======Part 1====== =====Entries===== ====Entry 1: August 28,30 , 2012==== datacom introduction * August 28: went over sylibus and been introduced to Thomas hicks who has a vast wealth of knowledege far beyond much of my conception but i plan to deadicating much of my personal studies into 2 areas including physics and computer sience (datacom) studies * August 30: installed debian sqeezes on two mechinesa dn using a voip system known as astrisk made a 3rd box hold the main astrisk server and switch board system * Week in review: interesting and seemly full class dedication to the Voip and astrisk phone project installed sqeezes on two mechines and astrisk@home and a 3rd will connect them eventually to make 2 switch boards and the astrisk box the root for communications with in the lair * Week enlightenment: very little instructions for a localized phone system using astrisk i have found several im parting to out side communications such as inbound and outbound calling in in regards to accutal tele phone call relays not just a single room communication ====Entry 2: September 4&6, 2012==== * this is the frist class after a long weekend lets see if were still at all focused on the single room phone project * this day will prove that those who are intrigued and involved with this endevor will be enthralled and driven to complete the asigned tasks to see this localized lair telephone project to is conclusion. (yes big words [wont do it agian do too many major spelling errors] ) * we have been able to set up two sip phones via a trunkcated mechine with 2 personal lab tops one running OSX and the other a distributation of linux to run sip via pc to pc how ever the cisco sip phone gave the class and instructors complications along the lines of registering the phone with the trunk aka the truckcated machine. * week in review:good day good progress alot of scripting confgiuering and setting up a small local lan PBX system using asterisk how ever still having problems with accutal phones aka cisco sip phone 7941 model * week's enlightenment: never use cisco netowkring equipment over priced and limited functionality ====Entry 3: September 11&13, 2012==== * September 11th i was in history class when the trade towers were hit by two large domestic commerical cracft and 2000+ die i am here in the lair now learning and having fun a full 11 yrs later today i learned that each computer with voice or sipphone has its on extension and and music can also be put into the system * this is significaant for the fact that we now have a extension system to which we can communicate each other with mutiple calls on a single router/box/asterisk system we can also eventually use google voice to call out of the lair for free * i am currently waiting for wedge our fearless x-wing piolet to instruct me on the proper documentation to read from for the installation of a commucations system(the script being used and modified to use google voice with asterisk) that connects the Millennium Falcon to the other x-wing squadrands(lair) * comming up with a adapation to implement to the asterisk project to participate(thinking about apllying custom ringtones as you call some one not as they call you) * the 13th we goofed off did resreach and tested the load compacity and compatiablity of asterisk with other outside sources aka google chat and skype * well if you are able to run muytiple calls with out cross connection and as well as connect to an outside sorce like google chat u can eventually connect to the normal land line services * im some what behind the others i feel that i havent contributed as much and would like to do more modifications of the asterisk systems and other systems * just the lack of personal contribution i feel i should be douing more but i have very little idea where exactly is this leading or any idea of what we are trying to do ====Entry 4: September 18,20, 2012==== September 18 * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? * We experinced the frist call to a 10 digit number form asterisk across google talk to the cisco sip phone * Why was this significant? * this is great due to the fact that now we have access to at least localy routed 10 digit phones * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? * the fact taht we have a 10 digit phone working wouldny it allow us to to call out but for some reason it dosnet * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? * not much minus trying to keep up and follow what Saad is doing he hasnt accutly left any documents to go by (fyi he will always have a job job security at its best right here) September 20 * What action or concept of significance, as related to the course, did you experience on this date? * * Why was this significant? * * What concepts are you dealing with that may not make perfect sense? * * What challenges are you facing with respect to the course? * =====Keywords===== {{page>datacommpart1&nofooter}} =====Experiment 1===== ====Question==== is there a known method to connect two analogue phones together to communicate with out the use of phone services or systems ====Resources==== no internet resourses how ever this experiment is one that has been done in the past in the same place by multiple inviduales all including the elusive presley suarues who has extensive experince in the home made cob job of analogue phone to phone ====Hypothesis==== based on observatuions of preveouse atempts and experinces i belive that this is not only achiveable but easaly done knowning the right peramiters (ie an educated guess based on the facts known). State your rationale. Proof of previvuse exdperimentation and serveral retests and tests never been recorded however to my knowledge ====Experiment==== How are you going to test your hypothesis? What is the structure of your experiment? ====Data==== Perform your experiment, and collect/document the results here. ====Analysis==== Based on the data collected: * Was your hypothesis correct? * Was your hypothesis not applicable? * Is there more going on than you originally thought? (shortcomings in hypothesis) * What shortcomings might there be in your experiment? * What shortcomings might there be in your data? ====Conclusions==== What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.