=====data Keyword 3===== Valgrind ====Definition==== A suite of tools used for debugging an existing program. Like Gcc, it uses a powerful debugging tool used by programmers to find breakpoints in their code. ====References==== http://valgrind.org/docs/manual/manual.html =====data Keyword 3 Phase 2===== **prefix (polish) notation** ====Definition==== **Polish Notation**, also known as **Prefix Notation**, is a form of notation that puts the operator at the beginning instead of between two numbers or other operations. Example: * ====References==== List any sites, books, or sources utilized when researching information on this topic. (Remove any filler text). * Reference 1 * Reference 2 * Reference 3 ====Demonstration==== Polish notation is widely used in SPARC's as a means of editing values in a stack. ok 5 5 + ok .c 10 ok / 2 ok .c 5 ok