======Part 1====== =====Entries===== ====Entry 1: February 25, 2012==== UNIX It is amazing to think about the amount of specialized systems out there that are actually UNIX based. My old perception was the Windows runs the world when in all actuality they only have the PC OS market. The systems that actually control most everything is UNIX. For example, UNIX sends the space shuttle into orbit, communicates with satellites, runs our database systems and processes your bank requests. Fun to have that reality open your eyes to the importance of knowing how to have fun on a command line. C/C++ I have found that learning a language is more application then it is reading. I felt for a while that until i read it all and new what all was there that actually sitting down to right code was impossible. How do you paint a picture without know what colors you have, or how can you build anything without have an idea of the materials needed. This logic still holds true but really, it is the application that sticks it into my memory so it can be used in the next "painting". The shift project was not something that did not make sense... it was just really the grey area of how the computer would actual shift the information with the commands that are needed. ====Entry 2: February 27, 2012==== C/C++ For me the hardest part about getting your first language under your skin using it. I have read, watched and studied so much material... but until i get to sit down and just right code... and more code. I am not sure who well i am coming along. I grab code to look at and can tell that i understand more of it. The nice part is that i am almost done with a few of the resources i have found. I seem to think that completing them will at least let me know where the walls are so i can start framing things in. UNIX Stopped at Barnes & Nobles for a coffee and ad quick flip through the newest 2600. When i got to the rack, coffee in hand... priorities ya know, I was amazed at the amount of Linux based magazines could be found. The now have an Ubuntu magazine that give a walk through on what is new with a live install CD in the back. Another magazine going into detail on four Linux developments along with live installs. i looked further to many Mac/Unix flavors. I noticed others has made a map of their home director and thought I would add this to my post.... I need to do some cleaning. ===Definition=== Lab46:/$ | Home | skinney1 | lab46:~% | Maildir - archives - bin - devel - file - phenny - shell - src - public_html | | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | cur dovecot-uidvalidity dovecot.index.cache new dovecot-uidlist dovecot-uidvalidity.4f20b790 dovecot.index.log tmp | | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | arc.tar def.text dir1 filea fileb.gz filec.gz filez | | | | | | | / | | | | | | e login ping tcsh zsh gz24043 mod ps touch | | | | | | / | | | | | a.out hC.out helloASM.S helloJAVA.class ltypes.c.save dtypes.c hCPP.out helloC.c helloJAVA.java ltypes.c.save.1 dtypes.out hello helloC.s link.sh ltypes.out hASM.o hello.o helloCPP.cc ltypes.c multifile | | | | | / | | | | abcd.txt file.txt submit | | | | / | | | README.txt bot.py icao.pyc modules project web.py __init__.py bot.pyc irc.py opt tools.py web.pyc __init__.pyc icao.py irc.pyc phenny tools.pyc | | | / | | file file1234 file3 file41 fileZZZ wc file1 file2 file4 file555 filea | | / | cprog helloC.c submit unix | / Empty ====Entry 3: March 3, 2012==== UNIX just realized that the opus has a section for each month... so more work to do then I thought. Hope i can recover from my oversight. Having fun messing with the bash scripting... but the actual use of some of the commands are a pain. Trying thing 50 different ways... so i am also learning to research more vs. hacking things correct. ====Entry 4: March 3.5, 2012==== UNIX Finished up this weeks assignment. The lab was tough stuff, more so the last script. I actually could not believe that i was able to do the first one. I did have issues with the getting the bash script to save the file vs prompting the used to hit ^d. i attempted the terminator ";" and the done call out. Google was not my friend on this one ether. I ended up leaving the script a bit messy, but it did do the desired act. C++ Working on catching up the opus for the class. I have been watching videos from wibit.net this week and making note cards along with practicing writing. =====Keywords===== {{page>cprogpart1&nofooter}} {{page>unixpart1&nofooter}} =====Experiments===== ====Experiment 1==== ===Question=== Is it possible to create a fully functional Linux system from a USB drive? ===Resources=== I will be using a few different variants to test this hypotheses https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick The recommended platform set up wizard http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ Linux sources http://www.backtrack-linux.org/ http://www.fedoraproject.org/ http://www.archlinux.org/download/ ===Hypothesis=== I should be able to set up a full functional system off from a USB, restricted only by the size of the usbdrive. It will be able to record all changes, install needed packages and all for the full GUI experience. ===Experiment=== i have purchased or acquired the follow components for the experiment. Lonovo X61 laptop, (7762-54U Intel Core2 Duo 1.6GHZ 1GB). - This is a depresied business laptop that seelf for 2k new - Total cost was less then ninety from ebay. Primarily because there is no OS, battery or hardrive. - This system will be a perfect platform for the linux system i plan to toy with 3 pendrives, 4gb, 8gb and 16 gb. - After researching different flavors of Linux and finding the amount of space each system will need the above drives are the perfect size. 3 ISO images - BackTrack 5 - Fedora - Arch Linux Ubuntu was my first consideration being their large user base and documentation archives. However, i have run Ubuntu for