======Project: ARCHIVE HANDLING====== A project for CSCS1730 UNIX/Linux Fundamentals by YOUR NAME OR GROUPMEMBER NAMES during the SEMESTER YEAR. This project was begun on DATE and is anticipated to take X AMOUNT OF TIME. (Upon completion you can correct this with the actual length). =====Objectives===== To demonstrate familiarity with archiving and compression tools. =====Prerequisites===== In order to successfully accomplish/perform this project, the listed resources/experiences need to be consulted/achieved: * ability to use the command-line * familiarity with looking up information and documentation * understanding what files are =====Background===== The purpose of this project is to allow me to explore archiving. I will explore it in the fact of zip archives. I will learn how to zip and unzip files. I had to look up information to check and see if the command was obvious to zip and unzip a file. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cp_%28Unix%29 Unzip was easy to guess but zipping a file took some time to figure out. I used "man" to discover the pattern but took some time to really use it. Using this site and my knowledge of cp, The command -r is required to copy a directory into a archive. gzips are more difficult. http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_gzip.htm This site described the gzip commands and The file we are dealing with is a tar.gzip file and this page describes how to expand it. After expanding them they go to a designated archive file and that using the informantion from man can then be zipped into an archive. =====Scope===== In **/var/public/unix/archives** are two files: **archive1.tar.gz** and **archive2.zip** Your mission is to: * make a copy of them to your home directory * figure out how to properly extract each one * view the contents * create a new archive containing the contents of both extracted original archives * compress your new archive in bzip2 format * document the entire process to clearly demonstrate this (ie showing command-lines) on your project document =====Attributes===== State and justify the attributes you'd like to receive upon successful approval and completion of this project. * commands: using various archiving and compression commands * files & directories: understanding files and directories =====Procedure===== Describe the process you took to accomplish this project here, lab46:~$ cp -r /var/public/unix/archives/archive1.tar.gz /home/cforman lab46:~$ ls Maildir cake irc puzzlebox src.orig tmp archive1.tar.gz closet motd shellscripting testdir vitest bin data public_html src testdir2 lab46:~$ cp -r /var/public/unix/archives/archive2.zip /home/cforman lab46:~$ ls Maildir bin data public_html src testdir2 archive1.tar.gz cake irc puzzlebox src.orig tmp archive2.zip closet motd shellscripting testdir vitest lab46:~$ archive2.zip -Z -bash: archive2.zip: command not found lab46:~$ -Z archive2.zip -bash: -Z: command not found lab46:~$ man -Z What manual page do you want? lab46:~$ -Z -bash: -Z: command not found lab46:~$ unzip archive2.zip Archive: archive2.zip creating: archives/ extracting: archives/filea extracting: archives/filez creating: archives/dir1/ lab46:~$ ls Maildir archives closet motd shellscripting testdir vitest archive1.tar.gz bin data public_html src testdir2 archive2.zip cake irc puzzlebox src.orig tmp lab46:~$ cd archives lab46:~/archives$ ls dir1 filea filez lab46:~/archives$ cat filea This contains text. lab46:~/archives$ cat filez lab46:~/archives$ ls dir1 filea filez lab46:~/archives$ nano filea lab46:~/archives$ cd dir1 lab46:~/archives/dir1$ ls lab46:~/archives/dir1$ ls lab46:~/archives/dir1$ cd .. lab46:~/archives$ nano filez lab46:~/archives$ cd lab46:~$ unzip archive1.tar.gz Archive: archive1.tar.gz End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of archive1.tar.gz or archive1.tar.gz.zip, and cannot find archive1.tar.gz.ZIP, period. lab46:~$ tar -xzf archive1.tar.gz lab46:~$ ls Maildir archives closet motd shellscripting testdir vitest archive1.tar.gz bin data public_html src testdir2 archive2.zip cake irc puzzlebox src.orig tmp lab46:~$ cd archives lab46:~/archives$ ls abc.txt dir1 filea fileb filec filez lab46:~/archives$ cat abc.txt This is an example file for use in CT173. lab46:~/archives$ cat fileb lab46:~/archives$ cat file c cat: file: No such file or directory cat: c: No such file or directory lab46:~/archives$ cat filec lab46:~/archives$ ls abc.txt dir1 filea fileb filec filez lab46:~/archives$ cat filez lab46:~/archives$ cd dir1 lab46:~/archives/dir1$ ls lab46:~/archives/dir1$ cd .. lab46:~$ ls Maildir archives data puzzlebox testdir archive1.tar.gz bin irc shellscripting testdir2 archive2.zip cake motd src tmp archivecompilationfile closet public_html src.orig vitest lab46:~$ tar -cvf archives.tar archives archives/ archives/dir1/ archives/abc.txt archives/fileb archives/filec archives/filea archives/filez lab46:~$ ls Maildir archives cake motd src tmp archive1.tar.gz archives.tar closet public_html src.orig vitest archive2.zip archives.zip data puzzlebox testdir archivecompilationfile bin irc shellscripting testdir2 lab46:~$ bzip2 archives.tar lab46:~$ ls Maildir archives cake motd src tmp archive1.tar.gz archives.tar.bz2 closet public_html src.orig vitest archive2.zip archives.zip data puzzlebox testdir archivecompilationfile bin irc shellscripting testdir2 lab46:~$ I first looked up how to properly copy files from directories and moved the zipped files to my home directory. After that i played around to figure out what was in each file after unzipping it using the unzip command then file name. I looked up the man for zip and found out how to send all the data in the directory into the zip file after some prompting from my teacher i remembered the -r argument from the website that i found to copy allowing me to send all the contents of the directory to a zip folder called archives.zip. <(^^,)> =====Reflection===== Archiving makes it easy to move extremely large files. Its kind of a waste to archive small files but this project was a great example in unzipping and zipping files. The archive doesn't disappear after extracting its contents and i thought this weird and good. Windows and other such programs just expand everything and sometimes remove the archive. This makes it so you can get whats inside and save it for later in case you need to re-grab the files. In conclusion the project was a success and the files after some testing were extracted and put into a new archive. <(^^,)> =====References===== In performing this project, the following resources were referenced: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cp_%28Unix%29 * http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_gzip.htm * http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_bzip2.htm * http://aruljohn.com/info/tar/