======Input Validator===== ; ;~Zilent~ Team FoFF ex-member {Fight Only For Freedom} ;This module is supposed to be the first line of defense against ;those damned end-users who will stop at nothing to invalidate your program ; ; ARGS: ; EAX - The input type expected from the end-user ; 0x0 - Unsigned 32 Bit Integer ; 0x1 - Signed 32 Bit Integer ; 0x2 - Unsigned 16 Bit Integer ; 0x3 - Signed 16 Bit Integer ; 0x4 - Signed Byte ; 0x5 - Unsigned Byte ; 0x6 - Character ; ; RETURN: ; EAX - The end-user's input ; %define KERNEL 0x80 ;Reference to SYS_CALL %define SYS_READ 0x3 ;Refreence to SYS_READ %define SYS_WRITE 0x4 ;Reference to SYS_WRITE %define UINT32 0x0 ;Unsigned 32 bit integer %define SINT32 0x1 ;Signed 32 bit integer %define UINT16 0x2 ;Unsigned 16 bit integer %define SINT16 0x3 ;Signed 16 bit integer %define SBYTE 0x4 ;Signed Byte %define UBYTE 0x5 ;Unsigned Byte %define CHAR 0x6 ;Char %define INT32BUCKETS 0xA ;The 'Buckets' needed for an INT32 %define INT16BUCKETS 0x5 ;The 'Buckets' needed for an INT16 %define BYTEBUCKETS 0x3 ;The 'Buckets' needed for a Byte %define CHARBUCKETS 0x3 ;The 'Buckets' needed for a Char %define SYS_IOCTL 0x36 ;A reference to the SYS_IOCTL call code %define TCGETA 0x5405 ;An argument for IO_CTL ;This argument GETS the termios status %define TCSETA 0x5406 ;An argument for IO_CTL ;This argument SETS the termios status %define STDIN_FILENO 0 ; %define ICANON 0x2 ;This is the bit for canonical input processing mode %define ECHO 0x8 ;This is the bit for echoing of input characters %define ECHOE 0x10 ;This is the bit for erasing the last input character if erased %define ECHOK 0x20 ;This is the bit for displaying the KILL character %define ECHONL 0x40 ;This is the bit for displaying the newline character segment .data HEADERTXT db "Please enter", 0 HEADERLEN equ $-HEADERTXT UINT32TXT db " a 4 Byte Unsigned Integer(0 <-> 4,294,967,295) ", 0 UINT32LEN equ $-UINT32TXT SINT32TXT db " a 4 Byte Signed Integer( -2,147,483,648 <-> 2,147,483,647) ", 0 SINT32LEN equ $-SINT32TXT UINT16TXT db " a 2 Byte Unsigned Integer (0 <-> 65535) ", 0 UINT16LEN equ $-UINT16TXT SINT16TXT db " a 2 Byte Signed Integer(-32768 <-> 32767) ", 0 SINT16LEN equ $-SINT16TXT SBYTETXT db " a Signed Byte (-128 <-> 127) ", 0 SBYTELEN equ $-SBYTETXT UBYTETXT db " an Unsigned Byte (0 <-> 255) ", 0 UBYTELEN equ $-UBYTETXT CHARTXT db " a Character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) ", 0 CHARLEN equ $-CHARTXT ERRORTXT db " You supplied an incorrect argument, dumbass, oops, etiquette, I forgot.", 0 ERRORLEN equ $-ERRORTXT segment .bss save_t resb 2 ;This will save the initial Termios flag bits struct_t resb 17 ;This represents the Termios structure that we use for toggling input inputType resb 1 ;Stores arg[0] activeBuckets resb 1 ;Stores the amount of active 'buckets' returnValue resb 10 ;Stores the end-user's input calculatedValue resd 1 ;Stores the end-user's calculated input segment .text global _asm_main _asm_main: enter 0, 0 ;OEP pusha ;Push all registers onto the stack beginRoutine: mov word [inputType], 0x0 ;eax, eventually mov edx, HEADERLEN ;Move the length of the etiquette 'string' into edx mov ecx, HEADERTXT ;Move the address of the first character in the etiquette 'string' into ecx mov ebx, 0 ;Move 0 into ebx for some reason? The API calls for it, I don't care why really mov eax, SYS_WRITE ;Move the 'call code' into eax int KERNEL ;Invoke the kernel mov eax, [inputType] ;Bring the user's argument into eax cmp eax, UINT32 ;Does the user want a 4 byte unsigned integer? jne a1 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, UINT32TXT ;Yes? Move the integer4Byte message into ecx mov edx, UINT32LEN ;Move the integer4Byte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a1: cmp eax, SINT32 ;Does the user want a 4 byte signed integer? jne a2 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, SINT32TXT ;Yes? Move