=== November 1 2010 === --- Log opened Mon Nov 01 23:18:52 2010 Lastlog: 13:00 -!- nox [~user@] has joined #lair 13:00 -!- Topic for #lair: LAIR chat 13:00 -!- Topic set by -Server- [] [Mon Sep 20 11:59:52 2010] 13:00 [Users #lair] 13:00 [ Ender] [ jzimmer5] [ Riptuer] [ wedge] 13:00 [ Ian ] [ nox ] [ tracer ] 13:00 -!- Irssi: #lair: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal] 13:00 -!- Irssi: Join to #lair was synced in 2 secs 13:01 < wedge> welcome back 13:01 < nox> Good afternoon 13:01 < nox> Thanks 14:00 -!- You're now known as _nox 15:57 -!- You're now known as nox 15:57 < nox> Grrrrrr 15:57 < nox> Openswan has frustrated me for now 15:57 < nox> I'll have to take a break and get back to this guy after dinner 15:58 < nox> I think I understand the theory of what needs to be done 15:59 < nox> I've compiled my own copy of strongswan 15:59 < nox> This version doesn't require kernel modifications 15:59 < nox> sweet 15:59 < nox> and it lets me enable NAT traversal 15:59 < nox> So that all works 16:00 < nox> but somewhere either in the Openswan configs or l2tp config files I missed something 16:00 < nox> The syslog doesn't even show my iPhone trying to connect 16:00 < nox> Grrrr 16:00 < nox> But I feel pretty confident that I will get it 16:01 < nox> Interesting thing- Openswan can route to OpenVPN 16:01 < nox> so we could provide an OpenSwan gateway for iOS devies and keep using OpenVPN 16:01 < nox> I think that could be cool 16:02 < nox> DSLab is joined to LAIR through an OpenVPN tunnel, right? 16:02 < nox> Anyway, just thinking about stuff 16:02 < nox> I'll be back later tonight 16:03 < nox> I think Herb is going to join in on the VPNing fun, maybe we'll get something going 16:03 < nox> Also I'm going to spend some time with the db server tonight 16:03 < nox> I think I might be pretty close with that 16:03 < nox> :) 16:03 -!- You're now known as _nox 18:07 < wedge> yes-- OpenVPN tunnel connects DSLAB and LAIR 18:36 < wedge> regarding logs... where are you trying to run openswan? on juicebar? 19:30 < _nox> I'm sticking clear of making any changes to production machines until I can prove OpenSwan 19:31 < _nox> I'm running it on Athens01 19:31 < wedge> and where is your client coming from? 19:31 < _nox> The client is my iPhone who has joined UFO 19:31 -!- You're now known as nox 19:33 < wedge> I wonder if, the reason you are not seeing any log messages, is because the server is physically not receiving any packets? 19:33 < wedge> firewall on UFO? 19:33 < nox> Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too 19:33 < nox> hmm that's a good point, I can definitely see that apache server from the iPhone 19:34 < wedge> I know if you were going through juicebar, the firewall rules WOULD block it by default 19:34 < wedge> we'd have to add a rule to specifically allow that traffic on a particular interface 19:35 < nox> But UFO is already on the inside, wouldn't that take care of the firewall? 19:35 < wedge> UFO may be running a firewall 19:36 < wedge> it is designed to by default 19:36 < nox> That's a good though, I was wondering if we could run openswan on ufo itself but I hadn't looked into that just yet 19:37 < wedge> for example, there's a setting to allow remote access to the administrative web interface from networks outside the ones it serves 19:37 < wedge> it is typically disabled by default. That is handled by its firewall. 19:38 < wedge> what type of traffic is openswan looking to pass? 19:38 < nox> http://wiki.openswan.org/index.php/Openswan/ConfFirewall 19:38 < wedge> probably something at the IP level? I seem to recall not much going on at transport level 19:38 < nox> It looks like protocol 50, 51 and some UDP 19:39 < wedge> what are we running on UFO... DD-WRT? 19:40 < wedge> ultimately, you won't want to run OpenSWAN on UFO... because all the traffic will be coming from the outside network, and hitting juicebar 19:40 < nox> UFO is running ddwrt, yup 19:41 < nox> ok, so you think the load would be too much (and unnecessary) on UFO 19:42 < wedge> I don't think it would be too much... UFO just doesn't deal with the network traffic you'd be using OpenSWAN for 19:42 < wedge> it is inside, where you want OpenSWAN intercepting outside traffic (ie juicebar's domain) 19:43 < nox> Okay 19:43 < wedge> the current suspicion is that UFO might be unintentionally blocking the traffic, preventing you from testing 19:43 < nox> I have openswan on the inside right now just to test it out 19:43 < wedge> yeah 19:43 < nox> It doesn't actually make much sense to VPN in when you're already on the inside 19:43 < nox> ;) 19:43 < wedge> but you said you weren't getting any log messages 19:43 < wedge> correct :) 19:44 < nox> correct! I'm looking into the firewall now 19:45 < nox> hmm ok so all the firewalls are off and have been off 19:45 < nox> And all VPN passthrough settings are enabled and have been enabled 19:46 < wedge> have you tried doing a tcpdump to see what traffic might be arriving at Athens0? 19:46 < nox> not yet 19:47 < nox> What do you think this means: 19:47 < nox> Athens01 reports an address of 19:48 < nox> I can access it via that address on other machines on the network 19:48 < nox> when I ping athens01 while connected to UFO I can an address of 19:48 < nox> *I get an 19:48 < nox> But the host isn't accessible via that address 19:49 < nox> and the 10.81 address isn't reachable 19:49 < wedge> DNS settings are causing that to happen 19:49 < wedge> the 208.68.... 19:49 < nox> So there's the answer from UFO athens01 isn't accessible 19:50 < wedge> I can't seem to get in to, is it using a different password? 19:51 < nox> You should see observium @ 19:51 < nox> It's a piece of software I was toying with but didn't work out 19:52 < wedge> I was trying to ssh into the machine as root 19:52 < wedge> if it is ubuntu, probably disabled by default 19:52 < nox> It is ubuntu 19:52 < nox> the user is called user 19:52 < nox> password is standard 19:54 < nox> I think the whole problem is that there is no path from ufo -> athens01 19:54 < wedge> hmm indeed 19:55 < wedge> yeah, ufo doesn't seem to be happy with traffic coming to it at all 19:56 < wedge> I can't ping it from juicebar, athens01, or the LAIR end of the VPN 19:56 < nox> But I can connect to it and get out to the internet 19:56 < wedge> are you able to get a console on it (ie via SSH)? 19:56 < nox> It has an IP 19:56 < nox> Err 19:58 < wedge> if you can, copy and paste: netstat -nr 19:58 < nox> It looks like the physical connection is UFO (internet port) -> dslab1 (port 19( 19:59 < nox> Working on the netstat 19:59 < nox> I'm talking to you from one machine and on UFO on another 20:00 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659081 20:01 < wedge> that's on your Mac, right? 