=====unix Keywords===== ====17. Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Loader==== ===Definition=== The compiler takes the code and translates it into assembly code.\\ The assembler takes the assembly code and translates it into machine code - the resulting file being an object file.\\ The linker looks at the object file (which is linked to other object files and libraries, like the stuff from stdlib etc) and figures out how it all comes together, and assign memory locations to everything.\\ When it comes to load time, the loader creates a process and basically sets everything up for your program to run, and then launches into the instructions of your program.\\ ===Demonstration=== It's possible to do these steps one at a time instead of letting gcc / g++ do it all for you. But it's rather painful. g++ -c *.cc -> will give you .o object files. These are compiled and assembled, so they are in machine code. g++ -o Program *.o -> This will link those object files, and give you a running program. yay! ====18. Source Code, Object Code, Binary Code, Library==== ===Definition=== Source Code is the file that contains the code that you wrote.\\ Object Code is the file that contains the machine code, after the compiler and assembler are done with it.\\ Binary Code is the file that contains the machine code, and has been linked.\\ A library is a file that you can link to that contains many functions. There are math libraries, and then the standard libraries, etc.\\ ===Demonstration=== We start with c source code files.\\ Then we translate them into object code files.\\ Then we finally link it all into a binary code file.\\ The last step also takes care of attaching the libraries I used and stuff.\\ lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ ls Arrays.c Functions.h Math.c Project2Monolithic.c lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ gcc -c *.c lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ ls Arrays.c Arrays.o Functions.h Math.c Math.o Project2Monolithic.c Project2Monolithic.o lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ gcc -o Program *.o lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ ls Arrays.c Arrays.o Functions.h Math.c Math.o Program Project2Monolithic.c Project2Monolithic.o lab46:~/src/cprog/projects/CProject2$ ====19. Pattern Matching==== ===Definition=== Pattern matching is the ability to find things that you're looking for, by using patterns to search for them. ===Demonstration=== Compiling a multifile program using patterns, instead of typing out a bunch of different file names. lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ ls main.cc rectangle.cc rectangle.h shape.cc shape.h square.cc square.h triangle.cc triangle.h lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ g++ -c *.cc lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ ls main.cc rectangle.cc rectangle.o shape.h square.cc square.o triangle.h main.o rectangle.h shape.cc shape.o square.h triangle.cc triangle.o lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ g++ -o Program *.o lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ ./Program 1 for Rectangle 2 for Square 3 for Triangle 2 You chose square. Enter the width/length: 12 The perimeter is: 48 The area is: 144 Einen schönen Tag noch, Ruck. lab46:~/src/cprog/c++/today$ ====20. Regular Expressions==== ===Definition=== Regular Expressions, or RegEx, are algorithms that will match something.\\ By using these, you can search for, let's say, any word in a txt file that contains the gerund 'ing'.\\ It's pretty powerful stuff. ===Demonstration=== I have a file with a bunch of courses. Let's say I only want the Shortcut version (like, BUSN 0003 and FYEX 1000).\\ I can pipe the output through egrep which uses RegEx to match up to what I want.\\ The hard part, is coming up with the RegExp. lab46:~/src/unix/courselist$ cat test.file HIPAA - 77017 - BUSN 0003 - 001 Computer Keyboarding - 77015 - BUOT 1061 - 001 Word Processing for Non-Major - 77016 - BUOT 1062 - 001 Intro Graphical User Interface - 77002 - CSST 1031 - 001 OSHA Special Topics (30ct hr) - 77011 - ENVR 0030 - 001 Natural Gas Equipment Oper - 77014 - ENVR 0072 - 001 First Year Experience - 77005 - FYEX 1000 - 001 First Year Experience - 77004 - FYEX 1000 - 002 BasicLifeSupport-Prof. Rescuer - 77006 - HLTH 1010 - 001 BasicLifeSupport-Prof. Rescuer - 77007 - HLTH 1010 - 002 American History II - 77020 - HIST 1120 - 001 Achievement Motivation - 77021 - HUSR 1000 - 001 Care.