about 5 years... time to step out of the box. I will install each flavor using the wizard and live boot from the laptop ===Data=== - BackTrace 5 - Fedora - Arch Linux ===Analysis=== Based on the data collected: * Was your hypothesis correct? Yes the three usb drives boot nicley, save all changes and provide a complete user experience * Was your hypothesis not applicable? it concluded with findings * Is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis) Wizard issues - The wizard had issues with the versions that i was trying to install. I had the Universal USB Installer ver The issue was resolved by upgrading to - The wizard likes to be smarter then is should be. If the .iso is not names exactly the same as the linux flavor drop down box the installer will not find it. The Fedora install gave me some issues with this * What shortcomings might there be in your experiment? * The objective was to find out if a fully functional linux system could boot for a usb drive. This was nothing new and i found a lot of resources on the web showing how to. So the topic might not be deep enough. * What shortcomings might there be in your data? no data was collected ===Conclusions=== What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made. ====Experiment 2==== repair an old Dell with a fresh install of Ubuntu ===Question=== Can linux make a computer, that is currently able to run win xp, run faster and add life to an old machine. ===Resources=== http://www.ubuntu.com/community https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://askubuntu.com/ ===Hypothesis=== Can an old system run better with linux? I believe that the system will run better then a store bought system with 3x the physical architecture. ===Experiment=== I will explore the current setup, document the system, save all files and clean out the cob-webs. I will be installing the newest version of Ubuntu 11.10 for the i386. The OS is a large decrease in size. Going from 32GB used for XP down to the usb version, that is 700mb. The additional driver packs and toys will make the system 1.6GB total. ===Data=== System - Dell Dimension E310 - Pentium4 HT Prescott single core with 90nm - MBoard 0JC474, Southbridge 82801FB rev.4 - BIOS A03 2005 - Windows XP Media Center Edition Professional SP3 32 bit - Graphics card Intel 82915G/GV/910GL Express 128MB Drvier 6.14/.10.4410 - HD Seagate ST3160828AS SATA-II 156GB - RAM DDR2 512 XP -Start up time 2 minutes -Errors msmsgs.exe error. "the instructions at ")x5ff3cbc2" referenced memory at "0x0007710f". The memory could not be read" Unexpected signal: stack overflow with ntdll.dll Java error mim.exe end program fault ccpcc.exe end program fault -Performance Physical memory 78% avg. Processer avg. on idle the CPU runs 0%... surprising... there is alot of junk on here that screams melware. I do not think i can trust the task manager. Installed Speccy to check and everything is the same. My Duel core does not run as well. Maxed with three browsers and a photo editor Ubuntu 11.10 - Start up time was 40 seconds - HD was installed at the full 160GB on SCS13 sda ATA - Performance CPU avg is 12% Mem running at 41% ===Analysis=== Based on the data collected: * Was your hypothesis correct? The experience seems much fuller, from my opinion the system is much better. * Was your hypothesis not applicable? N/A * Is there more going on than you originally thought? nope * What shortcomings might there be in your experiment? My ability to actual measure core performance or other factors was very limited. * What shortcomings might there be in your data? The data is based mostly on users opinion. ===Conclusions=== Total install took 10 minutes. The installer was seamless and everything worked strait from the install. The system is setup for my son, he will be having lots of fun thanks to Ubuntu. After thought: the performance was highly increased by Ubuntu; however Fedora made it fly. ====Experiment 3==== Rooting Android ===Question=== Is it worth all the hassle to root your android phone. ===Resources=== - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAKDeFIIM2c - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1380430 - http://www.xda-developers.com/tag/samsung-droid-charge/ ===Hypothesis=== After reviewing the walk through and many of the XDA developers forums the act of root is not an intense act. Thanks to the developers the process is turn key. Once rooted you have more functions that you can use to control many of the functions of your phone. You are able to limit feature that consume space and the CPU meter. Rooting the phone will improve the operation of the phone. The only draw back is that gaining full power over your phone voids the warranty on the phone. ===Experiment=== I will be following the walk through given by the resources listed. 1)restore the phone to original factor install 2)install Odin 3)flash the ROM 4)reboot ===Data=== I had issues with the install and had to repeat the process. Once completed the phone ran much better. The boot up was completed in 1/3 of the time is typically takes and many of the advanced super user feature allow higher level of control. ===Analysis=== * Was your hypothesis correct? Yes * Was your hypothesis not applicable? N/A * Is there more going on than you originally thought? The community that is working to allow rooting is busy. I did not know that it was such a big project * What shortcomings might there be in your experiment? The experiment is not really one that allows for measure outside of opinion. * What shortcomings might there be in your data? No data was needed ===Conclusions=== All phones should come with a root install for the owner. Would the consumer market allow limited access on their home computers in exchange for a service. I doubt it highy and wounder why we allow the legality of the warranty on the phones to stay valid. The process was easy and the return of the time invested was great.