======C/C++ Programming Journal====== ====MONTH Day, YEAR==== This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for "Month Day, Year", and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries. As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries: * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? * Why was this significant? * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? ======UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal====== 2/6/2015 Well, ever since I missed the few days of all my class I felt like I was behind but finally I’ve caught up to most of them. So far this class is fun, much better than Joes, but don’t tell him that. I’ve made several “long” reading session on the beginner mages to unix and finally finished it twice, soon my spells will be able to take over the world! But for now I’m just a sorcerer's apprentice. Although even though I read that book twice I haven't finish the other book once. Everyday I kinda worry about writing in the oppis because I know the last few weeks are going to be killer on just writing everyday. The assignment for week 2 has completely dumbfounded me as I tried to run the files one at a time. It wasn’t until I got frustrated and decided to run them all at once then I finally got anywhere. That wasn’t the only problem I had as I also in the beginning compressed the files even more, in my process to DEcompression archives1.zip. 2/24/2015 I started up to project again have to finish puzzle box tonight. 3/2/2015 Class was cancelled today or was it?.......... 3/10/2015 next evolution of awesome. Mat was late today, talked about connection between part of the computer and the progress of technology ei the walkman, video tape, vinal. in order to fimilairz us with address and data, vs Random acess. Mat told us about the next project for us which is called "Udr1" and told us about the skills and uses of the skills the Udr series teaches us Mat told us about U rev that give us 96 excrises. can't procastate on this there is a 2 hour wait time untill you can run it again. also it is missing a gizmo, that is imbeded into udr1. So I guess I'll have to do udr1 as soon as possable. The the gizmo is reversed where the last byte is the first one and the second to last one is the second one. So I'll need to use a shell script, (loops?). learn about the 4 fields 4 set UID (run as administrator) EI ls -l /bin/ping 2 set GID (Group priiviivlages) 1 sticky bit (prevent users from deleting files or dir that they don't own) 0 nothing suggestion for Udr 1 DD bash od hexedit bvi bc Mat then showed us BC. WE first typed in bc, and we found out it was like a calculator. We were shown an exmaple by typing in a= echo "2+2"|bc for the command line and the following lab46:~$ bc -q 7%2 1 7/2 3 lab46:~$ lab46:~$ bc -l bc 1.06.95 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. 7/2 3.50000000000000000000 ibase=16 DEADBEEF 3735928559 D 13 lab46:~$ bc bc 1.06.95 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. ibase=16 DEADBEEF 3735928559 obase=2 DEADBEEF 11011110101011011011111011101111 lab46:~$ echo "2^64"|bc 18446744073709551616 lab46:~$ echo "2^64"|bc|wc -c 21 but that wasn't all Mat continued to blow us all away, like nothing in our wildest dreams could compare. Regular expressions(reqex) these are used in files unlike wild cards that are used on files REGULAR EXRESSIONS(ReqEx) . match any single character [] match anyone enclosed [^] do not match anyone of enclosed \< match start of word \> match end of word ^ match start of the line $ match end of the line * match 0 or more of the previous All of the avbove could be call "Basic RegEX" EXTENDED REP Egrep \( \) Pattern group | or (find a line that starts with _ or_) ( ) and then finally, we got to play with the tools we just learn (insert evil laugh) lab46:~$ cd /usr/share/dict lab46:/usr/share/dict$ ls american-english words lab46:/usr/share/dict$ less words this got us to a dictionary then we typed lab46:/usr/share/dict$ cat words|grep '^...$' |wc -l 845 lab46:/usr/share/dict$ cat words|grep '^.[aeiou].[aeiou]$' |wc -l 645 lab46:/usr/share/dict$ cat words|grep '^[ragixtdo][ragixtdo][ragixtdo][ragixtdo][ragixtdo]$' |wc -l 20 lab46:/usr/share/dict$ cat words|grep '^[ragixtdo]* $' |wc -l 0 ====MONTH Day, YEAR==== This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for "Month Day, Year", and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries. As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries: * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? * Why was this significant? * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? 2/14/2015 Since I missed out on last class two weeks ago I fell slightly behind. I know this class is only once a week but when you’re sick with a bug it truly makes it hard to go to any class. Since then I have had multiple talks with Chris and David to try and get me caught up. They told me about Bash files and how the class spent time trying to make a game. I hope they didn't leave anything out they said it was pretty simple and that there is nothing to it really and so far it doesn't seem to far off. 2/19/2015 did a little reading today trying not to forget everything i learned so far in Linux UNIX fundamentals but who knows. Also I should start on the puzzle box soon before it becomes late like everything else. Hopefully it is not as bad as the first one was for me. 2/23/2015 OK trying out the puzzle today, I got the file pbx1.zip, unzipped it, at first i was confused because it spent me straight to guess i password that i had no idea tor after failing a few times I finally gave up. After a few minutes of thinking i decide to retry and notice a read me file I found out the password was 1337. Sadly after that I got stuck I couldn't see anymore clues to what the next password is, I’ll try again tomorrow probably. 2/24/2015 Finally after a week break I get to go back to the best class on Earth Unix Fundamentals. Today in class he went over over tips and codes that will make programming much easier. We learned about different quotes such as the half quotes, full quotes and back quotes, we also learn expansions and the three different type of exceptions they are variable, algebraic and command expansions, which are all kinda self explanatory. Using this information we wrote two programs on our favorite text editor (VI hint hint) the first one just simply created a loop of itself making 14 copies of itself. The second on the other hand let us give it variables and with it the program gave each variable a name $1, $2, $3 and so on and so forth. Finally he taught us about 4 different Wild Cards the first one * is used to symbolized 0 or more of anything, the second one ? is used to symbolize 1 of any character, the third one [ ] is used to select 1 of any of the enclosed character, and the last one is [^ ], this one is used in a exclusion way unlike the previous. Our instructor had us go to the bin folder on our computers and asked us to run a series of test in which we were supposed to implement our just learn wildcards into solving the problem. After class I asked kyle for much needed help on the puzzle box. So tomorrow I’ll finally get much needed help for the puzzle box if I can’t get any further today