======Project: PVPGN====== A project for HPC Fundamentals by Jacob Pettie during the Spring 2012 Semester. =====Objectives===== The purpose of this project is to learn how to successful install and run a PVPGN server. The point of this project is to learn and implement the install and running of a PVPGN server. We hope to accomplish the task of installing and running a PVPGN server so that we can play games with our friends (privately). =====Prerequisites===== In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved: * ability to wget a downloadable package link and unzip it * ability to tail log files * ability to open and edit files with your choice of a text editor * ability to test the project with working copies of Starcraft, and Diablo * ability to have multiple instances of clients to test it with you * ability to test many aspects of the server with many hours of testing by playing the games * knowledge of basic linux commands. =====Background===== The end result of this project is a working pvpgn server to be later used to play games with just your friends (privately). =====Execution Steps===== Steps to installing and running a PVPGN Server: - Navigate to a downloadable package link for PVPGN for linux distributions. - Use wget to download PVPGN. - CMAKE and MAKE install PVPGN. - Edit configuration files to your specifications. - Open multiple instances of terminal and run the three programs that handle requests and actions on the server. - Download a gateway editor to add your server to the realm list. - Load Starcraft or Diablo II and establish a connection with the gateway of your server and test the realms specifically for Diablo II. - Test and enjoy the awesomeness of your very own PVPGN server. =====Execution Step 1: Acquire PVPGN Distribution===== - Navigate to http://pvpgn.berlios.de/index.php?page=files and copy the download link to the specific package you want. =====Execution Step 2: Download PVPGN Distribution===== - Use wget to download the PVPGN package vm31:~# wget http://softlayer.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pvpgn.berlios/pvpgn-1.8.5.tar.gz =====Execution Step 3: Unpack and Install PVPGN===== - Unpack the PVPGN package - Make install PVPGN vm31:~# tar -xzf pvpgn-185.tar.gz vm31:~# cmake pvpgn-1.8.5 vm31:~# make install =====Execution Step 4: Edit Configuration Files===== - Navigate to /usr/local/etc - Use a text editor (vi, nano) to edit the following configuration files - bnetd.conf - d2cs.conf - d2dbs.conf - realm.conf - Change individual settings in each file as shown below