the integer4SByte message into ecx mov edx, SINT32LEN ;Move the integer4SByte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a2: cmp eax, UINT16 ;Does the user want a 2 byte unsigned integer? jne a3 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, UINT16TXT ;Yes? Move the integer2Byte message into ecx mov edx, UINT16LEN ;Move the integer2Byte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a3: cmp eax, UINT16 ;Does the user want a 2 byte signed integer? jne a4 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, SINT16TXT ;Yes? Move the integer2SByte message into ecx mov edx, SINT16LEN ;Move the integer2SByte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a4: cmp eax, SBYTE ;Does the user want a signed byte? jne a5 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, SBYTETXT ;Yes? Move the sByte message into ecx mov edx, SBYTELEN ;Move the sByte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a5: cmp eax, UBYTE ;Does the user want an unsigned byte? jne a6 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, UBYTETXT ;Yes? Move the uByte message into ecx mov edx, UBYTELEN ;Move the uByte message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a6: cmp eax, CHAR ;Does the user want a character? jne a7 ;No? Jump it. mov ecx, CHARTXT ;Yes? Move the char message into ecx mov edx, CHARLEN ;Move the char message length into edx jmp printMessage ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster a7: mov ecx, ERRORTXT ;Some users are impossible to please. Let's send them a nasty error message. mov edx, ERRORLEN ;Move the error message length into edx jmp error ;Jump out of this ugly 'switch' structure like monster printMessage: mov ebx, 1 ;Blame the documentation ^_^ mov eax, SYS_WRITE ;Move the 'call code' into eax int KERNEL ;Invoke the kernel saveTermiosState: xor eax, eax ;Set eax to 0 mov al, SYS_IOCTL ;Move our SYS_IOCTL reference into al xor ebx, ebx ;Set ebx to 0 mov ecx, TCGETA ;Move the GET termios status argument into ecx lea edx, [struct_t] ;Calculate the effective address of the termios structure int KERNEL ;Invoke the kernel mov ax, [struct_t + 6] ;Move the 16 flag bits to save into ax mov [save_t], ax ;Tuck the 16 flag bits into memory location 'save_t' killBufferedInput: xor eax, eax ;Set eax to 0 mov ax, [save_t] ;Copy the flag bits to ax and ax, ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL) ;mAnIpUlAtE tHeM mAwHaHa and ax, ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL) ;MaNiPuLaTe ThEm MaWhAhA mov [struct_t + 6], ax ;Store the new bits at memory address save_t + 6 xor ebx, ebx ;Set ebx to 0 mov ecx, TCSETA ;Move the argument to SET termios into ecx inputRouter: mov eax, [inputType] cmp eax, UINT32 ;Recieving UINT32? jne b1 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, INT32BUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b1: cmp eax, SINT32 ;Recieving SINT32? jne b2 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, INT32BUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b2: cmp eax, UINT16 ;Recieving UINT16? jne b3 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, INT16BUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b3: cmp eax, SINT16 ;Recieving SINT16? jne b4 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, INT16BUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b4: cmp eax, SBYTE ;Recieving SBYTE? jne b5 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, BYTEBUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b5: cmp eax, UBYTE ;Recieving UBYTE? jne b6 ;No? Jump it. mov edx, BYTEBUCKETS ;Yes? Load the proper buckets jmp recieveInput ;Jump to recieveInput b6: mov edx, [CHARBUCKETS] ;Else, we must be wanting a char, unless some nutwad is screwing with our memory outside. recieveInput: mov [activeBuckets], edx ;Store the buckets for a bit later xor eax, eax ;Set eax to 0 mov al, SYS_READ ;Move the 'call