20:01 < nox> Yup 20:01 < wedge> I need to see that for ufo itself 20:01 < nox> So shh into UFO? 20:01 < wedge> yeah 20:01 < wedge> if we have that set up 20:02 < nox> telnet is setup but netstat isn't available 20:03 < wedge> how about: ip route show 20:04 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659084 20:04 < wedge> ah 20:04 < wedge> there's our problem 20:04 < wedge> ufo is on the CSci subnet 20:04 < nox> but it's connected to port 19 on dslab1 20:06 < nox> Should I move it over to the switch where we have our workstations setup? 20:06 < nox> On that switch everyone definitely is getting an internal address 20:06 < wedge> yes 20:07 < wedge> I will admit I am puzzled by why it is getting a 137.238.8.x address 20:07 < wedge> what else is on dslab1 ? 20:07 < wedge> we're talking one of the netgear switches, right? 20:07 < nox> Yeah dslab1 is one of the netgear switches 20:08 < wedge> are other devices on the dslab1 switch getting 10.81.1.x or are they also getting 137.238.8.x addresses? 20:09 < nox> it looks like sparta is on dslab1 20:09 < nox> also sparta04 is making some bad spinny clicky noises 20:09 < nox> sounds like a sick drive 20:10 < wedge> are you sure it isn't an internal fan making contact with wires? 20:10 < wedge> Philip assembled one that did that, and I don't recall if he ever figured out which one it was to fix 20:10 < nox> No, I just heard bad noises and came back to the keyboard 20:11 < wedge> yeah, sparta00 is definitely getting a 10.81.1.x address 20:11 < nox> alright I'll add looking into it to the whiteboard 20:11 < nox> it's not sick in any way on the monitor 20:11 < wedge> I don't see anything immediately awry on sparta04 20:11 < wedge> that's just *weird*... it shouldn't be able to work 20:11 < wedge> has ufo been reset anytime recently? 20:11 < nox> I just reset and moved UFO 20:12 < nox> reset, like the software? nope 20:12 < wedge> reset as in power cycle 20:12 < wedge> ah 20:12 < wedge> there we go 20:12 < wedge> I can ping ufo now 20:14 < nox> But now I don't get the internet through ufo 20:14 < wedge> can you give me another: ip route show 20:14 < wedge> on ufo? 20:14 < nox> Yeah on UFO 20:14 < wedge> yeah, give me another :ip route show 20:14 < wedge> for ufo 20:14 < nox> But UFO definitely sees juicebar in the routing table 20:15 < nox> Well that doesn't matter, I can see from UFO 20:15 < nox> that's what I'm working on :) 20:15 < nox> Ok, let's try openswan 20:16 < wedge> getting internet might be a simple fix of a route addition 20:16 < nox> Oh and no luck on VPN 20:17 < wedge> try accessing the internet from your machine on UFO 20:17 < nox> Nope, the mac on UFO doesn't get to the internet 20:18 < wedge> well, no traffic is hitting juicebar 20:18 < wedge> I suspect a route problem 20:18 < wedge> if you could get me a: ip route show 20:19 < wedge> from ufo's console, we can ascertain it...improper routes could also still be preventing your OpenSWAN experiment from working 20:19 < nox> hmmm I can't post to github 20:20 < nox> What was the route command, again? I just did route but it may not be what you want 20:20 < wedge> ip route show 20:22 < nox> gist.github.com/659108 20:23 < wedge> ok, on your mac on ufo's network, try to access: 20:23 < wedge> tell me if you get anything 20:23 < nox> Lab46: The Wiki 20:24 < wedge> ok, networking works, DNS is broken 20:24 < wedge> on the UFO side of the network 20:25 < nox> Alright, what am I looking for? 20:25 < wedge> very weird I'm not picking up any traffic 20:26 < wedge> do me a favor, try refreshing that page 20:26 < wedge> on your mac 20:26 < wedge> just trying to pick up traffic in a tcpdump 20:26 < nox> You're still alive 20:26 < wedge> yeah... I'd check DNS Settings on UFO 20:26 < wedge> make sure the DNS Server is: 20:26 < wedge> searching dslab.lan 20:26 < wedge> domain dslab.lan 20:27 < wedge> whatever the options are called 20:27 < wedge> if you want additional DNS: 20:27 < wedge> 20:27 < wedge> 20:27 < nox> Local DNS is set to 20:28 < nox> Static DNS 1 is set to 20:28 < nox> ditto for DNS 2 20:28 < nox> DNS 3 is 20:28 < wedge> well, that doesn't exist.. 20:28 < wedge> shouldn't be throwing things off though 20:28 < nox> DNS 3? 20:28 < wedge> yeah 20:28 < wedge> 20:29 < nox> Is there a 20:29 < nox> Just curious 20:29 < wedge> yes 20:29 < wedge> 20:29 < wedge> and 20:29 < wedge> you had written 20:29 < wedge> note the 81 instead of the 80 20:29 < nox> so all DNS is in the 10.80 range 20:30 < nox> There is no 20:30 < wedge> there is 20:30 < wedge> that's the only one in 10.81 20:30 < wedge> 20:30 < wedge> 20:30 < wedge> 20:31 < nox> Hark! 20:31 < nox> The internet 20:31 < wedge> :) 20:31 < wedge> at least one problem solved! 20:31 < nox> I changed to and rebooted 20:31 < nox> and then the internet worked 20:31 < nox> Why would that do it? 20:31 < wedge> why no OpenSWAN... as far as I can tell... it shouldn't be prevented from working 20:31 < wedge> might have been a stale value 20:32 < wedge> it *should* work with, that's what the rest of the DSLAB is using for DNS 20:32 < nox> Hmmm weird 20:32 < nox> but that's one problem gone 20:32 < nox> Er 20:32 < nox> maybe 20:33 < nox> Now I can't get to 20:33 < nox> through ufo 20:33 < wedge> can you ping 20:34 < wedge> on your mac 20:34 < nox> Nope 20:34 < wedge> hook me up with another: ip route show 20:34 < wedge> on ufo's console 20:34 < wedge> heh, I can't ping ufo anymore either 20:35 < nox> I can still get to the IP for the wiki 20:36 < wedge> something's not right... check and see if it is back on the CSci subnet 20:36 < nox> UFO is on the CS domain 20:36 < wedge> why, I have no idea (or how) 20:36 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659123 20:36 < wedge> big ol' W-T-F 20:36 < nox> :D 20:37 < nox> Amen to that 20:37 < wedge> I am honestly at a loss, based on what I know, this is defying the impossible 20:37 < wedge> let's try some basic debugging 20:37 < nox> okay 20:37 < wedge> on the WAN port on UFO, where is that plugged into? 20:37 < wedge> should be the DSLAB1 switch 20:37 < wedge> (or DSLAB2 switch-- some netgear internal DSLAB switch) 20:37 < nox> the WAN port is plugged into port 19 of the same switch that services all of the athens workstations 20:37 < wedge> ok 20:37 < nox> it's an unnamed DELL powerconnect 20:38 < wedge> how about the LAN ports? 20:38 < nox> Nothing going into any of them 20:38 < wedge> woah... what is an unnamed DELL powerconnect? 20:38 < wedge> the switch that services the athens workstations? 20:38 < wedge> the Dell powerconnect is OUTSIDE 20:38 < nox> It's the switch that services the athens workstations, I don't think we can connect to the switch 20:38 < nox> The switch is on the inside 20:38 < nox> the machine I'm typing on is on this switch 20:38 < wedge> did you move it to the inside? 20:39 < wedge> that switch used to be where juicebar (and bob) got their external connections 20:39 < wedge> it was configured for 137.238.7.x, and had no configuration for inside 20:39 < nox> Are you sure? There's another Dell switch in the back 20:39 < nox> I'm on the dell switch on this athens and I have an IP of 20:39 < wedge> is it a 16-port Dell switch? 