======Project: Signal tester====== A project for C/C++, Data Structures, and System Programming by Karl Krauss for fall 2011. This did not take long at all, it was just my attempt at playing with signals. =====Objectives===== The purpose of this project was to create a program to play with signals =====Background===== I had never played with signals before, Matt lectured and we wrote a basic program, I wanted to continue and wrote a couple of my own. =====Attributes===== ====Cprog attributes==== * variables * pointers * i/o * functions * arrays ====Systems programming==== * Signals =====Code===== This is the code: #include #include void intu(); void seg(); void recurse(); int main() { char *array; signal(SIGINT, intu); //interrupt aka ctrl c signal(SIGSEGV, seg);// good ol seg fault why is it V instead of F? getchar(); printf("%c\n", *array); return 0; } void intu() { printf("You tried to interrupt me but I won't let you!\n"); } void seg() { printf("I segmented!\n"); } void recurse() { recurse();