======Case Study 0x5: Web Pages====== The fifth case study in the greatest class I will ever take. =====Objectives===== Learn how to work with HTML web pages within a Unix environment. =====Background===== Back in the heyday of MySpace, I used to dabble with HTML quite a bit. I took a Web Page Design class in high school, but unfortunately I've managed to forget a majority of this stuff. Hopefully some of my previous knowledge in HTML comes back around... =====Procedure===== My newly edited HTML file: Altered HTML document for Web Pages Case Study This is normal text.

This is centered text.

This is bold text.
emphasized text. bold and emphasized

  1. WOW
  2. much page
  3. very learn
  4. such web
  5. wow

This is a paragraph. It is just going to be a really really long line until it gets too big for your browser window$

This is another paragraph.

This page can be accessed by navigating to http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/~adahmane/ex0.html with Netscape. For the personal page that was to be made from scratch, I looked up some other nifty tags like headers (H1, H2, etc.) and I pulled a line from a site that hosts my band's album and smacked it in there as well for anyone to enjoy. Here's all the HTML code for my personal page:

Anthony Dahmane's Personal Lab46 Website

Anthony Dahmane's Personal Lab46 Website

About Me:

Hey! I'm Anthony Dahmane. I've been attending CCC since Fall 2011 and I'm transferring to Alfred State in the beginning of 2014 to continue my degree of Network Administration. I began an internship with Corning Incorporated when I was 18 for Network Security and after a year I managed to get a full-time position on their Enterprise Systems Support - Network Team. Between messing around with network gear and systems at work and home, I also play drums and occasionally games. I look forward to learning quite a bit about Unix and the *nix world this semester and helping anyone else with something I may be knowledgeable about!

If you want to make enemies, try to change something. - Woodrow Wilson

Everyone likes free stuff, right? Here, have my old metal band's entire album for free.
Or just give it a listen! It's the metal with scream-vocals, by the way. Listener beware.

These are my top 5 favorite games (as of 12/11/13):
  1. Bioshock: Infinite
  2. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  3. Skies of Arcadia
  4. Splinter Cell: Double Agent
  5. Path of Exile
And this page is accessible via http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/~adahmane/home.html