20:40 < wedge> the dumb, 16-port switch by the G5? 20:40 < nox> yes 20:40 < wedge> ok... so different Dell switch 20:40 < wedge> I thought you said it was plugged into the big 24-port Dell switch behind the video wall 20:41 < nox> It was, when we started the night 20:41 < nox> then a ways back I moved it closer to me physically 20:41 < nox> we had the same problems 20:41 < wedge> :) 20:41 < nox> :) 20:41 < wedge> ok... so that Dell 16-port switch.. does it plug into (ultimately) one of the two netgear switches? 20:42 < nox> port 17 on dslab 1 20:42 < nox> so yes 20:42 < wedge> ok 20:43 < wedge> something is hooked into the CS subnet 20:43 < nox> Didn't we have a sparta get a 137 address recently too? 20:44 < nox> Ok 20:44 < wedge> you might want to trace all the connections into that 16-port dumb Dell switch, make sure there aren't any accidental connections to the wall 20:44 < wedge> it doesn't make sense, but if there's a connection, rogue DHCP could be getting through 20:44 < wedge> and some devices getting caught up in that 20:45 < wedge> I'd expect there to be more problems if that were the case, but it is something to look for at any rate 20:45 < nox> I only see one connection to the wall in the corner by the video wall 20:45 < nox> although it's a bit of a mess 20:45 < nox> let me go look some more 20:46 < wedge> the way it should be: the ONLY connection from the wall should go to the 24-port Dell switch 20:49 < nox> Still alive? 20:49 < nox> Am I still here? 20:50 < wedge> as far as I can tell 20:50 < nox> Weird 20:50 < nox> I shouldn't be 20:50 < nox> I lost power on the switch 20:50 < nox> that this is connected to 20:50 < wedge> not necessarily the end of the world 20:50 < wedge> networking can be resilient like that 20:50 < nox> I guess, or this is heaven 20:50 < nox> but anyway 20:51 < nox> to the DELL powerconnect there was another outside connection 20:51 < nox> So there were 2! 20:51 < wedge> and you disconnected one of them, or are they both still plugged in? 20:52 < wedge> I seem to remember a white cable (once upon a time) being the one for the outside connection 20:52 < wedge> but that could easily have been changed over time 20:52 < nox> I pulled the connection from the DELL powerconnect port 3 to the wall 20:52 < wedge> ok... and we're still operational 20:52 < nox> There is still a white cable going into a mess of cables over behind the VWall 20:52 < nox> Rebooted UFO 20:52 < wedge> I'm pinging again 20:53 < nox> I get internet and I can ping node132 20:53 < wedge> so it is back 20:53 < nox> It's back 20:53 < nox> When we were cleaning the lab and setting up workstations there were a lot of people moving computer and plugging and unplugging 20:53 < nox> I'm sure this cable ended up plugged in by someone because it seemed like the right thing 20:53 < nox> heck it could have been me 20:54 < wedge> what's important is that the mystery (hopefully) has been solved 20:54 < nox> indeed! 20:55 < nox> There is now a route from the iPhone to for http 20:55 < nox> But VPN fails :( 20:58 < nox> It's hard to know what's going on because there's so much noise on a tcpdump 20:58 < wedge> ufo stopped pinging 20:59 < nox> entirely my fault, I kicked the power cord out 20:59 < nox> It'll be back in just a second 20:59 < wedge> ok, just paranoid thinking the problem had returned 20:59 < wedge> yep, it is back 20:59 < nox> If you're working with VPN, the shared secret is cookie 21:00 < nox> the username is nsr1 and will accept any password 21:00 < wedge> ok 21:01 < wedge> where are you tcpdumping, on athens01? 21:01 < nox> Even if I'm tailing /var/log/messages I'm not seeing anything VPNish 21:01 < nox> yeah, tcpdump is on athens01 21:01 < nox> To setup the VPN I followed this guide: http://nielspeen.com/blog/2009/04/linux-l2tpipsec-with-iphone-and-mac-osx-clients/ 21:01 < wedge> what is the IP of your client device? 21:01 < nox> 21:02 < nox> (iPhone) 21:02 < wedge> 1.101, or 5.101? 21:02 < nox> good catch 21:02 < nox> 21:02 < wedge> try connecting to the VPN with the iPhone 21:02 < wedge> I'm doing a tcpdump 21:03 < nox> Alright here we are 21:03 < nox> fail 21:03 < nox> Again 21:03 < wedge> yeah, seeing nothing 21:03 < nox> fail 21:04 < nox> ipsec is definitely running 21:05 < nox> As is xl2tpd 21:07 < nox> brb 21:09 < nox> back 21:12 < wedge> your iPhone is on ufo's network? 21:12 < nox> Yeah 21:12 < wedge> for server, you put in 21:13 < nox> Yup: http://picasaweb.google.com/nixterrimus/Lab#5534754249785342002 21:15 < nox> I see that ubuntu's built in firewall is deactivated 21:15 < nox> that's good 21:16 < wedge> shouldn't be preventing traffic (but you never know)--- you have nat_traversal enabld in /etc/ipsec.conf 21:16 < wedge> might want to flip that to a no and restart it 21:16 < wedge> at the moment, you're not nat traversing 21:16 < wedge> everyone has a "real" IP 21:17 < nox> I think nat_traversal is supposed to be enabled in ipsec.conf and it looks like it is 21:17 < nox> I built strongswan with the nat_traversal enabled 21:18 < nox> I think it needs to be enabled for the VPN to work, should I try it with nat_traversal off? 21:21 < wedge> yeah, nat_traversal is an option to enable openswan to work with a connection through a NAT 21:21 < nox> Alright, let's try flipping it to off and restarting strongswan 21:21 < wedge> like a roadrunner connection with only 1 IP serving a network of machines behind it 21:21 < wedge> like I said, I don't see how it could be preventing operation, but it is something out of place, so worth trying 21:22 < nox> Gotcha, won't that eventually be us when we have 1 137.238 address as an entry? 21:22 < nox> Alright, I 21:22 < nox> Alright, I've turned it off and rebooted 21:22 < nox> and still no luck with the iPhone 21:22 < wedge> yeah, we will then 21:23 < nox> but right now, not a big deal 21:30 < nox> Ok 21:30 < nox> There is something happening 21:30 < nox> Listening on port 500 or 4500 21:30 < nox> sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n -p udp port 500 or udp port 4500 21:30 < nox> I'll br back right back 21:42 < wedge> I'm going to head out shortly 21:42 < wedge> if you are back soonish... I'm tcpdumping with those parameters... give it a shot, I'd like to see what's happening 21:43 < nox> Alright I'm going trying to connect 21:43 < nox> and making noise 21:43 < wedge> indeed 21:44 < wedge> so traffic is being received 21:44 < wedge> and sent 21:44 < nox> yes 21:44 < wedge> did this happen before the nat_traversal? 21:44 < nox> I don't know I didn't learn about this command until just before I sent it to you 21:45 < nox> should I change the nat_traversal parameter? 21:45 < wedge> interestingly, it would appear some NAT'ing may be happening on the UFO side 21:45 < wedge> as the traffic is coming from 21:45 < wedge> which is UFO's presence on the dslab.lan 10.81.1.x network 21:46 < nox> But since ipsec is good with anyone connecting that shouldn't matter should it? 21:46 < wedge> correct 21:46 < wedge> I do wonder if traffic is being passed back to the iPhone as it should be 21:47 < wedge> are you getting any indication on the iPhone as to any level of communication? 