lab46:~$ ls
2 badname.tgz newdirect bin phenny class_notes phenny.tar.bz2
Desktop classlog.c regex.html
Documents count.c sample.db
Downloads data spring2010-20091022.html
Maildir fall2010-20100315.html spring2010-20101113.html
Music fall2010-20101113.html spring2011-20101105.html
Pictures fall2011-20110417.html spring2011-20101113.html
Public file spring2012-20111103.html
Templates index.html src
Videos lab1 stdout
archives winter2011-20101113.html
badname motd
lab46:~$ cp count.c count.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
lab46:~$ rm count.c
rm: remove regular file `count.c'? y
lab46:~$ mkdir newdirect2
lab46:~$ touch newfile
lab46:~$ ls
2 bin newfile class_notes phenny classlog.c phenny.tar.bz2
Desktop count.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx regex.html
Documents data sample.db
Downloads fall2010-20100315.html spring2010-20091022.html
Maildir fall2010-20101113.html spring2010-20101113.html
Music fall2011-20110417.html spring2011-20101105.html
Pictures file spring2011-20101113.html
Public index.html spring2012-20111103.html
Templates lab1 src
Videos stdout
archives motd winter2011-20101113.html
badname newdirect
badname.tgz newdirect2
lab46:~$ grep hey regex.html
Objective: To become familiar with the UNIX command line through exposure to some simple commands. The student will also be presented with traditional UNIX conventions they are expected to become familiar with and use throughout the semester. |
How have they changed?
lab46:~$ cd ..
lab46:/home$ ls
bherrin2 dh018304 hshaikh jsmit176 mdecker3 rmatsch tp001498
bhuffner dherman3 hwarren1 jstrong4 mdittler rmoses triley2
bkenne11 dlalond1 ian jsulli34 mearley1 rnewman ts004985
bobpauljr dmay5 javery9 jtongue2 mgough rpetzke1 wedge
bort dmckinn2 jbaez jtreacy mguthri2 rraplee wezlbot
bowlett1 dmurph14 jbamper jtripp mhenry9 rrichar8 wfischba
brian dpadget8 jbarne13 jv001406 mkellogg rsantia4 wknowle1
brobbin4 dparson3 jbesecke jvanott1 mkelsey1 rshaw8 wroos
bstoll dpotter8 jblaha jwalrat2 mmatt rthatch2 ystebbin
btaber2 dprutsm2 jblanch1 jwhitak3 mowens3 ryoung12 zlittle
bwheat drobie2 jbrant jwilli30 mp018526 sblake3 zmccann
bwilso23 ds000461 jbrizzee jwilso39 mpage9 sc000826 zward
lab46:/home$ cd rmatsch
lab46:~$ cd src
lab46:~/src$ ls
Makefile cprog hello1 hello1.c helloC helloC.c submit unix
lab46:~/src$ cd unix
lab46:~/src/unix$ ls
arc.tar.gz cs4.txt cs9.txt lab0.txt lab5.txt laba.txt cs5.txt csA.txt lab1.txt lab6.txt
cs1.txt cs6.txt csB.txt lab2.txt lab8.txt scripting
cs2.txt cs7.txt csC.txt lab3.txt lab9.txt shell
cs3.txt cs8.txt devel lab4.txt labC.txt unix_html_stuff
====Environment Variables====
environment variables are significant and can be thought of in a sense to create the operating environment in which a process runs. environment variables set at login are valid for the duration of the session. Environment variables have UPPER CASE as opposed to lower case which are shell variables.
USER (your login name)
HOME (the path name of your home directory)
HOST (the name of the computer you are using)
ARCH (the architecture of the computers processor)
DISPLAY (the name of the computer screen to display X windows)
PRINTER (the default printer to send print jobs)
PATH (the directories the shell should search to find a command)