======HPC 0 EoCE 0x0: Replication====== A big focus of the course was the creation of documentation as you performed the various projects- ultimately assembled on your portfolio page.\\ The project documentation needs to be process complete and accurate- the original author, or someone else (either in the class or another individual in the future) should be able to reference that documentation and replicate that project.\\ To put this to the test, choose to perform a project performed by another person in the class, and follow their documentation through to project completion.\\ \\ Answer the following:\\ - Who was the author, what was the project, and where is the URL to the project documentation you chose? (Does the documentation state the author, project title, etc.?) - Does the documentation lead to a successful and operational conclusion? - Is the documentation complete? (No inferred steps with respect to the project needed to be taken) - Is the documentation organized, easy to read any follow? - Is the documentation nicely formatted, utilizing wiki formatting features? (ie it is not just some huge paragraph or endless stream of bullets on a list). - On a scale of 0 to 11 (yes, it goes to 11) rate the documentation on the above points. - Provide some suggestions for improvement that would have enhanced your experience following this documentation. \\ Answers:\\ - The project documentation I chose to verify describes how to install an Ubuntu distribution of Linux. Brian Ewanyk is the author of the particular set of instructions I chose to follow. His instructions can be found at: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/bewanyk/portfolio/linux-bsd-deswktop-install . - Brian's documentation led to a successful installation of Ubuntu "Maverick". His documentation is very good. - Brian's documentation was compete. No further instructions were needed; every step was correct. - Brian's documentation is organized very well and is easy to follow.\\ - Brian's documentation is nicely formatted into logically related sections and utilizes wiki formatting features. - I rate Brian's documentation of the Ubauntu "Maverick" installation at a 10.87623423082739825678578572578746063760846834808279685287 of a possible 11. - As I stated previously, I think Brian's documentation of the Ubuntu "Maverick" installation is very good. perhaps graphics of the bios configuration screens and OS installation screens would be helpful. There are a few spelling errors in the documentation that appeared to be due to the speed of compilation.\\ \\