21:47 < nox> No, it's pretty useless as an indicator 21:47 < wedge> might be worth setting up your Mac to do it 21:47 < wedge> see if it can generate you some client side log messages 21:47 < nox> it just says Connecting... and then The l2TP-VPN Server did not respond. Try reconnecting or contact your admin, etc 21:48 < wedge> yeah, IF ufo isn't properly routing the return packets back, I could see that being an issue (needing some "firewall" rules, if only for NAT) 21:48 < wedge> but, we don't have enough information to make that determination 21:49 < wedge> trying it with your Mac, if it can produce logs, might be more telling 21:49 < wedge> hmmm 21:49 < wedge> something different 21:49 < wedge> port 1? 21:49 < nox> The mac is talking 21:49 < wedge> purely 1 way 21:50 < wedge> at least, not talking back on 500 or 4500 21:50 < wedge> two-way.... same as before... any logs on the Mac to speak of? 21:51 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659161 21:51 < nox> nothing really interesting 21:51 < nox> basically "connection failed" 21:51 < wedge> hmmm 21:53 < nox> I is in and R is return? 21:54 < wedge> could be 21:55 < wedge> how are you restarting/starting openswan? 21:55 < wedge> some /etc/init.d script? 21:55 < wedge> or something more manual? 21:55 < nox> init.d 21:55 < wedge> just xl2tpd ? 21:56 < wedge> does that handle everything? 21:56 < nox> ipsec and then xl2tpd 21:57 < wedge> try connecting again 21:58 < nox> Just tried the mac 21:58 < nox> same error messages in the log 21:58 < wedge> hmmm 21:59 < nox> the ipsec command looks interesting 21:59 -!- Irssi: Pasting 7 lines to #lair. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 21:59 < nox> sudo ipsec status 21:59 < nox> [sudo] password for user: 21:59 < nox> 000 "L2TP":{}; unrouted; eroute owner: #0 21:59 < nox> 000 "L2TP": newest ISAKMP SA: #0; newest IPsec SA: #0; 21:59 < nox> 000 21:59 < nox> Security Associations: none 21:59 < nox> Not entirely sure what the output means but it looks like there's an ipsec tunnel available 21:59 < wedge> where you seeing that? 22:00 < wedge> on the mac? 22:00 < nox> on athens01 22:00 < wedge> hey... did you look in /var/log/auth.log ? 22:00 < wedge> there's some interesting things in there about no preshared key found 22:00 < nox> Where do you see that? 22:01 < wedge> tail -f /var/log/auth.log 22:01 < wedge> and try connecting 22:01 -!- Irssi: Pasting 8 lines to #lair. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 22:01 < nox> sudo ipsec secrets 22:01 < nox> 002 forgetting secrets 22:01 < nox> 002 loading secrets from "/etc/ipsec.secrets" 22:01 < nox> 002 loading secrets from "/var/lib/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.inc" 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded private key file '/etc/ipsec.d/private/athens01Key.pem' (1675 bytes) 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded shared key for 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded shared key for 22:01 < nox> 003 "/etc/ipsec.secrets" line 12: PSK data malformed (input does not begin with format prefix): \342\200\234cookie" 22:01 < nox> Line 12 22:01 < nox> :) 22:01 < wedge> it's something 22:02 < nox> %any: PSK “cookie" 22:04 < nox> after redoing the line I get 22:04 < nox> unable to start strongSwan -- fatal errors in config 22:04 < wedge> yeah, I was testing something real quick 22:05 < wedge> remove the plutodebug=yes line and save it 22:05 < wedge> I was about to do it, but it looks like you got in there 22:05 < nox> I don't see that line 22:05 < nox> Can you do it? 22:05 < wedge> yep, got it, started it 22:05 < wedge> try connecting again 22:06 < nox> Connection still fails 22:06 < nox> (mac) 22:06 < wedge> mmm.... many more interesting things though 22:07 < nox> What are you looking at? 22:07 < wedge> tail -f /var/log/auth.log /var/log/daemon.log 22:07 < wedge> both auth and daemon 22:07 < wedge> there's at least some activity now (I guess you fixed the malformed psk problem?) 22:08 < nox> maybe, what's this: Nov 1 22:07:24 athens01 charon: 07[CFG] line 12: missing ' : ' separator 22:08 < wedge> that's a good one 22:08 < wedge> we'd need to find the charon config 22:08 < wedge> where-ever that is 22:09 < nox> Also no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:09 < wedge> I just glanced at /etc/ipsec.conf and /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf ... nothing that appears to be missing a ':' on or around line 12 22:09 < wedge> the no authorized connection is a good sign though 22:09 < wedge> it means it is at least trying things 22:09 < wedge> we'd need to look at figuring out how to authorize something 22:10 < nox> Right now it's authorizing by shared secret and charon config 22:10 < nox> err 22:10 < nox> /etc/xl2tpd/l2tp-secrets: 22:10 < nox> not charon config 22:10 < wedge> all blank? 22:11 < nox> Well that's a problem 22:11 < wedge> indeed 22:11 < nox> I added a user 22:12 < nox> * ** * nsr1 * 22:13 < nox> Maybe I need to restart ipsec 22:13 < wedge> give it a shot 22:13 < nox> More progress! 22:14 < wedge> indeed 22:14 < nox> This looks like good news: Nov 1 22:13:32 athens01 pluto[23823]: "L2TP"[2] #2: IPsec SA established {ESP=>0x085175f8 <0xb4dde234} 22:14 < wedge> aye 22:15 < wedge> however, I must be off for now 22:15 < wedge> at least it is going more, if in fits and starts 22:15 < nox> Nov 1 22:15:21 athens01 pluto[23823]: packet from initial Main Mode message received on but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:15 < wedge> try googling some of that 22:15 < wedge> I did earlier and there were results 22:16 < wedge> might have to cherry pick a bit to find something useful 22:16 < nox> but in /etc/ipsec.conf: 22:16 < nox> conn L2TP authby=psk pfs=no 22:16 < nox> key phrase authby=psk 22:16 < wedge> maybe there is another component still missing? 22:17 < wedge> good luck! 22:17 < nox> Thanks, we're closer 22:17 < nox> :) 22:19 < nox> YES!!! 22:19 < nox> I'm conneted 22:19 < nox> with a weird IP 22:19 < nox> but anyway 22:20 < nox> The key was setting no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:20 < nox> I'm connected with both my Mac and my iPhone! 22:20 < nox> haha! 22:21 < nox> I'm not sure if you just headed out but we're in, it's working 22:22 < nox> Phase one - Test OpenSwan: Complete! 22:23 < nox> Probably the nat traversal had to be turned on because I compiled strongswan with that option 22:34 < nox> Phase two: This whole setup needs to move to a dedicated computer with two ethernet ports, right? 22:35 < nox> Then get that working, then to work on LDAP as an authentication scheme 22:35 < nox> Sweet! 22:36 < nox> I'm pleased with the progress we've made tonight, now I'm going to work on my WEP research for a couple of hours 22:36 -!