======Data Structures Journal====== Jan 22 2015 Just changed my major and now taking this course online. The first project that is required and due on the 28th shall be pushing it a little for the first week of fun filled mind blowing activity. More to come once I start into the fun program Jan 30 2015 OK this week has been fun filled. I have had to learn more in the last week then in the last few months regarding how to program in C. i had no idea about switch and cases. Thank god for people and the internet that allowed me to build the shell of a program. But now i have more to come with week two project. More to come when i dig into it. Still need to work on the arrays to get a better understanding of how to store and pull data from then. ======UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal====== NOTES: Jan 20th 2015 Unix/Linux Local connection Http://www/ Outside or Home network address http://www.lab46.corning-cc.edu UNIX IS GOD in matts eyes the internet is unix and unix is the internet OPUS UPDATES:128 x Week Count = Number of words that need to be in the opus to get credit HOMEWORK:: Reading Guilde to becoming a MAGE(UNIX) all read by Tuesday 27th Jan 2015 OPUS: Due 27th Jan 2015 Week 1 entry must be 128 word long Projects: Lab 0x0: Introduction to UNIX/Linux and Lab46 (complete by 20150128) Lab 0x1: Basic Utilities and their manual pages (complete by 20150128) Lab 0x2: Files and Directories (complete by 20150204) Content--> OPUS--> tutor : kyle Tuesday/Thursday 130-230 LOGIN to Lab46 1. Open Terminal Or Outside use Putty 1a. Host Name:lab46.corning-cc.edu 2. type: ssh lab46 3. type your password 4. WELCOME TO LAB 46 Connect to IRC CHAT EMAIL SYSTEM 1.once logged into Lab 46 2. Use command :alpine 3. Congrats your in e-mail Con code :dfaaaa45ef6756623edb9689bc0ce4348c719a10 NOTES DAY 1: ~ is the amazing things for home directory passwd= change password pwd= print working directory my home directory is: /home/mmerrick The $ is the amount of access someone has # is Super User % is normal user $ is normal user Color code for Terminal blue= dirctory cyan= sym link(short cut) red= text file green = exe files red= archive magenta= media files Command you will used alot: ls= list command arguments ie: ls -l -gives a long file dirctory gives extra info regarding the file Day one creation of files in termail type touch file then type ls -l use text editor (nano) to view text file use cat (file name) how to copy inside the terminal cp file file2 COPY-->name of file---> name of new file mkdir (makes new directory) mkdir stuff(what you wish the directory to be named) how to move into the directory cd stuff cd(to your directory) cd.. = move up one directory cd then enter will take you to your home directory Man ls online manual gives detail list of how to use the command how to log out exit logout CTRL D Jan 27 2015 New projects due on Thursday Amazingness of this course congrats on the class reading the page Types of files regular - normal files text music other normal thigns Directory -meta data files that link to other files directorys- a file for other files to be stored in symbolic links files that point to other files special- UNIX Philosophy -everything is a file -small is beautiful -linux is simple and easy to use to keep files small -look up RISK for processors -do one thing and do one thing extremely well linux multi user system a singel suer can be signed into the system more then once New god like files STDIN by default is keyboard STDOUT by default to the monitor/screen/termainal STDERR- where error codes go how to reddirect the STDin out and err files I/O redirection < redirects STDIN from a file >rediects STDOUT to a file 2> rediects STDERR a file >> 2>> Jan 30 2015 More fun this week has been a little slower then i thought it would of been; however ive found that linux has many many uses and features i truly enjoy and like compared to windows. The idea that you have more control in what you do and not have it second guessing you everything has brought a new light into the picture. I believe i shall bring my home system to either mint or unbuntu. This should be a steeping stone into something great. Feb 10th 2015 Ok more fun with the wonderful world know as puzzel box one. This project requires the user to look thought the coding to make connections to different file types along with proper understanding of the text. The project requires the use of the file command at the base but more to come later. i will be showing a step by step to this so that i can retrace steps later on if need be Feb 10th 2014 relational operators == Checks equality != Checks inequality < less than > greater than <= less than or equal to >= greater than or equal to Locaal operators && and || or NOTES AND SHELL SCRIPTING using Shell and bash scripting History sh -bourneshell (orginal) csh C shell Bash bourne again shell tcsh zsh SSh is a secure shell that auto grabs another type of shell for its use needs to be on first line of every bash program #!/bin/bash # (shhhh)comment a line ! (bang) #!/bin/bash #my first script ever # echo -n "What is your name?" read name Echo "Hi, $name, How are you " exit 0 $(( )) allows for math equations % = powerful tool know as (modulas) 3/4/2015 Well this week has been alot of fun. With the massive amount of snow and the weird passwords that has been created on the files that needed to be submitted to matt. I was unable to even get to the part to find the path to the file to turn in. This course is making me wonder why i am taking it. Why must i know how to find passwords inside a file?? This has no use for me. I don't wish to hack or change or modify a file. I have no reason to understand why he is making these a project. However some of the linux unix enviroment is making it fun to use and run inside of. The chmod is one thing i enjoy. I hope i can get more updated today here. 3/10/14 Ok well its this time of the week again. The wonderful part where the program that matt is wanting us to complete is still not complete. I'm having a really hard time on these projects that he is giving us. I feel like i spend more time searchig the internet for the answers that what i actually do with the program itself. This is starting to make me wonder on how these classes are to help me in the future. Ok now onto the project. The project is to recove data that was stored. Ive been trying to figure out Hex this is becoming more of an issue then i even thought was possible. This is why im happy that 3 party software is already been created to recove these documents. If this had to be done peice by peice it would be crazy. I know of a place that works on items like this. However they charge large amouts for every MB of data recovered . This is the only use of this that i could figure that this would work with. Even if you loose data you should have been smart enough to back up the data some where else. This is not what i thought this class would be made up of. NOTES 3/10/2015 Regualr expressions(New Topic) Notes and update such as April 7th 2015 @ 1443hrs. The following day we are coming back from a weeks break and the power of linux and the unknown is till bothing me. I still dont understand what this course is to be teaching me about linux/unix. This course still hasnt given me any insight in how this is going to help later on. How ever i will contiune to work and do the projects to the most that i can and send files and projects that are incompelte or missing or not done. Im not sure how this is going to get or affect my grade. Issues with updating opus when you are not at the BDC. how to fix this with the power of putty. how to create a tunnel into lab46 from home. **Setting up an ssh tunnel** login = ssh mmerrick@lab46.corning-cc.edu the -L sets up local port fowarding ////ssh -g -L 8080:www:80 user@lab46.corning-cc.edu// port 8080 is your local machine www is the destination 80 destnation port// Todays Topic:Process Management when a command is running a process is created and is running when the command is active process= program in action each process have a process ID : PID PS(Process Status) - u generates a snapshot of current process when a process is running in the forground it is displayed it has the systems attension. backgrounding process stoped state the process is paused fully backgrounded it is still fully running items that dont need to have user input back be put into fully backgrounded SIGHUP= nicest way to shutdown a process SIGINT = -2 SIGQUIT = SIGIL = -4 SIGBUS= SIGKILL = -9 cant be stopped (GODMODE) PS aux