======C/C++ Programming Journal====== ====January 22, 2014==== Just had my first C/C++ class today. The language already seems much more complicated than VBS based on the syntax alone. So, as of right now the only challenge I have to face now is linking my new repository to TortoiseHG. ====January 28, 2014==== Started on the Hello.C project. It is going well thanks to my experiencing with other programming languages such as VBS and Javascript. Also, editing with the command line is easier than I thought. ====February 6, 2014==== Managed to compile my program using the gcc command. By using -o at the end of the command I was able to rename the program from a.exe to hello.exe which makes it much more user friendly. ====February 11, 2014==== Failed miserable at the data type project. I keep getting the same results for qty or an error. I now believe that the problem with the format specifier in the fprintf() line. Will try to fix later. ====March 14, 2014==== Fell way behind in opus updates, projects since last update were squares which worked well, days of the week which also work, but had a lot of if statements that I'm sure could be improved. Nikhilam worked okay, it had problems with numbers too close to the base of 10, but other wise it was good. Multby11 is going terrible trying to get input thorgh the command line. ====March 21, 2014==== Worked on the crosswise lab, did very well into I ran across agrv and agrc not being declared error, also I wasn't sure how to get the function to work with the return part. Need to get some questions answered. ====March 27, 2014==== My current question for C would be, can I have more than I return in a custom function if they are nested inside an If statement and the function will never run across 2 return statements due to its formatting. ====April 7, 2014==== Haven't touch C since last update, though I have been thinking about some pseudo code in my head for the Hex Editor program so Will mess with that soon. ====April 10, 2014==== Started to work out the Hex editor project in my head a bit more. At this moment I know I will be using a loop to check every char in a file and display every char as a hex value. Not sure how to do the menu yet. ====April 17, 2014==== Just started learning C++ this week. After the lecture part by Joe demonstrating encapsulation and such, I had an idea for a game that would work with the knowlege I know about C++ right now. ====April 24, 2014==== Working on the End of Course Exp. I know the first part is going to use Fibonacci formal to generate numbers to work with. To do the formatting I'll use atoi function to change the char pointer from argv to an Int and work with it from there. ====May 1, 2014==== Did the first part of final 0x0, Now time to try an implement the atoi function, but when I dod I get a constant char error thing. Will have to look into that some more. ======UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal====== ====January 22, 2014==== Had my first lab for Linux/Unix yesterday. Class seems fun and the Batcave is an interesting place. Only problems I'm having right now is the time slot and location. I really wish it wasn't in the middle of the day. Also, I messed around with a side project of mine. I got a Raspberry Pi for Christmas, so I've been messing around with that trying to find a suitable task for it. ====January 28, 2014==== Messed around a bit more with my Raspberry Pi. I think I will set it up to forward streams in case I ever want to import sources from multiple computers. This will be useful if I ever need to re-stream something. ====February 6, 2014==== Learned about the Vi editor, as of right now I'm not sure about using it do to the two modes. I'm sure it would be faster than a normal editor, but I am quite content with notepad, notepad++, ect. ====February 11, 2014==== Finished the puzzle box project before the class even started. wasn't too bad, just a little bit time consuming. I understand all but the uuencoded thing and how it works. ====March 14, 2014==== Urev went good, except for when I hit enter after the first hex digit and ended up getting the 2nd one wrong. Webpages started off good and I know HTML, but typing it on Putty is quite hard with lag and not having copy/paste at hand. Should be done soon. ====March 21, 2014==== IRC bot project went well, got the bot running and configured, but I have no idea when it comes to the bash script, gonna need to ask some more questions about that. ====March 27, 2014==== IRC bot is all done. Once I got my answer to the syntax on bash scripts I was able to finish the project in less than an hour. Now on to the wildcard/selection lab. remember to | things. ====April 7, 2014==== Haven't touch Unix in a week due to spring break, will get to work soon on the sorting thing. ====April 10, 2014==== Again, I haven't work on Unix like a should be this week. I'll probably have to look over the labs again to see how to search for keywords and phrase to work on the project. ====April 17, 2014==== Working on the Project this week with the grep and cut thing. Got rid of the tab field separator and now at the point where to remove blanks and errors. ====April 24, 2014==== Got the first puzzle box done after asking alot of questions. Hardest part was trying to figure what the zip file contained. P.S. don't look at date modify of files that came from archives. ====May 1, 2014==== Got all of the Linux EOCE things done but the sprite, assessment, and half of the palindrome script. Will try to finish up most of that today.