- You're now known as _nox 23:15 < _nox> Work in Progress: http://www.offbyone.lan/user/nsr1/open_swan_vpn End of Lastlog Lastlog: 13:00 -!- nox [~user@] has joined #lair 13:00 -!- Topic for #lair: LAIR chat 13:00 -!- Topic set by -Server- [] [Mon Sep 20 11:59:52 2010] 13:00 [Users #lair] 13:00 [ Ender] [ jzimmer5] [ Riptuer] [ wedge] 13:00 [ Ian ] [ nox ] [ tracer ] 13:00 -!- Irssi: #lair: Total of 7 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 7 normal] 13:00 -!- Irssi: Join to #lair was synced in 2 secs 13:01 < wedge> welcome back 13:01 < nox> Good afternoon 13:01 < nox> Thanks 14:00 -!- You're now known as _nox 15:57 -!- You're now known as nox 15:57 < nox> Grrrrrr 15:57 < nox> Openswan has frustrated me for now 15:57 < nox> I'll have to take a break and get back to this guy after dinner 15:58 < nox> I think I understand the theory of what needs to be done 15:59 < nox> I've compiled my own copy of strongswan 15:59 < nox> This version doesn't require kernel modifications 15:59 < nox> sweet 15:59 < nox> and it lets me enable NAT traversal 15:59 < nox> So that all works 16:00 < nox> but somewhere either in the Openswan configs or l2tp config files I missed something 16:00 < nox> The syslog doesn't even show my iPhone trying to connect 16:00 < nox> Grrrr 16:00 < nox> But I feel pretty confident that I will get it 16:01 < nox> Interesting thing- Openswan can route to OpenVPN 16:01 < nox> so we could provide an OpenSwan gateway for iOS devies and keep using OpenVPN 16:01 < nox> I think that could be cool 16:02 < nox> DSLab is joined to LAIR through an OpenVPN tunnel, right? 16:02 < nox> Anyway, just thinking about stuff 16:02 < nox> I'll be back later tonight 16:03 < nox> I think Herb is going to join in on the VPNing fun, maybe we'll get something going 16:03 < nox> Also I'm going to spend some time with the db server tonight 16:03 < nox> I think I might be pretty close with that 16:03 < nox> :) 16:03 -!- You're now known as _nox 18:07 < wedge> yes-- OpenVPN tunnel connects DSLAB and LAIR 18:36 < wedge> regarding logs... where are you trying to run openswan? on juicebar? 19:30 < _nox> I'm sticking clear of making any changes to production machines until I can prove OpenSwan 19:31 < _nox> I'm running it on Athens01 19:31 < wedge> and where is your client coming from? 19:31 < _nox> The client is my iPhone who has joined UFO 19:31 -!- You're now known as nox 19:33 < wedge> I wonder if, the reason you are not seeing any log messages, is because the server is physically not receiving any packets? 19:33 < wedge> firewall on UFO? 19:33 < nox> Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too 19:33 < nox> hmm that's a good point, I can definitely see that apache server from the iPhone 19:34 < wedge> I know if you were going through juicebar, the firewall rules WOULD block it by default 19:34 < wedge> we'd have to add a rule to specifically allow that traffic on a particular interface 19:35 < nox> But UFO is already on the inside, wouldn't that take care of the firewall? 19:35 < wedge> UFO may be running a firewall 19:36 < wedge> it is designed to by default 19:36 < nox> That's a good though, I was wondering if we could run openswan on ufo itself but I hadn't looked into that just yet 19:37 < wedge> for example, there's a setting to allow remote access to the administrative web interface from networks outside the ones it serves 19:37 < wedge> it is typically disabled by default. That is handled by its firewall. 19:38 < wedge> what type of traffic is openswan looking to pass? 19:38 < nox> http://wiki.openswan.org/index.php/Openswan/ConfFirewall 19:38 < wedge> probably something at the IP level? I seem to recall not much going on at transport level 19:38 < nox> It looks like protocol 50, 51 and some UDP 19:39 < wedge> what are we running on UFO... DD-WRT? 19:40 < wedge> ultimately, you won't want to run OpenSWAN on UFO... because all the traffic will be coming from the outside network, and hitting juicebar 19:40 < nox> UFO is running ddwrt, yup 19:41 < nox> ok, so you think the load would be too much (and unnecessary) on UFO 19:42 < wedge> I don't think it would be too much... UFO just doesn't deal with the network traffic you'd be using OpenSWAN for 19:42 < wedge> it is inside, where you want OpenSWAN intercepting outside traffic (ie juicebar's domain) 19:43 < nox> Okay 19:43 < wedge> the current suspicion is that UFO might be unintentionally blocking the traffic, preventing you from testing 19:43 < nox> I have openswan on the inside right now just to test it out 19:43 < wedge> yeah 19:43 < nox> It doesn't actually make much sense to VPN in when you're already on the inside 19:43 < nox> ;) 19:43 < wedge> but you said you weren't getting any log messages 19:43 < wedge> correct :) 19:44 < nox> correct! I'm looking into the firewall now 19:45 < nox> hmm ok so all the firewalls are off and have been off 19:45 < nox> And all VPN passthrough settings are enabled and have been enabled 19:46 < wedge> have you tried doing a tcpdump to see what traffic might be arriving at Athens0? 19:46 < nox> not yet 19:47 < nox> What do you think this means: 19:47 < nox> Athens01 reports an address of 19:48 < nox> I can access it via that address on other machines on the network 19:48 < nox> when I ping athens01 while connected to UFO I can an address of 19:48 < nox> *I get an 19:48 < nox> But the host isn't accessible via that address 19:49 < nox> and the 10.81 address isn't reachable 19:49 < wedge> DNS settings are causing that to happen 19:49 < wedge> the 208.68.... 19:49 < nox> So there's the answer from UFO athens01 isn't accessible 19:50 < wedge> I can't seem to get in to, is it using a different password? 19:51 < nox> You should see observium @ 19:51 < nox> It's a piece of software I was toying with but didn't work out 19:52 < wedge> I was trying to ssh into the machine as root 19:52 < wedge> if it is ubuntu, probably disabled by default 19:52 < nox> It is ubuntu 19:52 < nox> the user is called user 19:52 < nox> password is standard 19:54 < nox> I think the whole problem is that there is no path from ufo -> athens01 19:54 < wedge> hmm indeed 19:55 < wedge> yeah, ufo doesn't seem to be happy with traffic coming to it at all 19:56 < wedge> I can't ping it from juicebar, athens01, or the LAIR end of the VPN 19:56 < nox> But I can connect to it and get out to the internet 19:56 < wedge> are you able to get a console on it (ie via SSH)? 19:56 < nox> It has an IP 19:56 < nox> Err 19:58 < wedge> if you can, copy and paste: netstat -nr 19:58 < nox> It looks like the physical connection is UFO (internet port) -> dslab1 (port 19( 19:59 < nox> Working on the netstat 19:59 < nox> I'm talking to you from one machine and on UFO on another 20:00 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659081 20:01 < wedge> that's on your Mac, right? 