======About Me 私について====== My name is Kyle Ehrlich (pronounced Ehr-Lick). I moved up from Florida two years ago, where I grew up. I attended Corning East High for my senior year. I live in my own apartment on North Side. It is nice and spacious. In High School I acquired a job at the Corning Inc. Decker Bldg. as a lab technician. My duties were sometimes simple, but the main reason I feel like they kept me around was because I was proficient with the computer and making programs on machine software to run tests. I was like a cheap PC&I technician (The lab computer specialists). I just left the job as of this semester, as it was growing increasingly difficult to balance school and my other duties. I am an associate on the website Lang-8. Lang-8 is a fantastic website (free of charge) if you are trying to be proficient in your second language. It's not very good to try to learn a new language unless you have a base, though, so don't try to learn the basics from it. I have been pretty well versed in Japanese for the last few years, so people will often try to write what they want to say in Japanese, and attempt to write it in English, I will then correct their sentence. I, of course do the same thing as well often and the Japanese associates help me. It is a very difficult language to learn, very alien to European derived languages. I am learning more and more every day. I try to go through at least 100 sentences a day. I hope to go to R.I.T., my close second choice is Portland State University, which has a foreign exchange program with 北海道大学 Hokkaidou Daigaku, a 4 year university in Hokkaidou Japan where I would study relevent material. I have not yet decided between a degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Computer Engineering is a more diverse field which relates to both hardwares and softwares, whilst Computer Science is very software and theory based.