======C/C++ Programming Journal====== ==March 18,2015== Class: Learned how make frogs in top hats. This looked at reading files in C which is the first steps for things like joe's hex editor and any other project that needs to read information for it to function like looking at html in C. Also the debugger tool that comes with gcc. This is helpful for finding what part of the program is not working right. I feel like it kinda turns into to a interpreted language instead of a complied one. It goes line by line till it hits the problem with the option to see what is happening at each step. This is going to be useful for all programs since they are getting bigger and bigger. Lab: Lab all from nine lab was very hard for me. The functions were very confusing at first but I had moment of brilliance and finally understand them for the most part. I understand that chars are useful for single value characters and get rid of the excess storage that a int or long int would give you. Also that unsigned gives you a higher upper bound. Also that you can change data types by casting it to a different one. ==March 4,2015== class: Started learning how to make our own functions. When we are able to create the functions it well help cut down on typing the same code over and over again in our programs. I am still confused on how exactly how to make these functions. The lab is making progress but I am running into some slight problems. I sure am just overlooking something simple and am going to have to get the rubber ducky out to help me. ==February 25, 2015== Lab: Learned how to put loops and arrays into code. This was not a fun task. The displaying of the array data via a the loops was very up hard. I had no idea what I was doing. The displaying part was the only part that was hard. The numbers did not do what I wanted them to do. ====February 11, 2015==== ==Lab notes:== This would work for 4 or 5 digit numbers if the program was set to look for them. I do not see a pattern to this trick. I did find that I was typing the same thing over and over again which got really annoying. ==Class notes== I learned how to do if statements. This can be used so the computers make decisions. This lets the program go down different paths without the user telling it.This also lets you get different outcomes based out on the input from the beginnings. This can be used in many things and leads into looping ====February 3, 2015==== ==This weeks project:== After some trouble figuring out how to do it I figured it all out. The program I wrote seems to work with 3 and 4 digit numbers ending in 5. This happened because the code only looks at whole numbers. It would depend how the way the person wrote their program if theirs worked for 3 and 4 digits. ==Week summary== Learned how to get input from the user using fscanf and setting that input to a variable. This can be used to get feed back among other things from the user. The storing of values and strings variables for later use can be used to make larger scale projects and for looping until a certain answer is given. Getting better with the lab46 commands and pushing to bitbucket from lab46. Still having trouble with remembering the";" at the end of lines. Looking forward to learning more about C and doing fun projects. ====January 27, 2015==== In the first week of C/C++ programming lab I learned how to write a hello world program. I also learned how to install PuTTy on a window machine along with how to use lab46. Some of the commands on lab46 still confuse me a little but I think that will be solved with playing with them. ====MONTH Day, YEAR==== This is a sample format for a dated entry. Please substitute the actual date for "Month Day, Year", and duplicate the level 4 heading to make additional entries. As an aid, feel free to use the following questions to help you generate content for your entries: * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? * Why was this significant? * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course?