import random import pygame class worm: def __init__(self, surface, x, y): self.surface = surface #pygame surface self.x = x #worm head x pos self.y = y #worm head y pos self.length = 200 #worm length self.dirX = 1 #worm x direction self.dirY = 0 #worm y direction self.body = [] #x, y pos for worm body pixels self.crashed = False #if true, exits the main game loop def keyEvent(self, event): """Handles keyboard events for movement""" if event.key == pygame.K_UP and self.dirY != 1: self.dirX = 0 self.dirY = -1 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and self.dirY != -1: self.dirX = 0 self.dirY = 1 elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.dirX != 1: self.dirX = -1 self.dirY = 0 elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.dirX != -1: self.dirX = 1 self.dirY = 0 def move(self): """Moves the worm""" self.x += self.dirX #increment worm's x direction self.y += self.dirY #increment worm's y direction #Checks to see if the worm is in contact with anything other than #a black (background) or red (food) pixel, and if so, self.crashed #is set to true r, g, b, a = self.surface.get_at((self.x, self.y)) if (r, g, b) == (0, 0, 0) or (r, g, b) == (255, 0, 0): self.crashed = False else: self.crashed = True self.body.insert(0, (self.x, self.y)) #Compares the number of the worm's body pixels to the length. If #true, a pixel is removed from the worm. if len(self.body) > self.length: self.body.pop() def draw(self): """Draw the worm""" for x, y in self.body: self.surface.set_at((x, y), (255, 255, 255)) def crashCheck(self): """Checks if the worm has crashed into an object)""" return self.crashed def getX(self): """Returns worms x pos""" return self.x def getY(self): """return worms y position""" return self.y def increaseLength(self): """increase worm length""" self.length += 4 class food: """Initialize food object""" def __init__(self, surface, sWidth, sHeight): self.surface = surface #pygame surface self.color = (255, 0, 0) #food's color: Red self.x = random.randint(0, sWidth) #start x pos self.y = random.randint(0, sHeight) #start y pos def drop(self): """Prints a food item to the screen""" X_MAX = self.x + 5 #Max width of the food item Y_MAX = self.y + 5 #Max height of the food item #Draws a 5 X 5 food item to the screen for i in range (self.x, X_MAX): for j in range (self.y, Y_MAX): self.surface.set_at((i, j), self.color) #Returns food's color def getColor(self): return self.color def drawObstacles(screen, width, height): GREEN = (0, 255, 0) startX = 100 startY = 50 stopX = 100 stopY = 150 pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX, startY), (stopX, stopY)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX, startY + 200), (stopX, stopY + 200)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX + 200, startY), (stopX + 200, stopY)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX + 200, startY + 200), (stopX + 200, stopY + 200)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX + 400, startY), (stopX + 400, + stopY)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX + 400, startY + 200), (stopX + 400, stopY + 200)) pygame.draw.line(screen, GREEN, (startX - 50, startY + 150), (stopX + 490, stopY + 50)) def checkEatenFood(r, g, b, w, chomp, foodColor): foodEaten = False if (r, g, b) == foodColor: w.increaseLength() foodEaten = True return foodEaten def checkForCrash(w, running, crash, width, height): if w.crashCheck(): print("Crash!") running = False elif w.getX() <= 0: print("Crash!") running = False elif w.getX() >= width - 1: print("Crash!") running = False elif w.getY() <= 0: print("Crash!") running = False elif w.getY() >= height - 1: print("Crash!") running = False return running def getEvents(running, w): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: w.keyEvent(event) return running #Initialize variables width = 640 #screen width height = 400 #screen height screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) #pygame surface pygame.display.set_caption("Wormy wormy stuff") #window title clock = pygame.time.Clock() #pygame clock FPS = 90 #Game speed running = True #keeps main loop running SCREEN_COLOR = (0, 0, 0) #black screen color itemsEaten = 0 #berries eaten by worm #Initialize sounds pygame.mixer.init() chomp = pygame.mixer.Sound("atari.wav") crash = pygame.mixer.Sound("crash.wav") #Initialize worm and food objects w and f w = worm(screen, int(width/2), int(height/2) - 10) f = food(screen, width, height) #main() while running: screen.fill(SCREEN_COLOR) drawObstacles(screen, width, height) #Draws green line obstacles f.drop() #Drops a food item foodColor = f.getColor() #stores food color w.draw() #Draws the worm to the screen w.move() #Let's the player move the worm #Gets the color of the worm's current x and y position on the screen i = w.getX() j = w.getY() r, g, b, a = w.surface.get_at((i, j)) #Checks to see if the worm's current position color matches that #of the dropped food item. If yes, the number of eaten items is #incremented by 1 and a new food item is dropped if checkEatenFood(r, g, b, w, chomp, foodColor): f = food(screen, width, height) itemsEaten += 1 #Checks to see if the worm has crashed into something and sets #running accordingly. running = checkForCrash(w, running, crash, width, height) #Checks for events running = getEvents(running, w) pygame.display.flip() #Updates the display clock.tick(FPS) #Sets the game to run at X FPS #end main() print("You ate", itemsEaten, "food item(s).")