=====Documentation for Linux/*BSD Desktop install===== =====Debian Install===== - Upon bootup hit F12 - If Integrated NIC is not displayed then - Reboot and hit F6 - ... make it pxe something (must look into) - Save and reboot - Should be option 5 or 6 (Integrated NIC). Choose it - The next screen will display 4 things. Choose 32-Bit (i386). - This screen has some more options, the one required is Debian/i386 Netboot. - Some more options but the one needed is Install Lenny/stable [text]. - Choose a language: English - Choose a country: United States - Keymap: American English - Host Name: Unicorn - Domain Name: ffbyone.lan - Debian archive mirror country: Enter information manually (select this at the top) - Debian archive mirror hostname: mirror - Debian archive mirror directory: /debian/ - HTTP proxy information: leave blank - Time Zone: Eastern - Partitioning method: Guided - use entire disk - Select disk to partition: IDE1 master (hda) - 80.0 GB Maxtor 6Y080L0 - Partitioning Scheme: All files in one partition - Finish partitioning and write changes to disk - Write the changes to the disk: Yes - Root password: password - Verify: password - Name of user: Michael Short - Username of account: ender - Password for the user: god - Verify: god - Participate in the package usage survey: No - Choose software to install: Just continue - Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record: Yes Finally it will bear the fruit of your children through a straw stareing at you through a glassed window... Yes How to get into terminal: While on the desktop go to the top and click on Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal: ssh mshort3@lab46 +++Additional+++ * Dual-head Accelerated graphics with Compiz Desktop effects System -> Administration -> Add/Remove Applications -> System Tools -> scroll down until you find: Compiz Fusion Icon or you can search it. - Click the box so an 'X' appears and hit Apply. - After a long drawn out battle with the midget class tanks we switched to Ubuntu. Therefore, the Debian install is no more. =====Ubuntu Install===== - Upon bootup hit F12 - Choose Integrated NIC should be option 5 or 6 - Choose 32-bit (i368) - Choose Ubuntu/i386 Netboot - Install Jaunty "9.04" [text] - Language: English - Country: United States - Detect keyboard layout: no - Origin of keyboard: USA - keyboard layout: USA - Hostname: Unicorn - Mirror: Go to the top and enter manually: mirror - continue - continue - Time Zone: Eastern - Partitioning Method: Guided - use entire disk - In our case: SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda) - 40GB ATA WDC WD400BB-75FJ - Write changes to disk: Yes - User name: Michael Short - Username: ender - User password: god - Verify: god - Encrypt home directory: no - Manage upgrades: no automatic updates - Choose software to install: Ubuntu desktop - Is the system clock set to UTC: Yes - Continue - Log in: ender - Password: god YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN DELIVERED!!! WATCH OUT FOR THE AFTERBIRTH!!! * In the upper right hand corner on the desktop screen there will be a small green thingy meh bob. clickz it. - Then click install the driver - Type in the password - Close and restart the computer - On the desktop in the upper right hand corner press System -> Preferences -> Display -> Yes -> x Screen 0 -> Reads with your eyes - Top left of the desktop screen click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal -> ssh mshort3@lab46 -> yes -> password +++Additional+++ * Dual-head Accelerated graphics with Compiz Desktop effects - Right click - Change Desktop Background - Visual Effects Tab - Extra =====Documentation for Linux VM Server install===== - Upon bootup hit F12 - Should be option 5 or 6 (Integrated NIC). Choose it - The next screen will display 4 things. Choose 32-Bit (i386). - This screen has some more options, the one required is Debian/i386 Netboot. - Some more options but the one needed is Install Lenny/stable [text]. - Choose a language: English - Choose a country: United States - Keymap: American English - Host Name: VMServer01 - Domain Name: Student.lab - Debian archive mirror country: Enter information manually (select this at the top) - De/bian archive mirror hostname: mirror - Debian archive mirror directory: /debian/ - HTTP proxy information: leave blank - Time Zone: Eastern - Partitioning method: Guided - use entire disk - Select disk to partition: Select - Partitioning Scheme: All files in one partition - Finish partitioning and write changes to disk - Write the changes to the disk: Yes - Root password: gingeroot - Verify: gingeroot - Name of user: Michael Short - Username of account: nightstalker - Password for the user: ginger - Verify: ginger - Participate in the package usage survey: No - Choose software to install: Uncheck everything and continue - Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record: Yes - Continue - Restart computer - Command: aptitude install openssh-client openssh-server - Restart computer Access remotely: Terminal → ssh root@vmserver01.student.lab -> password: bob @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@Because i like mo betta vim@@@@@@ @@@Command: