Hello fellow users of Lab46. I hope you have not given up on Matt's (wedge#8814) teaching style yet. Remember these words whether it is the final week, or your first day: * Starting assignments late is not only bad for your grade, it is also a terrible habit that you will not be able to keep up with your employer. (He may take points away for starting late.) * READ, READ, READ. The text that presents itself and documentation is the biggest part of our career and this class. You may want to make a habit of digesting sizeable text focusing on understanding. You have an entire website, discord server, and server to look through. You should find something. * When you get frustrated with anything, whether it be grading policy, a certain project, or just Matt's pony tail, you need to remember that getting frustrated is part of the learning process, you will be better from this time of tribulation. I truly have been in your shoes and I can help with any Unix questions. discord: AirPython#0746 You will have fun learning if you remember my words, ---- May the force be with you.