======Introduction====== This is the chronicle of my epic journey into the realms of Unix and Linux, strange and wonderful lands that frankly terrify me. I'm mostly writing this so my family will have something to console them when I disappear into the matrix. And this isn't even my final form!!!! *I wrote this when I was much more young and naive. I had no clue exactly how powerful linux truly is and how small I am in comparison. I feel lost. Here is a record of my personality, for progenity. This is what I look like: {{:opus:fall2013:lwall1:164413_475998152459887_781437666_n_1_bigger.jpg?200|}} *I like videogames just like every other person who is taking this class *I also like lesser hobbies like reading, drawing, listening to music and *==PIXEL ART== *my alter ego is William Shatner {{:opus:fall2013:lwall1:inspirationalshatner.jpg?200|}}