First we will travel to the 'root' of all life in our world of Unix. Oddly enough this root is known as the root directory! so at our prompts we will cd into the / directory and use the ls command to take a look around.
lab46:~$ cd /
lab46:/$ ls
bin boot dev etc home initrd.img lib lib32 lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var vmlinuz
We now stand at a nexus of directories for us to explore. Let us start our journey at the root by entering the bin directory and we'll take a look around.
lab46:/$ cd bin
lab46:/bin$ ls
bash cpio gzip mount rmdir unicode_start
bsd-csh csh hostname mountpoint rnano vdir
bunzip2 dash ip mt run-parts which
busybox date kbd_mode mt-gnu rzsh ypdomainname
bzcat dd kill mv sed zcat
bzcmp df ksh nano setfont zcmp
bzdiff dir ksh93 nc sh zdiff
bzegrep dmesg less nc.traditional sh.distrib zegrep
bzexe dnsdomainname lessecho netcat sleep zfgrep
bzfgrep domainname lessfile netstat stty zforce
bzgrep dumpkeys lesskey nisdomainname su zgrep
bzip2 echo lesspipe open sync zless
bzip2recover ed ln openvt tailf zmore
bzless egrep loadkeys pidof tar znew
bzmore false login ping tcsh zsh
cat fgconsole ls ping6 tempfile zsh4
chgrp fgrep lsmod ps touch
chmod fuser mkdir pwd true
chown grep mknod rbash umount
chvt gunzip mktemp readlink uname
cp gzexe more rm uncompress