======UNIX/Linux Fundamentals Journal====== ====January 24th, 2014==== * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? Learning how to make changes in my OPUS was a little bit of a struggle for the first time. Now that I have that figured out full steam ahead. * Why was this significant? Hoping that this was not a sign of things to come in this semester. * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? The difference between doing things in lab versus and working on things at home. * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? Nothing as of right now. ====January 31st, 2014==== This Unix/Linux class is pretty interesting. Just wish I had more time to explore everything that it has to offer. I am sure things are going to start getting hectic with all the other classes in this semester. ====February 7th, 2014==== Oh the joys of archive handling. Something close to bomb handling better be careful or it will blow up in your face!! ====February 14th, 2014==== Ode to the puzzlebox you may have tried to defeat me. But alas with a little help you were conquered. What challenges you will hopefully only make you stronger. We will see how I feel about that at the end of the semester! ====February 21st, 2014==== Chmod oh chmon one of the easiest and most enjoying projects we have done yet. Far as I am concerned. rwx = 7, rw- = 6, r-x = 5. What ever the hell that means, just kidding, but really! ====February 28th, 2014==== OH BOY web pages! Something that I have always been interested in doing. Just not to sure if this is the way I want to go about doing it. At least it will give me some in sight about creating my own web page later on. Depending on how involved it turns out to be. ====March 7th, 2014==== Ya the web pages thing not as interesting as I had hoped. I know how to go about it far as the whole HTML and what to do. It seems that I have run into the thing that they call a creative block. As hard as I try to come up with something my mind is always blank. So stay tuned. ====March 14th, 2014==== Now with Web Pages out if the way. On to the next project the IRCBOT. If successful should be a pretty cool little tool. MH370 is a freaky thing to lose a plane that big. I feel that there has had to have been sabotage involved. I hope that they find it for all of the families involved. ====March 21th, 2014==== IRCBOT is pretty involved. Lot more than I would have thought. Not sure how this project will turn out. It's going to be a long road. ====March 28th, 2014==== IRCBOT didn't make was more than I could handle. Sorry Junior had such great hopes for you. So on to the next project. ====April 4th, 2014==== The next project dataproc, have two weeks to complete. Will just have to find the way through till the end. I am sure that it will be more involved than the last projects. ====April 11th, 2014==== Making progress on the dataproc project. Half way through and one more week to go. It will be close, but I have a good feeling that it will be accomplished. Hopefully even a couple of days before the deadline. ====April 18th, 2014==== Just as I had hoped, submitted the dataproc project two days ahead of schedule. For once things went better than expected this semester. The end is near but I am sure it is a long way from over. ====April 25th, 2014==== And it rears it's ugly head, the last project EOCE, the mother of all mothers. This one will definitely take me to the end. Hopefully I will be able to make through this one. ====May 2nd, 2014==== Slowly but surely the tortoise wins the race. It's been a long haul and the light is dimly shining. Just wish it was a lot brighter by this time. ====May 9th, 2014==== Well the semester is over, only time will tell.