20:01 < nox> Yup 20:01 < wedge> I need to see that for ufo itself 20:01 < nox> So shh into UFO? 20:01 < wedge> yeah 20:01 < wedge> if we have that set up 20:02 < nox> telnet is setup but netstat isn't available 20:03 < wedge> how about: ip route show 20:04 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659084 20:04 < wedge> ah 20:04 < wedge> there's our problem 20:04 < wedge> ufo is on the CSci subnet 20:04 < nox> but it's connected to port 19 on dslab1 20:06 < nox> Should I move it over to the switch where we have our workstations setup? 20:06 < nox> On that switch everyone definitely is getting an internal address 20:06 < wedge> yes 20:07 < wedge> I will admit I am puzzled by why it is getting a 137.238.8.x address 20:07 < wedge> what else is on dslab1 ? 20:07 < wedge> we're talking one of the netgear switches, right? 20:07 < nox> Yeah dslab1 is one of the netgear switches 20:08 < wedge> are other devices on the dslab1 switch getting 10.81.1.x or are they also getting 137.238.8.x addresses? 20:09 < nox> it looks like sparta is on dslab1 20:09 < nox> also sparta04 is making some bad spinny clicky noises 20:09 < nox> sounds like a sick drive 20:10 < wedge> are you sure it isn't an internal fan making contact with wires? 20:10 < wedge> Philip assembled one that did that, and I don't recall if he ever figured out which one it was to fix 20:10 < nox> No, I just heard bad noises and came back to the keyboard 20:11 < wedge> yeah, sparta00 is definitely getting a 10.81.1.x address 20:11 < nox> alright I'll add looking into it to the whiteboard 20:11 < nox> it's not sick in any way on the monitor 20:11 < wedge> I don't see anything immediately awry on sparta04 20:11 < wedge> that's just *weird*... it shouldn't be able to work 20:11 < wedge> has ufo been reset anytime recently? 20:11 < nox> I just reset and moved UFO 20:12 < nox> reset, like the software? nope 20:12 < wedge> reset as in power cycle 20:12 < wedge> ah 20:12 < wedge> there we go 20:12 < wedge> I can ping ufo now 20:14 < nox> But now I don't get the internet through ufo 20:14 < wedge> can you give me another: ip route show 20:14 < wedge> on ufo? 20:14 < nox> Yeah on UFO 20:14 < wedge> yeah, give me another :ip route show 20:14 < wedge> for ufo 20:14 < nox> But UFO definitely sees juicebar in the routing table 20:15 < nox> Well that doesn't matter, I can see from UFO 20:15 < nox> that's what I'm working on :) 20:15 < nox> Ok, let's try openswan 20:16 < wedge> getting internet might be a simple fix of a route addition 20:16 < nox> Oh and no luck on VPN 20:17 < wedge> try accessing the internet from your machine on UFO 20:17 < nox> Nope, the mac on UFO doesn't get to the internet 20:18 < wedge> well, no traffic is hitting juicebar 20:18 < wedge> I suspect a route problem 20:18 < wedge> if you could get me a: ip route show 20:19 < wedge> from ufo's console, we can ascertain it...improper routes could also still be preventing your OpenSWAN experiment from working 20:19 < nox> hmmm I can't post to github 20:20 < nox> What was the route command, again? I just did route but it may not be what you want 20:20 < wedge> ip route show 20:22 < nox> gist.github.com/659108 20:23 < wedge> ok, on your mac on ufo's network, try to access: 20:23 < wedge> tell me if you get anything 20:23 < nox> Lab46: The Wiki 20:24 < wedge> ok, networking works, DNS is broken 20:24 < wedge> on the UFO side of the network 20:25 < nox> Alright, what am I looking for? 20:25 < wedge> very weird I'm not picking up any traffic 20:26 < wedge> do me a favor, try refreshing that page 20:26 < wedge> on your mac 20:26 < wedge> just trying to pick up traffic in a tcpdump 20:26 < nox> You're still alive 20:26 < wedge> yeah... I'd check DNS Settings on UFO 20:26 < wedge> make sure the DNS Server is: 20:26 < wedge> searching dslab.lan 20:26 < wedge> domain dslab.lan 20:27 < wedge> whatever the options are called 20:27 < wedge> if you want additional DNS: 20:27 < wedge> 20:27 < wedge> 20:27 < nox> Local DNS is set to 20:28 < nox> Static DNS 1 is set to 20:28 < nox> ditto for DNS 2 20:28 < nox> DNS 3 is 20:28 < wedge> well, that doesn't exist.. 20:28 < wedge> shouldn't be throwing things off though 20:28 < nox> DNS 3? 20:28 < wedge> yeah 20:28 < wedge> 20:29 < nox> Is there a 20:29 < nox> Just curious 20:29 < wedge> yes 20:29 < wedge> 20:29 < wedge> and 20:29 < wedge> you had written 20:29 < wedge> note the 81 instead of the 80 20:29 < nox> so all DNS is in the 10.80 range 20:30 < nox> There is no 20:30 < wedge> there is 20:30 < wedge> that's the only one in 10.81 20:30 < wedge> 20:30 < wedge> 20:30 < wedge> 20:31 < nox> Hark! 20:31 < nox> The internet 20:31 < wedge> :) 20:31 < wedge> at least one problem solved! 20:31 < nox> I changed to and rebooted 20:31 < nox> and then the internet worked 20:31 < nox> Why would that do it? 20:31 < wedge> why no OpenSWAN... as far as I can tell... it shouldn't be prevented from working 20:31 < wedge> might have been a stale value 20:32 < wedge> it *should* work with, that's what the rest of the DSLAB is using for DNS 20:32 < nox> Hmmm weird 20:32 < nox> but that's one problem gone 20:32 < nox> Er 20:32 < nox> maybe 20:33 < nox> Now I can't get to 20:33 < nox> through ufo 20:33 < wedge> can you ping 20:34 < wedge> on your mac 20:34 < nox> Nope 20:34 < wedge> hook me up with another: ip route show 20:34 < wedge> on ufo's console 20:34 < wedge> heh, I can't ping ufo anymore either 20:35 < nox> I can still get to the IP for the wiki 20:36 < wedge> something's not right... check and see if it is back on the CSci subnet 20:36 < nox> UFO is on the CS domain 20:36 < wedge> why, I have no idea (or how) 20:36 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659123 20:36 < wedge> big ol' W-T-F 20:36 < nox> :D 20:37 < nox> Amen to that 20:37 < wedge> I am honestly at a loss, based on what I know, this is defying the impossible 20:37 < wedge> let's try some basic debugging 20:37 < nox> okay 20:37 < wedge> on the WAN port on UFO, where is that plugged into? 20:37 < wedge> should be the DSLAB1 switch 20:37 < wedge> (or DSLAB2 switch-- some netgear internal DSLAB switch) 20:37 < nox> the WAN port is plugged into port 19 of the same switch that services all of the athens workstations 20:37 < wedge> ok 20:37 < nox> it's an unnamed DELL powerconnect 20:38 < wedge> how about the LAN ports? 20:38 < nox> Nothing going into any of them 20:38 < wedge> woah... what is an unnamed DELL powerconnect? 20:38 < wedge> the switch that services the athens workstations? 20:38 < wedge> the Dell powerconnect is OUTSIDE 20:38 < nox> It's the switch that services the athens workstations, I don't think we can connect to the switch 20:38 < nox> The switch is on the inside 20:38 < nox> the machine I'm typing on is on this switch 20:38 < wedge> did you move it to the inside? 20:39 < wedge> that switch used to be where juicebar (and bob) got their external connections 20:39 < wedge> it was configured for 137.238.7.x, and had no configuration for inside 20:39 < nox> Are you sure? There's another Dell switch in the back 20:39 < nox> I'm on the dell switch on this athens and I have an IP of 20:39 < wedge> is it a 16-port Dell switch? 