======Open LDAP Provider Installation on Debian Squeeze.====== Using SSH from a terminal, login as root to the virtual machine you have created for use as the LDAP provider, using the root password set at creation. :~$ssh root@vm36.student.lab root@vm36.student.lab's password:NaNaKiNg ====Preliminary configuration adaptation.==== At the virtual machine prompt use pico to edit the /etc/hosts file to match: localhost vm36.student.lab vm36 # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters ff02::3 ip6-allhosts And save the file with +. ====Packet Installation.==== - Now, at the prompt, install the ssh nmap package using the command: root@vm36:~#apt-get install ssh nmap * Enter 'Y' when prompted and press . - Next install the slapd and ldap-utils packages using the command: root@vm36:~#apt-get install slapd ldap-utils * Again, enter 'Y' and press when prompted. * When prompted enter an administrator password for slapd,(CaK30RD3aTH) and press . * Reenter the password to confirm and press . Confirm that slapd is running using the command: ~# nmap -p 389 localhost The response received should look like: Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-10-27 15:05 CEST Warning: Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs. Using Interesting ports on localhost ( PORT STATE SERVICE 389/tcp open ldap Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.08 seconds ====Configuring the LDAP==== - Use pico to edit the file /etc/ldap/ldap.conf * Change the line "#BASE dc=example, dc=com" to read "BASE dc=student, dc=lab" * Change the line "#URI ldap://ldaps1.example.com" to read "URI ldap://vm36.student.lab ldap://vm36.student.lab:666" * Save the file using the + command. - Create and edit a file for configuration changes using the command '~/pico olc-mod1.ldif'. Entering the following content. # 1. dn: cn=config changetype: modify replace: olcLogLevel olcLogLevel: stats # 2.1. dn: olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config changetype: modify add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: uid eq - # 2.2. add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: cn eq - # 2.3. add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: ou eq - # 2.4. add: olcDbIndex olcDbIndex: dc eq * Use the + command to save and exit from pico. - Implement the changes with the fololowing command: ~# ldapmodify -QY EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ~/olc-mod1.ldif If the changes are implemented the screen should display: modifying entry "cn=config" modifying entry "olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config" ~# ===Create a Basic Tree=== - Create and edit a file using 'pico ~/tree.ldif' so it contains the following: dn: ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab ou: people objectClass: organizationalUnit dn: ou=groups,dc=student,dc=lab ou: groups objectClass: organizationalUnit *Save and Exit using the + command - implement the changes using the following command: ~# ldapadd -cxWD cn=admin,dc=student,dc=lab -f ~/tree.ldif Enter LDAP Password:CaK30RD3aTH The screen should display: adding new entry "ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab" adding new entry "ou=groups,dc=student,dc=lab" ~# Perform a test. Run an ldapsearch with an anonymous bind (no DN specified) to check that the new organizational units have indeed been added to the database. Using the command: ~#ldapsearch -xLLL Check that the output looks like the following and does not contain any obvious errors: ~# ldapsearch -xLLL dn: dc=student,dc=lab objectClass: top objectClass: dcObject objectClass: organization o: student.lab dc: student dn: cn=admin,dc=student,dc=lab objectClass: simpleSecurityObject objectClass: organizationalRole cn: admin description: LDAP administrator dn: ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab ou: people objectClass: organizationalUnit dn: ou=groups,dc=student,dc=lab ou: groups objectClass: organizationalUnit ~# ===Create a User Account=== - Create a new user account, called genUsr. First create ane edit a file: * Use the command '~/genUsr.ldif' * Enter the following contents: dn: cn=genUsr,ou=groups,dc=student,dc=lab cn: genUsr gidNumber: 20000 objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup dn: uid=genUsr,ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab uid: genUsr uidNumber: 20000 gidNumber: 20000 cn: Generic sn: User objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount loginShell: /bin/bash homeDirectory: /home/genUsr userPassword: Guest1 - Implement the account using the command: ldapadd -cxWD cn=admin,dc=student,dc=lab -f ~/genUsr.ldif - Run a search for the new genUsr entry using the command: ldapsearch -xLLL uid=genUsr * The resulting output should look like: dn: uid=genUsr,ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab uid: genUsr uidNumber: 20000 gidNumber: 20000 cn: General sn: User objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: shadowAccount loginShell: /bin/bash homeDirectory: /home/genUsr It is possible to test authentication for a LDAP account by using the 'whoami' command: * Use the -w option followed by the assigned password specify the password in the command line. ldapwhoami -xD uid=genUsr,ou=people,dc=student,dc=lab -w Guest1 * The same specification requirement is required for ldapsearch. * In all such cases the principle is the same: authentication and authorization must take place before any such single commands are processed. ====References==== - [[http://www.rjsystems.nl/en/2100-d6-openldap-provider.php|Tech Notes-OpenLDAP provider on Debian Squeeze]]