&Aging Issue-Healthy Func - 77029 - HUSR 1411 - 001 Caregiving&Aging Issues-Common - 77030 - HUSR 1412 - 001 Lean Special Topic (24cnt) - 77012 - LEAN 0024 - 001 LEN Special Topic (57 cnt hr) - 77027 - LEN 0057 - 001 Excel Advanced Workshop - 77025 - EXCL 0004 - 001 Intro. to MasterCam Design - 77026 - MCAM 0113 - 001 Structures of Mathematics I - 77028 - MATH 1110 - 001 Medical Terminology - 77013 - MEDT 0030 - 001 Nurse Aide/Home Health Aide - 77022 - MDNC 0315 - 001 Child Abuse Recognition - 77023 - PDEV 0011 - 001 Child Abuse Recognition - 77024 - PDEV 0011 - 002 Child Psychology - 77010 - PSYC 2207 - 001 Abnormal Psychology - 77009 - PSYC 2215 - 001 Cross-Country Skiing (co-ed) - 77018 - RECC 1014 - 001 Wilderness Navigation - 77019 - RECC 1015 - 001 Introduction to Sociology - 77003 - SOCI 1010 - 001 The Vegetarian Adventure - 77008 - WELL 1011 - 001 lab46:~/src/unix/courselist$ cat test.file | egrep -o '[A-Z]?[A-Z]{3} [0-9]{4}' BUSN 0003 BUOT 1061 BUOT 1062 CSST 1031 ENVR 0030 ENVR 0072 FYEX 1000 FYEX 1000 HLTH 1010 HLTH 1010 HIST 1120 HUSR 1000 HUSR 1411 HUSR 1412 LEAN 0024 LEN 0057 EXCL 0004 MCAM 0113 MATH 1110 MEDT 0030 MDNC 0315 PDEV 0011 PDEV 0011 PSYC 2207 PSYC 2215 RECC 1014 RECC 1015 SOCI 1010 WELL 1011 lab46:~/src/unix/courselist$ ====21 Filtering==== ===Definition=== Filtering is basically a program that gets data from standard input and then writes results to standard output. Like running grep on the cat from a file. ===Demonstration=== So, cat on a file outputs that files contents to standard output. If I pipe this to grep, grep will accept that standard input (that was output from cat) and then return it's answer to standard output. Here we are printing a .html file to standard output, finding all the instances of CSCS, and then counting how many times that CSCS appears. lab46:~$ cat fall2011-20110417.html | grep -o 'CSCS' | wc -l 51 lab46:~$ ====22. networking, UNIX Networking Tools==== ===Definition=== We never really went into networking with UNIX. It's such a broad topic that I don't really know how to get into it either. ===Demonstration=== ====23. Security==== ===Definition=== In UNIX/Linux the way that the system is set up provides good security by itself. Since all files have permissions, just setting up the system to provide the correct permissions to the correct users ensures that the wrong people can't get their hands on files they shouldn't. Taking advantage of the root-group-owner permission system is a great way of providing security in a multi-user system. On top of it all, UNIX/Linux systems don't really have many viruses to begin with. All the viruses created target Windows and occasionally OS X. ===Demonstration=== ====24. X Window System==== ===Definition=== The X Window System is a software system that provides a GUI basically. It has a very strong UNIX/Linux philosophy operating behind it. It's designed to accept added functionality, and leaving it up to the user to determine what they want to do with it. ===Demonstration=== =====unix Objective===== ====unix Objective==== understanding and use of pattern matching ===Definition=== It's pretty straight forward. This means that we can use tools like grep, or even understand the syntax for searching for patterns instead of specifics using things like ls ===Method=== How well I utilize regexp. ===Measurement=== After struggling through the labs related to pattern matching and regexp and grep and all that good stuff, I feel pretty confident in my ability to use patterm matching. ===Analysis=== * How did you do? Good * Is there room for improvement? Oh yes, I still struggled with finding a solution at a glance. * Could the measurement process be enhanced to be more effective? Not really, it's pretty easy to test it. * Do you think this enhancement would be efficient to employ? N/A * Could the course objective be altered to be more applicable? How would you alter it? Not really. maybe specify regexp.