======Project: WEB PAGES======
A project for CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals by Corey Forman during the Fall 2011.
This project was begun on 12/15/11 and ended 12/15/11
To apply skills learned in UNIX to assist you in deploying your own personal web page in your Lab46 web space.
In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved:
* know how to navigate the command-line
* be familiar with ls, especially long listing
* be familiar with chmod
* know how to use the vi text editor
I wanted to test my skills to make a web page but didn't have anything really to add to it so i trolled all over it. the Webpage will display pictures, colors, font styles, types of font, and tables.
Go out and learn some HTML. Nothing fancy, just the ability to make a few paragraphs, lists, maybe an image or two, some hyperlinks, and text markup such as bold, italics, and underlining.
Make a simple web page and deploy it in your **~/public_html/** directory, make sure it has a **.html** extension and that it is world readable.
To view it in a web browser, point it at: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/~username/file.html
State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project.
* commands: using some command-line tools to accomplish a task
* files & directories: knowing where to place the data so it is accessible via your web space
* text processing: you're utilizing a text editor to create the HTML file on Lab46
* security: appropriately setting the permission so it is readable/writable by you, and readably only otherwise by world
now really if you are still reading this this is just me venting on random stuff because i need to fill this page with stuff thus proving i know the basics of html but not the basics of spelling as you may notice. Here is some data on me in italacized format im 6ft tall, i used to play basketball, i am an avid league of legends player, i am almost lvl 30 which is the lvl cap and i like computers,,, not to mention i am a procrastinator which is why this page may look like crap but hey i need to make it ok that much slanty words were bugging me. so how was your day. good good. um ya so here is a table of the classes i am taking.
The classes i am taking |
Object Oriented Problem Solving or oops |
Calculus 1 |
Unix/Linux fundementals |
English 1010 comp 1 |