20:40 < wedge> the dumb, 16-port switch by the G5? 20:40 < nox> yes 20:40 < wedge> ok... so different Dell switch 20:40 < wedge> I thought you said it was plugged into the big 24-port Dell switch behind the video wall 20:41 < nox> It was, when we started the night 20:41 < nox> then a ways back I moved it closer to me physically 20:41 < nox> we had the same problems 20:41 < wedge> :) 20:41 < nox> :) 20:41 < wedge> ok... so that Dell 16-port switch.. does it plug into (ultimately) one of the two netgear switches? 20:42 < nox> port 17 on dslab 1 20:42 < nox> so yes 20:42 < wedge> ok 20:43 < wedge> something is hooked into the CS subnet 20:43 < nox> Didn't we have a sparta get a 137 address recently too? 20:44 < nox> Ok 20:44 < wedge> you might want to trace all the connections into that 16-port dumb Dell switch, make sure there aren't any accidental connections to the wall 20:44 < wedge> it doesn't make sense, but if there's a connection, rogue DHCP could be getting through 20:44 < wedge> and some devices getting caught up in that 20:45 < wedge> I'd expect there to be more problems if that were the case, but it is something to look for at any rate 20:45 < nox> I only see one connection to the wall in the corner by the video wall 20:45 < nox> although it's a bit of a mess 20:45 < nox> let me go look some more 20:46 < wedge> the way it should be: the ONLY connection from the wall should go to the 24-port Dell switch 20:49 < nox> Still alive? 20:49 < nox> Am I still here? 20:50 < wedge> as far as I can tell 20:50 < nox> Weird 20:50 < nox> I shouldn't be 20:50 < nox> I lost power on the switch 20:50 < nox> that this is connected to 20:50 < wedge> not necessarily the end of the world 20:50 < wedge> networking can be resilient like that 20:50 < nox> I guess, or this is heaven 20:50 < nox> but anyway 20:51 < nox> to the DELL powerconnect there was another outside connection 20:51 < nox> So there were 2! 20:51 < wedge> and you disconnected one of them, or are they both still plugged in? 20:52 < wedge> I seem to remember a white cable (once upon a time) being the one for the outside connection 20:52 < wedge> but that could easily have been changed over time 20:52 < nox> I pulled the connection from the DELL powerconnect port 3 to the wall 20:52 < wedge> ok... and we're still operational 20:52 < nox> There is still a white cable going into a mess of cables over behind the VWall 20:52 < nox> Rebooted UFO 20:52 < wedge> I'm pinging again 20:53 < nox> I get internet and I can ping node132 20:53 < wedge> so it is back 20:53 < nox> It's back 20:53 < nox> When we were cleaning the lab and setting up workstations there were a lot of people moving computer and plugging and unplugging 20:53 < nox> I'm sure this cable ended up plugged in by someone because it seemed like the right thing 20:53 < nox> heck it could have been me 20:54 < wedge> what's important is that the mystery (hopefully) has been solved 20:54 < nox> indeed! 20:55 < nox> There is now a route from the iPhone to for http 20:55 < nox> But VPN fails :( 20:58 < nox> It's hard to know what's going on because there's so much noise on a tcpdump 20:58 < wedge> ufo stopped pinging 20:59 < nox> entirely my fault, I kicked the power cord out 20:59 < nox> It'll be back in just a second 20:59 < wedge> ok, just paranoid thinking the problem had returned 20:59 < wedge> yep, it is back 20:59 < nox> If you're working with VPN, the shared secret is cookie 21:00 < nox> the username is nsr1 and will accept any password 21:00 < wedge> ok 21:01 < wedge> where are you tcpdumping, on athens01? 21:01 < nox> Even if I'm tailing /var/log/messages I'm not seeing anything VPNish 21:01 < nox> yeah, tcpdump is on athens01 21:01 < nox> To setup the VPN I followed this guide: http://nielspeen.com/blog/2009/04/linux-l2tpipsec-with-iphone-and-mac-osx-clients/ 21:01 < wedge> what is the IP of your client device? 21:01 < nox> 21:02 < nox> (iPhone) 21:02 < wedge> 1.101, or 5.101? 21:02 < nox> good catch 21:02 < nox> 21:02 < wedge> try connecting to the VPN with the iPhone 21:02 < wedge> I'm doing a tcpdump 21:03 < nox> Alright here we are 21:03 < nox> fail 21:03 < nox> Again 21:03 < wedge> yeah, seeing nothing 21:03 < nox> fail 21:04 < nox> ipsec is definitely running 21:05 < nox> As is xl2tpd 21:07 < nox> brb 21:09 < nox> back 21:12 < wedge> your iPhone is on ufo's network? 21:12 < nox> Yeah 21:12 < wedge> for server, you put in 21:13 < nox> Yup: http://picasaweb.google.com/nixterrimus/Lab#5534754249785342002 21:15 < nox> I see that ubuntu's built in firewall is deactivated 21:15 < nox> that's good 21:16 < wedge> shouldn't be preventing traffic (but you never know)--- you have nat_traversal enabld in /etc/ipsec.conf 21:16 < wedge> might want to flip that to a no and restart it 21:16 < wedge> at the moment, you're not nat traversing 21:16 < wedge> everyone has a "real" IP 21:17 < nox> I think nat_traversal is supposed to be enabled in ipsec.conf and it looks like it is 21:17 < nox> I built strongswan with the nat_traversal enabled 21:18 < nox> I think it needs to be enabled for the VPN to work, should I try it with nat_traversal off? 21:21 < wedge> yeah, nat_traversal is an option to enable openswan to work with a connection through a NAT 21:21 < nox> Alright, let's try flipping it to off and restarting strongswan 21:21 < wedge> like a roadrunner connection with only 1 IP serving a network of machines behind it 21:21 < wedge> like I said, I don't see how it could be preventing operation, but it is something out of place, so worth trying 21:22 < nox> Gotcha, won't that eventually be us when we have 1 137.238 address as an entry? 21:22 < nox> Alright, I 21:22 < nox> Alright, I've turned it off and rebooted 21:22 < nox> and still no luck with the iPhone 21:22 < wedge> yeah, we will then 21:23 < nox> but right now, not a big deal 21:30 < nox> Ok 21:30 < nox> There is something happening 21:30 < nox> Listening on port 500 or 4500 21:30 < nox> sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -n -p udp port 500 or udp port 4500 21:30 < nox> I'll br back right back 21:42 < wedge> I'm going to head out shortly 21:42 < wedge> if you are back soonish... I'm tcpdumping with those parameters... give it a shot, I'd like to see what's happening 21:43 < nox> Alright I'm going trying to connect 21:43 < nox> and making noise 21:43 < wedge> indeed 21:44 < wedge> so traffic is being received 21:44 < wedge> and sent 21:44 < nox> yes 21:44 < wedge> did this happen before the nat_traversal? 21:44 < nox> I don't know I didn't learn about this command until just before I sent it to you 21:45 < nox> should I change the nat_traversal parameter? 21:45 < wedge> interestingly, it would appear some NAT'ing may be happening on the UFO side 21:45 < wedge> as the traffic is coming from 21:45 < wedge> which is UFO's presence on the dslab.lan 10.81.1.x network 21:46 < nox> But since ipsec is good with anyone connecting that shouldn't matter should it? 21:46 < wedge> correct 21:46 < wedge> I do wonder if traffic is being passed back to the iPhone as it should be 21:47 < wedge> are you getting any indication on the iPhone as to any level of communication? 