======Data Structures Journal====== ====September 3, 2013==== Data Types Rewrote the program from C/C++ as review. Successfully completed it and tested out the datatypes. See portfolio for more info. ====September 5, 2013==== Link Lists Wrote program to exemplify link lists. Program does not compile with the error being , "expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'stuct'" <- noticing the typo now a day later....smh. ====September 6, 2013==== Link Lists so it turns out I suck at copying code down, also I make some seriously dumb typos. But link list works finally. ====September 10, 2013==== Gonna work on some of the project that Matt has us doing for the link lists (UI, My favorite part of programming :)) With Matt's insertion code, i receive a seg fault. I'm going to use debugger to figure out whats going on. I believe it has something to do with expanding the list(go figure) but Im not sure where i should remalloc, ill have to search a little. I think it may be how I find the position, perhaps seeker never finds its spot? WRONG, i made a typo, go figure. but i dont like that the whole list doesn't show, so ill fix that. this shit appends, dammit all.... ====September 11, 2013==== So Matt helped fix my program, I also got the UI set up and working(typo yet again), Productive class time. ==== Remainder of September ==== So We worked on Link lists, doubly and single. I was distracted from class work as well as this opus by some situations in life include a week stint in the hospital getting that appendix removed. But October is a new month and a month that will be full of learning and fun with stacks and forty thieves. (for the record I did play forty thieves in the hospital) ====October 3, 2013==== First Day back, spent class time as well as the remainder of the morning catching up, lol im actually ahead #CISSwag. Kinda killed it on the Knowledge assessments too. just sayin. Harry helped me figure out what I needed to get done, he also pointed out that my sort function was completely wrong. haha, waste of all that time. ====October 4, 2013==== Getting singly working and going to put programs into headers and such over the weekend. ====October 9, 2013==== Got some help from matt with formatting and such. learning stacks is fun. ====October 14, 2013==== Pretty much got my headers done, still havent tested my programs cause theres a many a bugs. ====October 17, 2013==== Matts structure for the stacks program is super heplful and who doesnt love make files esspecially ones made for this project and not ones from exponentiator last year..... ====October 23, 2013==== Matt has given us a lab week. I got all of my errors out but then still needed to deal with an append issue. once that was fixed, i had a removenode issue. ====October 29, 2013==== I think i may destroy my laptop if i get another fucking segfault. im done. im absolutely done. matts fixing this shit. i refuse to even attempt to fix this mother fucking program.