aptitude install vim@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ - Command: aptitude install xen-linux-system-2.6.26-2-xen-686 and xen-tools - continue: Yes - command: vi /etc/modules - type: Loop max_loop=255 network-script network-bridge setting in xend-config.sxp - Command: vi etc/xen/xend-config.sxp - Uncomment: network-script network-bridge - Comment: network-script network-dummy - with a '#' ensure vif-script is vif-bridge, same file - Command: vi /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf - Uncomment: vif-script - Uncomment: vif-bridge configure the grub boot entry accordingly - vi /boot/grub/menu.lst - Allow for the host to have 256MB - Go to the very bottom - Remove the two entries that look like this: title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686 root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-xen-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-xen-686 title Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686 (single-user mode) root (hd0,0) kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.26-2-xen-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro single initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.26-2-xen-686 Then to the top entry add this after kernel 2.6.26-2-xen-686: dom0_mem=262144 Configure Xen-tools - Command: vi /etc/xen-tools/xen-tools.conf - Make all these adjustments at: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/haas/hpc0/projects/vm_server_install Create the following directories: - Command: mkdir - /xen - /xen/images - /xen/boot - /xen/conf - /xen/save Then type "reboot" in the command window and thou art feeenished! =====Creating Virtual Machines===== - Command: xen-create-image – -hostname=vm06 – -mac=00:16:3E:2E:C0:06 – -role=udev - –dhcp - –force - Make a new password: bob - Logfile produced at: /var/log/xen-tools/vm06.log - Command: xm create -c /xen/conf/vm06.cfg To sign on type: ssh root@vm06.student.lab -- Password: bob But we used 09 -- Password: bob - To detach type: ctrl + ] - To reattach type: xm console vm06 Have Funs with yo new babeh =====Data and Storage===== If you mess up rewrite everything by typing this in the server prompt: xen-create-image – -hostname=vm09 – -mac=00:16:3E:2E:C0:09 – -role=udev - –dhcp - –force RAID, an acronym for Redundant array of inexpensive disks or sometimes Redundant array of independent disks, is a technology that allows high levels of storage reliability from low-cost and less reliable PC-class disk-drive components, via the technique of arranging the devices into arrays for redundancy. - From vmserver01 → command: xm shutdown vm09 - Command: xm list (to verificate) - Command: cd /xen/domains/vm09 - Command: dd if=/dev/zero of=disk1.img bs=1M count=1024 - Repeat previous step 5 times while replacing disks with an incremented count up to 5 - Command: vi /xen/conf/vm09.cfg - Copy/paste the line with 'file:/xen/domains/vm06/disk.img,xvda2,w', 5 times and put int the count of numbers after disk as well as after xvda - Command: xm create -c /xen/conf/vm09.cfg - Command: aptitude install mdadm - Continue: yes Raid 0 (striped raid) - Command: mdadm –create –verbose /dev/md0 –level=0 –raid-device=5 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4 /dev/xvda5 /dev/xvda6 /dev/xvda7 - Command: cat /proc/mdstat - Command: mkfs.ext3 -v /dev/md0 (formats md0 found from previous step) - Command: mount /dev/md0 /mnt Raid 1 (Mirroring) - Command: mdadm –create /dev/md0 –level=1 –raid-devices=4 –spare-devices=1 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4 /dev/xvda5 /dev/xvda6 /dev/xvda7 - Command: cat /proc/mdstat - Command: mkfs.ext3 -v /dev/md0 - Command: mount /dev/md0 /mnt Raid 5 (Striped set with distributed parity) - Command: mdadm - -create - -verbose /dev/md0 - -chunk=64 - -level=5 - -raid-devices=5 /dev/xvda3 /dev/xvda4 /dev/xvda5 /dev/xvda6 /dev/xvda7 - Command: mkfs.ext3 -v /dev/md0 (formats md0 found from previous step) - Command: mount /dev/md0 /mnt +++Raiding Notes+++ To unmount: * Command: umount “path” ie (and in our case): umount /dev/md0 To take raid offline: * Command: mdadm –stop /dev/md0 To zero out drives * Command: mdadm –zero -superblock /dev/xvda3 (repeat but replace the # in xvda# by incrementing from 3 to 7 =====Linux Terminal Server Project====== @@@We had to install Ubuntu on a new machine, therefore, account info below@@@\\ User Name: bob\\ Pw: ginger\\ User Name: root\\ Pw: bob - Command: sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server - Command: sudo vi /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf - Command: pw: bob - Change: - option domain-name “Example.org”; -change “Example.org” (to whatever you want) - pegasus.lan - option domain-name-servers ns1.example.org, ns2.example.org; -change the domains - ns1.pegasus.lan - ns2.pegasus.lan - #option domain-name-servers ns1.example.org; -change the domain - ns1.pegasus.lan - #option domain-name “internal.example.org”; -change the domain - ubuntu.pegasus.lan - Command: sudo vi /etc/default/dhcp3-server - Change: INTERFACES=”” - To: INTERFACES=“eth1” - Command: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces - Uncomment: iface eth0 inet dhcp - ADD: - auto eth1 - iface eth1 inet static - address (will be different for you) - netmask (will be different for you) - Command: sudo vi /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf - Find: #A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet. - This is your subnet and netmask - Reboot computer - Command: ifconfig - Check to see if the ip address and mask took to eth1 * Determine which eth# will be used for the interface within the file: * dhcp3-server * Command: ifconfig * Whichever eth# has an ip address thats the one to currently use. We used eth1. - Command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server - Command: sudo apt-get install install ltsp-server-standalone - Command: sudo ltsp-build-client --mirror "http:\\mirror\ubuntu" --security-mirror "http:\\mirror\ubuntu-security" - In case of having to repeat the previous step - Command: rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386/ - Command: vi etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf - Change the subnet, range, option routers, option domain-name, option domain-name-server, option broadcast-address - Subnet: - Range: -; - Option Domain-Name: ubuntu.pegasus.lan; - Option Domain-Name-Server: ns1.pegasus.lan; - Option Broadcast-address:; - Option Routers:; - Command: vi /etc/default/tftp-hpa - Change RUN DEAMON="NO" - To RUN DEAMON="YES" - Command: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart - Get another computer - Connect new computer's ethernet port to ltsp server's second ethernet port - Turn on new computer - Log on with an existing account within the server FINISHED @@@Notes@@@\\ Sudo - super user do: makes a normal user Super User\\ Command: /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart - ifconfig - if eth0 or eth1 is not up do this - Command: sudo ifconfig eth# up - Command: ifconfig - to check it - Need an IP address? look no further! - Command: sudo dhclient eth# - To restart - Command: sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart =====Automated Drawing===== ===Squares=== #!/bin/bash #All sleeps helps the system keep up with the script, without them this would fail :( pkill xpaint & #process kills xpaint to make sure its not open before hand sleep 2 xpaint -size 1130x940 & #opens xpaint whilst resizing the CANVAS to the specified screen size sleep 4 windowProcessID=`xwit -print -all | grep -i xpaint | cut -d ":" -f1` #gets JUST the window process ID and stores it in a variable sleep 3 xwit -id $windowProcessID -move 0 0 #Moves the xpaint toolbar respectively sleep 4 #Opens a new canvas xte 'mousemove 40 40' xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mousemove 30 70' xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' sleep 3 wPID2=`xwit -print -all | grep -i untitled | cut -d ":" -f1` #gets JUST the new "untitled" canvas's process ID sleep 3 xwit -id $wPID2 -move 125 0 -resize 1150 990 #Moves and Resizes the CANVAS respectively sleep 3 #Draws first box xte 'mousemove 200 200' xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mousemove 200 300' xte 'mousemove 300 300' xte 'mousemove 300 200' xte 'mousemove 200 200' xte 'mouseup 1' sleep 2 #Colors first box/pencil xte 'mousemove 30 400' #Paint Can xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 200 60' #Color Red xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 215 215' #Colors First Square xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 30 80' #Pencil Tool xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 190 70' #Color Black xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' sleep 2 #Draws inner box xte 'mousemove 225 225' xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mousemove 225 275' xte 'mousemove 275 275' xte 'mousemove 275 225' xte 'mousemove 225 225' xte 'mouseup 1' sleep 2 #Colors inner box/pencil xte 'mousemove 30 400' #Paint Can xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 230 70 ' #Color Green xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 250 250' #Colors inner square xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 30 80' #Pencil Tool xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' xte 'mousemove 190 70' #Color Black xte 'mousedown 1' xte 'mouseup 1' exit 0 ===Circle=== ===Notes=== to get these to work properly command: chmod +x filename =====Notes===== if a VM gets taken down do this: * Command: xm create -c /xen/conf/vm09.cfg -> ^] -> ssh root@vm09.student.lab Godzirra\\ user name: bob\\ pw: ginger\\ root\\ pw: bob To sign into a VM type: ssh root@vm06.student.lab – Password: bob\\ But we used 09 - Password: bob Access remotely: Terminal → ssh root@vmserver01.student.lab → password: bob =====Completed Tasks===== - Linux/*BSD Desktop Install - Base - 1 Star - Linux VM Server Install - base - 1 Star - Linux Terminal Server Project - Real - 1 Star - Creating Virtual Machines - Virtual - 1 Star - Data and Storage - virtual - 2 Stars - Automated Drawing (Not Finished Yet) - Real - 2 Stars \\ The breakdown: * Total Projects Required: 8 * Total Completed: 5 * 2 projects need to be 'real', 2 need to be 'virtual' * Completed: * Real: 1 * Virtual: 2 * Base: 2 * 1 project needs to be 3 stars * Completed: 0