======Data Structures Journal====== ====September 4, 2013==== We went over structs and pointers today in class. We made a program where you entered in the age, id, and name of a person. I've been working on the range program thats due tomorrow but I have been having a hard time with the logical part of it. I can shift the bits but I don't really know how to find the range of a datatype. Right now I have a variable set to 6 and if I shift it right then it divides by 2 if I shift it right it multiplies by 2. ====September 12, 2013==== I finished the menu layout and started separating all the different parts into functions. I ran into some trouble with passing the variables and will probably need some help. I missed class today so I'm hoping the class did absolutely nothing but I know that probably didn't happen. I have a few ideas about remove functionality but have to ask a few questions first to see if I have the right idea. ====September 16, 2013==== I worked on inserting and appending the linked list today. Before if I inserted something the whole list would turn into that number and the same thing would happen with append. I figured out that I had temp = temp2->next instead of temp = temp->next so it wasnt displaying right. That took a lot longer than I really want to admit to figure out. I think I also figured out what I was doing wrong with passing variables into functions. I was using int * instead of node *, I haven't tried it yet but hopefully thats what it is. ====September 26, 2013==== Still having problems with my singular linked list program. I have everything into functions now and it compiles but I get segmentation faults with almost everyone one of them when they are called. I don't know what I'm doing wrong I guess I'll have to get some help. ====October 17, 2013==== I have the singular list almost done. I finished everything but the remove and sort so far. ====October 18, 2013==== The remove function is getting a little closer to being done. I have the loop done but it just isn't working right. Sometimes I get a seg fault and other times it just doesn't do anything. ====October 25, 2013==== I think I'm finally done with the remove function. It still messes up a little when you want to remove the 0 function but I have to try and finish this so I can finally move on. All I have left of the singular link list is the sort and hopefully that goes quick. ====October 31, 2013==== Yesterday we went over binary trees in class. We had to try and make a binary tree after class and today or tomorrow we are going to go over three different ways to do it. I got it mostly done but it doesn't work. cat /var/public/data/fall2013/linkedlistimp/inc/list.h ====November 1, 2013==== I started working on the doubly linked list finally. I have the stop, clear and menu functions done. I started working on building the list and the create function but I haven't worked a lot on it yet. ====November 6, 2013==== Still working on the doubly linked list. I think I have the build function done now so now I'm on to displaying it backwards. ====November 8, 2013==== Yesterday I worked on the display forward and the display backward and finished the build function. I had a lot of errors and I was having a hard time figuring them out but Matt helped me and now it runs. I'm still getting a segmentation fault with almost everything I do but hopefully I can get the list to at least build some what soon. I haven't tested a lot of the functions because of my list now building right but I think they should be at least close to being right. ====November 15, 2013==== My list would only print the first node and after looking at it for awhile I had to ask Matt for help. I was cutting off my list in the else statement of my build function. The whole time I was looking at my display forward and backward functions and I never thought to look at the build function but I probably would have still needed help even if I was looking in the right place. Now my doubly linked list can print out forwards and backwards with no problem. My doubly linked list still seg faults in some parts so there is still some work to do. Matt also kind of handed out the EoCE but he said he's going to go over it more on Wednesday. /var/public/data/fall2013/EoCE/ll_oop_reimp ====November 21, 2013==== I just copied the EoCE.c file that Matt told us about last week. I'll probably have to copy it again when he releases the final version or at least the version that's going at the end of student pages. ====December 9, 2013==== Still working on pretty much everything from this semester. The EoCE is taking awhile but hopefully I will get it done or mostly done before Friday. My doubly linked list program suddenly has a few errors in it after changing some stuff so I don't know whats wrong with that now. I have a lot of stuff done but not much of it is actually working right now. ====December 10, 2013==== I was a little late signing up for a meeting so the only time available was on Wednesday, which kind of sucks but it's not that bad. I have really been busy tonight though trying to get the c++ part of my EoCE done and fix a few errors in the other projects we worked on throughout the semester. I finally got my doubly linked list done and working so at least I have that going for me.