======cprog Journals====== ====2/2/2013==== integer-ma-tron is spitting out numbers in the most isn't intuitive way possible...add funions and re-engage... ====2/4/2013==== Still unclear of loop structure.....independent study carries on ====2/6/2013==== Made in class program per Matt's instruction. ====2/28/2013==== Going to get my act together on this opus.. ==12:25pm== Current task, learned from shawn in class chat the "return(0)" ens a function an that is why none of my loops were engaging. The "return(0)" should be used at then end of entire functions within a larger program. ==12:36pm== Putting "printf("loop# is working") in code to see which loops are/not engaging once compiled. ====3/2/2013==== ==elsewhere...== May be off topic...apologies found myself at a bar, on a Saturday night....doing pseudo-code for an expoentiator? {{http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d81/splankinoff/IMG_20130302_210109_784.jpg}} ====3/4/2013==== ==10:35pm== Whole working on an exponentiation program I have found out the hard way that mathmatical and parenthetically expressed logic is only one solution and that, at time, reverse engineering a solution in plain words can be crazy more effective...not just for code but because if you can express a thought effectivly in words you have a clear idea of it and it's good to hear ideas so they don't get lost in brain mess... ==10:40pm== Add print functions to loops to debug..e.g. spits out value of a variable at each execution of said loop. ====3/14/2013==== [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jmendoza/portfolio/unixproject2 | This happened]] ====3/18/2013==== Forgot again!! gcc blahblah. -Wall compiles with warnings ====3/20/2013==== read up on BNF form. ====4/1/2013==== Lots of info to backlog, visited google and saw source code for spanner project and learned a bit how it works (Much of it is in c++!) also got a lesson in pre and post incriments and their usues as well as resource managment "enter photos here later" ====4/whatever/2013==== {{:opus:spring2013:jmendoza:preview.jpg?nolink&200|}} ======unix Journals====== ====1/29/2013==== Made it through "Unix for Beginning Mages" Googled important concepts and have them bookmarked, will add the opus/wiki as time permits ====2/2/2013==== Successfully managed to Putty into lab 46 from home ====2/13/2013==== Readings done, Procrastination defeated in a spike cage death match and the the following are my notes for lab 0x0 pwd utility - displays absolute path to your current working directory cd - changes directory -Learned to navigate through directory paths and create new directories who - displays users logged into the system after much gnashing of teeth I have discovered typing "alpine" open the alpine client.....%#^$()#(*&^ ====2/28/2013==== ==12:07pm== Ok, so I can write a bunch of bogus logs to make it look like I have been mapping my progress but that would be pretty shady so I will not. Instead there will be super regualr updates to this page with triumph and failures proper. Current problem is learning how to differentiate and kill multiple detached screens to gain access to class chat again. ====3/4/2013==== ==10:43pm== catching up with old logs.. nano - simple and effective text editor built into many linux builds Also, wondering what actually separates Linux from Unix....very similar systems...lawsuit? ==11:03pm== useful quick reference from Berkeley from brain-farts in terminal commands and a few other useful bits http://lab.demog.berkeley.edu/Docs/12important/12important/12uc.shtml ====3/9/2013==== ==1:37pm== Crosses over with C but try to remember absolute path is entire path heirarchy to a thing and relative is abridged based on current location ==1:40pm== If everything in unix is a file then how many of these file/commands are stored in memory whilst accessing the cli? ====3/10/2013==== Help with setting permissions http://www.washington.edu/computing/unix/permissions.html ==TO DO== lab 0x2 can't find badname.tgz file ====3/11/2013==== Gzip, common comression tool in unix environment Tar,is used to combine multiple files into one while keeping the heirarchy intact Together quite useful for transfering file systems. Don't make baby Jeebus cry!!! no spaces in filename!!1!!1!ooneone!1!1elevn ====3/13/2013==== ==12:30pm== The "cat" command was returning a message saying "This file contains only spaces" turns out that is the text the file contains.....why do they do this to us?!?!? ==4:01pm== *reading* - read file *writing* - read and replaces overwirtes existing data *append* - point starts at end of file and adds to it as opposed to just overwriting. ====3/14/2013==== [[http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/user/jmendoza/portfolio/unixproject2 | This happened]] ====3/18/2013==== Forgot again!! gcc blahblah. -Wall compiles with warnings ====3/20/2013==== Allll night Arduino vs Ubuntu showdown...sudo command used with reckless abandon ====3/30/2013==== After much gnashing of teeth and having created a functional particulate sensor and oled arduino device I am back to the assigned projects. the last bit of lab 0x2 is not working out well for our hero so am skipping to the puzzle-box tasks also, my netbook is now dual booting windows/ubuntu :) yep on vacation in Seattle doing homework...oh the places you'll code! ====4/13/2013==== Looks like .bash_history cantaloupes every command you've ever entered int ot command line ====4/17/2013==== Thanks Matt for this exapmle of how to count from the begining of an array to the terminating character i=0; while(c!='\0') { c=array[i]; ++i; } *gcc = c compiler* *g++ = c++ compiler*