21:47 < nox> No, it's pretty useless as an indicator 21:47 < wedge> might be worth setting up your Mac to do it 21:47 < wedge> see if it can generate you some client side log messages 21:47 < nox> it just says Connecting... and then The l2TP-VPN Server did not respond. Try reconnecting or contact your admin, etc 21:48 < wedge> yeah, IF ufo isn't properly routing the return packets back, I could see that being an issue (needing some "firewall" rules, if only for NAT) 21:48 < wedge> but, we don't have enough information to make that determination 21:49 < wedge> trying it with your Mac, if it can produce logs, might be more telling 21:49 < wedge> hmmm 21:49 < wedge> something different 21:49 < wedge> port 1? 21:49 < nox> The mac is talking 21:49 < wedge> purely 1 way 21:50 < wedge> at least, not talking back on 500 or 4500 21:50 < wedge> two-way.... same as before... any logs on the Mac to speak of? 21:51 < nox> http://gist.github.com/659161 21:51 < nox> nothing really interesting 21:51 < nox> basically "connection failed" 21:51 < wedge> hmmm 21:53 < nox> I is in and R is return? 21:54 < wedge> could be 21:55 < wedge> how are you restarting/starting openswan? 21:55 < wedge> some /etc/init.d script? 21:55 < wedge> or something more manual? 21:55 < nox> init.d 21:55 < wedge> just xl2tpd ? 21:56 < wedge> does that handle everything? 21:56 < nox> ipsec and then xl2tpd 21:57 < wedge> try connecting again 21:58 < nox> Just tried the mac 21:58 < nox> same error messages in the log 21:58 < wedge> hmmm 21:59 < nox> the ipsec command looks interesting 21:59 -!- Irssi: Pasting 7 lines to #lair. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 21:59 < nox> sudo ipsec status 21:59 < nox> [sudo] password for user: 21:59 < nox> 000 "L2TP":{}; unrouted; eroute owner: #0 21:59 < nox> 000 "L2TP": newest ISAKMP SA: #0; newest IPsec SA: #0; 21:59 < nox> 000 21:59 < nox> Security Associations: none 21:59 < nox> Not entirely sure what the output means but it looks like there's an ipsec tunnel available 21:59 < wedge> where you seeing that? 22:00 < wedge> on the mac? 22:00 < nox> on athens01 22:00 < wedge> hey... did you look in /var/log/auth.log ? 22:00 < wedge> there's some interesting things in there about no preshared key found 22:00 < nox> Where do you see that? 22:01 < wedge> tail -f /var/log/auth.log 22:01 < wedge> and try connecting 22:01 -!- Irssi: Pasting 8 lines to #lair. Press Ctrl-K if you wish to do this or Ctrl-C to cancel. 22:01 < nox> sudo ipsec secrets 22:01 < nox> 002 forgetting secrets 22:01 < nox> 002 loading secrets from "/etc/ipsec.secrets" 22:01 < nox> 002 loading secrets from "/var/lib/strongswan/ipsec.secrets.inc" 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded private key file '/etc/ipsec.d/private/athens01Key.pem' (1675 bytes) 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded shared key for 22:01 < nox> 002 loaded shared key for 22:01 < nox> 003 "/etc/ipsec.secrets" line 12: PSK data malformed (input does not begin with format prefix): \342\200\234cookie" 22:01 < nox> Line 12 22:01 < nox> :) 22:01 < wedge> it's something 22:02 < nox> %any: PSK “cookie" 22:04 < nox> after redoing the line I get 22:04 < nox> unable to start strongSwan -- fatal errors in config 22:04 < wedge> yeah, I was testing something real quick 22:05 < wedge> remove the plutodebug=yes line and save it 22:05 < wedge> I was about to do it, but it looks like you got in there 22:05 < nox> I don't see that line 22:05 < nox> Can you do it? 22:05 < wedge> yep, got it, started it 22:05 < wedge> try connecting again 22:06 < nox> Connection still fails 22:06 < nox> (mac) 22:06 < wedge> mmm.... many more interesting things though 22:07 < nox> What are you looking at? 22:07 < wedge> tail -f /var/log/auth.log /var/log/daemon.log 22:07 < wedge> both auth and daemon 22:07 < wedge> there's at least some activity now (I guess you fixed the malformed psk problem?) 22:08 < nox> maybe, what's this: Nov 1 22:07:24 athens01 charon: 07[CFG] line 12: missing ' : ' separator 22:08 < wedge> that's a good one 22:08 < wedge> we'd need to find the charon config 22:08 < wedge> where-ever that is 22:09 < nox> Also no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:09 < wedge> I just glanced at /etc/ipsec.conf and /etc/xl2tpd/xl2tpd.conf ... nothing that appears to be missing a ':' on or around line 12 22:09 < wedge> the no authorized connection is a good sign though 22:09 < wedge> it means it is at least trying things 22:09 < wedge> we'd need to look at figuring out how to authorize something 22:10 < nox> Right now it's authorizing by shared secret and charon config 22:10 < nox> err 22:10 < nox> /etc/xl2tpd/l2tp-secrets: 22:10 < nox> not charon config 22:10 < wedge> all blank? 22:11 < nox> Well that's a problem 22:11 < wedge> indeed 22:11 < nox> I added a user 22:12 < nox> * ** * nsr1 * 22:13 < nox> Maybe I need to restart ipsec 22:13 < wedge> give it a shot 22:13 < nox> More progress! 22:14 < wedge> indeed 22:14 < nox> This looks like good news: Nov 1 22:13:32 athens01 pluto[23823]: "L2TP"[2] #2: IPsec SA established {ESP=>0x085175f8 <0xb4dde234} 22:14 < wedge> aye 22:15 < wedge> however, I must be off for now 22:15 < wedge> at least it is going more, if in fits and starts 22:15 < nox> Nov 1 22:15:21 athens01 pluto[23823]: packet from initial Main Mode message received on but no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:15 < wedge> try googling some of that 22:15 < wedge> I did earlier and there were results 22:16 < wedge> might have to cherry pick a bit to find something useful 22:16 < nox> but in /etc/ipsec.conf: 22:16 < nox> conn L2TP authby=psk pfs=no 22:16 < nox> key phrase authby=psk 22:16 < wedge> maybe there is another component still missing? 22:17 < wedge> good luck! 22:17 < nox> Thanks, we're closer 22:17 < nox> :) 22:19 < nox> YES!!! 22:19 < nox> I'm conneted 22:19 < nox> with a weird IP 22:19 < nox> but anyway 22:20 < nox> The key was setting no connection has been authorized with policy=PSK 22:20 < nox> I'm connected with both my Mac and my iPhone! 22:20 < nox> haha! 22:21 < nox> I'm not sure if you just headed out but we're in, it's working 22:22 < nox> Phase one - Test OpenSwan: Complete! 22:23 < nox> Probably the nat traversal had to be turned on because I compiled strongswan with that option 22:34 < nox> Phase two: This whole setup needs to move to a dedicated computer with two ethernet ports, right? 22:35 < nox> Then get that working, then to work on LDAP as an authentication scheme 22:35 < nox> Sweet! 22:36 < nox> I'm pleased with the progress we've made tonight, now I'm going to work on my WEP research for a couple of hours 22:36 -!- You're now known as _nox 23:15 < _nox> Work in Progress: http://www.offbyone.lan/user/nsr1/open_swan_vpn End of Lastlog