code' xor ebx, ebx ;Set ebx to 0 mov bl, STDIN_FILENO ;Move STDIN_FILENO mov ecx, returnValue ;Move the buffer into ecx int KERNEL ;Invoke the kernel resetTermios: mov ax, [save_t] ;Move our flag bits into ax mov al, SYS_IOCTL ;Move the SYS_IOCTL reference into al xor ebx, ebx ;Set ebx to 0 mov ecx, TCSETA ;Move the SET termios argument into ecx lea edx, [struct_t] ;Calculate the effective address of the termios structure int KERNEL ;Invoke the kernel jo error ;If we overflowed our buffre, throw an exception validationRouter: mov eax, [inputType] ;Move our input type back into eax to set up another switch xor ecx, ecx ;Reset our counter cmp eax, UINT32 ;Validating UINT32? je validateUINT32 ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, SINT32 ;Validating SINT32? je validateSINT32 ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, UINT16 ;Validating UINT16? je validateUINT16 ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, SINT16 ;Validating SINT16? je validateSINT16 ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, SBYTE ;Validating SByte? je validateSByte ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, UBYTE ;Validating UByte? je validateUByte ;Yes? Jump to its validator cmp eax, CHAR ;Validating Char? je validateChar ;Yes? Jump to its validator validateUINT32: xor eax, eax ;Clear eax mov edx, activeBuckets ;Get the amount of buckets xor ecx, ecx ;Reset the counter vUINT32Loop: mov ebx, returnValue ;cmp ebx, 48 ;jb error ;cmp ebx, 57 ;ja error shl eax, 1 sub ebx, 48 add eax, ebx inc ecx: cmp ecx, edx jne vUINT32Loop mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov edx, 10 mov ebx, 1 int KERNEL validateSINT32: validateUINT16: validateSINT16: validateSByte: validateUByte: validateChar: exit: popa mov eax, 0 leave ret error: ; mov ecx, ebx ; mov edx, 5 ; mov ebx, 1 ; mov eax, SYS_WRITE ; int KERNEL jmp exit ;mov ecx, ERRORTXT ; mov edx, ERRORLEN ; mov ebx, 1 ; mov eax, 4 ; int KERNEL ; jmp exit ====== Linux Sucks ====== Time and time again, terminal freezes, work is lost, etc. Fuck Linux, seriously. ====== Prime number assembly solution A: ====== ; ;~Zilent~ Team FoFF ex-member {Fight Only For Freedom} ; %include "asm_io.inc" segment .data ;We could sacrifice disk space for execution speed here. ;specialPrime2 db "2: Prime", 0 ;specialPrime3 db "3: Prime", 0 enterUpperRange db "Enter Upper Range: ", 0 isPrime db ": Prime", 0 isComposite db ": Composite", 0 segment .bss upperRange resd 1 currentDividend resd 1 segment .text global _asm_main _asm_main: enter 0, 0 ;OEP pusha ;Push all registers onto stack mov eax, enterUpperRange ;Move the entry string into eax call print_string ;Print it call read_int ;Get integer input value from user mov [upperRange], eax ;Tuck that value away at memory location denoted 'upperRange' mov eax, 2 ;Move the special case value 2 into eax call print_int ;Print it mov eax, isPrime ;Move the prime text into eax call print_string ;Print it call print_nl ;Print newline mov eax, 3 ;Move the special case value 3 into eax call print_int ;Print it mov eax, isPrime ;Move the prime text into eax call print_string ;Print it call print_nl ;Print newline - now the fun begins. mov dword [currentDividend], 4 ;Move '4' into the memory location denoted 'currentDivisor' outerLoop: mov eax, [currentDividend] ;Which prime are we on? cmp eax, [upperRange] ;Are we equal to the limit? ja short finishedOuter ;Jump if current number is ABOVE the limit mov ebx, 2 ;Move 2 into ebx, our iterator register innerLoop: mov eax, ebx ;Move ebx -> eax mul eax ;eax *= 2 cmp eax, [currentDividend] ;Compare eax to the current `prime suspect` ha ha jae short finishedInner ;If eax * 2 is greater than or equal to our suspect, there's no reason to get the mod ;Look @ it this way, n/2 is the largest evenly divisible factor of n, other than n itself mov eax, [currentDividend] ;Else, move the suspect into eax mov edx, 