=====unix Keywords===== Local host....X ■ Remote host......X ■ Home directory......X ■ Current working directory.....X ■ Types of files (regular, directory, special)......X ■ File manipulation.....X ■ Text Processing.....X ■ The VI editor.....X ====unix Keyword 1==== Local host ===Definition=== Local host is is the standard hostname given to the address of the loopback network interface or the web address of the computer you are working on. Although local host can take different forms, the web address is simply your computer's identifier. ===Demonstration=== enter "" into any web browser, and you will see a web page hosted by a web server on the same computer if one is running. ====unix Keyword 2==== Remote host ===Definition=== Remote hosts are computers that are not locally accessed. They are further away from where you are such as servers or public internet. ===Demonstration=== a computer connected to lab46.corning-cc.edu through ssh is an example of a remote host ====unix Keyword 3==== File Manipulation ===Definition=== file manipulation is the ability to control files such as moving them, removing them, copying them. ===Demonstration=== lab46:~/src/cprog lab46:~/src/cprog$ touch file123 lab46:~/src/cprog$ cp file123 file2 lab46:~/src/cprog$ rm file123 rm: remove regular empty file `file123'? y lab46:~/src/cprog$ mkdir file123 lab46:~/src/cprog$ rmdir file123 lab46:~/src/cprog$ mv file2 /tmp lab46:~/src/cprog$ lab46:~/src/cprog$ cd /tmp lab46:/tmp$ ls A.txt cformansencryption.c fishd.log.vcordes1 img--01315.htm img--93112.asc lost+found nofile.txt prog1x5 aptitude-rlott.11795:dKeQWo fbarb.txt fishd.socket.vcordes1 img--12835.htm img-file-88471.c mc-jbamper plain.txt prog1x5.c aptitude-rlott.11860:1ABldB file2 hsperfdata_brobbin4 img--39027.htm img-logout-04391.asc mc-tedmist1 prog1x4.c wierdfileiswierd lab46:/tmp$ ====unix Keyword 4==== Home directory ===Definition=== The home directory is your default directory. Whenever you open up a cmd prompt you are at your home directory. ===Demonstration=== root | home | rmatsch | ___________________________ | | | | | bin src file.c lab2 hello.c | __________ | | | cprog unix submit | |____________________ | | | Contact.info var2.c array.c login as: rmatsch rmatsch@lab46.corning-cc.edu's password: __ _ _ _ __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | | __ _| |__ / | |_/ / . Basic System Usage: Type 'usage' at prompt . | |__/ _` | '_ \\_ _/ _ \ . Events and News: Type 'news' at prompt . |_____\__,_|_.__/ |_|\___/ . Broken E-mail? Type 'fixmail' at prompt . --------------------------- . Check Lab46 Mail: Type 'alpine' at prompt . c o r n i n g - c c . e d u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lab46 is the Computer & Information Science Department's Student Development Server for Computer-related coursework, projects, and exploration. For more information, please check out: .. . . . . . . . . . .. . Lab46 Web Page: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/ . . Lab46 Help Form: http://lab46.corning-cc.edu/help_request . . Help E-mail: haas@corning-cc.edu or wedge@lab46.corning-cc.edu . .. . . . . . . . . . .. You have old mail. Last login: Sat Mar 3 09:06:57 2012 from user-10bj433.cable.mindspring.com lab46:~$ by typing pwd you are shown where you are at in relaton to directories. Also by typing in cd you are defaulted back to your home directory even if you are in another directory. lab46:~$ lab46:~$ pwd /home/rmatsch lab46:~$ cd src lab46:~/src$ cd lab46:~$ ====unix Keyword 5==== Current working directory ===Definition=== The current working directory is the directory that you're in. ===Demonstration=== The current working directory is the directory that you are in. Typing cd command with no arguments will change your current working directory to your home directory.The pwd command reveals the current working directory. lab46:~$ cd src/unix lab46:~/src/unix$ pwd /home/rmatsch/src/unix lab46:~/src/unix$ cd lab46:~$ pwd /home/rmatsch lab46:~$ ====unix Keyword 6==== Text Processing ===Definition=== Text Processing is a tool used to edit text, save text into files or from files but can also be used to change it other text files. ===Demonstration=== "nano" is a good example of a text processing. lab46:~$ lab46:~$ nano hello.c #include int main() { printf("Hello, World !\n"); return(0); } ====unix Keyword 7==== Types of files (regular, directory, special) ===Definition=== There are three basic types of files, regular files like text, directories such as a file that contains other files within, and special files which can be programs. ===Demonstration=== hello1.c is a txt file,unix is a directory that contains other files,and hello1 is a compiled c code program. lab46:~/src$ ls Makefile cprog hello1 hello1.c submit unix lab46:~/src$ lab46:~/src$ cd unix lab46:~/src/unix$ lab46:~/src/unix$ ls arc.tar.gz cs1.txt cs3.txt cs5.txt lab1.txt lab3.txt lab5.txt contact.info cs2.txt cs4.txt lab0.txt lab2.txt lab4.txt shell lab46:~/src/unix$ ====unix Keyword 8==== Vi editor ===Definition=== The VI editor is a text editor with two modes one mode you can only insert, and in another mode you can only enter commands. ===Demonstration=== Demonstration of the chosen keyword. lab46:~$ vim hello.c #include int main() { printf("Hello, World !\n"); return(0); } ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "hello.c" 7L, 76C to write to this file i must hit the i key for insert and then insert is diplayed to show you what mode you're in. ~ -- INSERT -- to save changes go to command mode by hitting esc key and then typing :wq to quit without saving type :q! =====unix Objective===== ====unix Objective==== Upon completion of this course, students should be able to show: familiarity with the structure of UNIX systems the ability to accomplish/automate tasks exposure to command-line tools and utilities experience the connection between UNIX and C understanding of the UNIX philosophy exposure to Open Source concepts and ideals familiarity with important system concepts exposure to computer security understanding and use of pattern matching problem solving activities ===Definition=== The objective entails being familiar and comfortable in using unix to accomplish task. It also entails understanding basic understandings of unix. ===Method=== The method i use for measuring successful academic/intellectual achievement of this objective would be to be asked to complete various task to be completted in a timly mannor for a final. ===Measurement=== Follow your method and obtain a measurement. Document the results here. ===Analysis=== upon reflect my achievement of the particular course objective. i would do pretty good. Although i do pretty well there still could be room for improvement but am happy with the results.The measurement process could be enhanced to be more effective if more task were asked.I also believe these enhancement would be efficient to employ.however, what is asked for the objective is fine.