======Project: If Statements====== A project for CSCS 1320 by Paul Sechrist during the Spring 2013. =====Objectives===== C program must: * Ask the user to enter a number * place entered value into a variable * display a message accordingly * if value < 50 "You suck" * if value == 50 "Way to ruin the joke." * if value > 50 "Well, someone's over compensating." * =====Code===== #include int main() { int a; fprintf(stdout, "Please enter a number:\n"); fscanf(stdin,"%u", &a); if (a<50) { fprintf(stdout, "YOU SUCK! \n"); } else if (a==50) { fprintf(stdout, "you ruined the joke....\n"); } else if (a>50) { fprintf(stdout, "Wellllll, someone's over compensating"); } return(0); } =====Execution===== lab46:~/src$ ./numif Please enter a number: 1 YOU SUCK! lab46:~/src$ ./numif Please enter a number: 50 you ruined the joke.... lab46:~/src$ ./numif Please enter a number: 100 Wellllll, someone's over compensating.... lab46:~/src$ =====Reflection===== Fairly easy, good way to learn how to use if statements. =====References===== Kellen kinda helped.... a bit.