======LDAP Clinet Installation and Configuration.====== =====Preparation of virtual machine.===== * Log onto the virtual machine, created for use as a LDAP client, as root using the password set at VM creation. ~$ ssh root@vm31.student.lab Warning: Permanently added 'vm31.student.lab,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@vm31.student.lab's password:Li0p13ur0d0n * Use pico to edit the '/etc/hosts' file and change the beginning of the file matchs the following: localhost vm31.student.lab vm31 vm36.student.lab vm36 #The following lines are desireable for IPv6 capable hosts * Install the ssh nmap packages using the command 'apt-get install ssh nmap' * Press and when prompted. *Confirm the LDAP server is available on the network using the command 'nmap -p 389 vm36.student.lab' * Port state and service should read as "389/tcp open ldap" =====OpenLDAP Client Install.===== * Install the client packages needed using the command 'apt-get install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap nscd' * When prompted enter 'ldap://vm36.student.lab' and press . * When prompted change the default entry to 'dc=student,dc=lab' and press . * When prompted select "3" using the arrow keys and press . * When prompted change the default entry to 'cn=manager,dc=student,dc=lab' and press . * When prompted for a password press . * DO NOT ENTER A PASSWORD AT THIS POINT! * When prompted press . * When prompted select "" using the arrow keys and press . * When prompted select "" using the arrow keys and press . * Install the LDAP utilities package using the command 'apt-get install ldap-utils' and press . * Reconfigure the //debconf// of //libnns-ldap// using the command 'dpkg-reconfigure libnss-ldap' and press . * When prompted, confirm the entry reads "ldap://vm36.student.lab" and press . * When prompted, confirm the entry reads "dc=student,dc=lab" and press . * When prompted use the arrows to select "3" and press . * When prompted use the arrows to select "" and press . * When prompted use the arrows to select "" and press . * When prompted use the arrows to select "" and press . * Press to select "". ====ldap.conf==== * Use pico to edit the //"/etc/ldap/ldap.conf"// file using the command 'pico /etc/ldap/ldap.conf' and change the BASE and URI lines to match the following: BASE dc=student,dc=lab URI ldap://vm36.student.lab ldap://vm36.student.lab:665 * Save and exit usint the + command. ====nsswitch.conf==== * Stop the nscd daemon using the command '/etc/init.d/nscd stop' * Use pico to edit the nsswitch.conf file by typing the command 'pico /etc/nsswitch.conf' and pressing . * Change the passwd, group, shadow, and hosts entries to match the following: passwd: ldap files group: ldap files shadow: ldap files hosts: files dns * Save and exit using the + command. * Use the command '/etc/init.d/nscd restart' and then the key to restart the Name Service Cache Daemon. ====PAM Configuration==== * Use pico to edit the common-session file using the command 'pico /etc/pam.d/common-session' * Add the following line to the end of the file: session required pam_mkhomedir.so * Save and exit using the + command. ====Verify Installation==== * Confirm installation using the following command: ~# id genUsr * The response should look like: uid=20000(genUsr) gid=20000 groups=20000 =====References:===== [[http://www.rjsystems.nl/en/2100-d6-openldap-client.php|TechNotes - OpenLDAP client on Debian Squeeze]] [[http://www.rjsystems.nl/en/2100-pam-debian.php|PAM configuration guide for Debian]] [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3377.html|RFC 3377 - LDAP]] [[http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2251.html|RFC 2251 - LDAP]]