0 ;Set up edx to contain the remainder div ebx ;Divide eax by edx, storing the modulus value in edx cmp edx, 0 ;Compare edx to 0 je finishedInner ;If edx = 0, the number is composite inc ebx ;Increment ebx (The # we are dividing the suspect by) jmp short innerLoop ;Head back up to the start of the loop finishedInner: je composite ;If edx = 0, then the number is composite mov eax, [currentDividend] ;else, the number is prime, so we move it into eax to spit out call print_int ;Print `prime suspect` mov eax, isPrime ;Move the prime string into eax call print_string ;Print the prime string call print_nl ;Print a newline add dword[currentDividend], 1 ;Increment the `prime suspect` by one jmp outerLoop; ;Jump back to the outer loop to get the next `prime suspect` composite: mov eax, [currentDividend] ;Move the `prime suspect` (caught being composite, that bastard) into eax call print_int ;Print `prime suspect` mov eax, isComposite ;Move the composite string into eax call print_string ;Print it call print_nl ;Print a new line character add dword[currentDividend], 1 ;Increment the `prime suspect` by one jmp outerLoop finishedOuter: popa ;Pop all previously pushed register values from the stack mov eax, 0 ;Move the exit code into eax leave ;Clean up the stack ret ;Return to the calling function ====== Theory on Reversing Jumpers ====== ====== JNBE : JA ====== JNBE: if(!x <= y) { //x > y??? Why JNBE, sounds pointless //Do this } else { //Do that } JA: if(x > y) { //Do that } else { //Do this } ====== Project : Text Based Adventure Game @ssembly ====== //C++ class FlyingGame { private: BufferToggle toggle; int difficulty; bool gameGrid[10][10] static const char Player = '^'; static const char object = '*'; static const char voidObj = ' '; bool alive; int playerPosition; public: FlyingGame() { playerPosition = 5; srand(time(0)); alive = true; for(int x=0; x<10; x++) { for(int y=0; y<10; y++) { gameGrid[x][y] = false; } } cout << "Which Difficulty Level? (0-5): "; cin >> difficulty; difficulty++; while(!cin || difficulty < 0 || difficulty > 5) { cout << "Invalid Entry...\n"; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); cout << "Which Difficulty Level? (0-5): "; cin >> difficulty; } toggle.off(); } FlyingGame() { toggle.on(); } void addNewRow() { for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) { gameGrid[x][0] = false; } int random; for(int spawn = 0; spawn < difficulty; spawn++) { random = (rand()%10)+1; if(gameGrid[random][0] == true) { spawn--; } else { gameGrid[random][0] = true; } } } void advanceRows() { for(int y = 9; y > 0; y--) { for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) { gameGrid[x][y] = gameGrid[x][y-1]; } } addNewRow(); } void paintAdvancedRows() { system("clear"); for(int y=0; y<9; y++) { for(int x=0; x<10; x++) { if(gameGrid[x][y] == true) { cout << object; } else { cout << voidObj; } } cout << '\n'; } for(int x = 0; x<10; x++) { if(gameGrid[x][9] == true && x != playerPosition) { cout << object; } if(gameGrid[x][9] == false && x != playerPosition) { cout << voidObj; } if(x == playerPosition) { cout << player; } } cout << '\n'; } void movePlayerLeft() { if(playerPosition > 0) { playerPosition--; } } void movePlayerRight() { if(playerPosition < 9) { playerPosition++; } } bool getIsDead() { bool isDead; if(gameGrid[playerPosition][9] == true) { isDead = true; } else { isDead = false; } return isDead; } }; FlyingGame FG = FlyingGame(); void *mainThread(void* damnNotEncapsulated) { char ch; while(1) { if(cin.get(ch)) { if(ch == 'D') { FG.movePlayerLeft(); } if(ch == 'C') { FG.movePlayerRight(); } } } } int main() { pthread_t gameThread; pthread_attr_t attributes; pthread_attr_init(&attributes); pthread_create(&gameThread, &attributes, mainThread, NULL); while(!FG.getIsDead()) { usleep(500000); FG.advanceRows(); FG.paintAdvancedRows(); } return 0; } ===ASM=== Coming soon, maybe? If I feel like it.