built into versions 3.19.0 and higher of rsyslog. One caveat is that the main source tree for Debian Lenny uses v3.18.6 of rsyslog. However, the backports source tree features v4.4.2-1 of rsyslog. {{page>user:ryoung12:portfolio:rsyslog:upgrade&nofooter}} {{page>user:ryoung12:portfolio:rsyslog:ca&nofooter}} {{page>user:ryoung12:portfolio:rsyslog:server&nofooter}}