======Part 3====== =====Entries===== ====Entry 1: November 9, 2012==== Finished the MOST AWESOMEST puzzlebox EVER!!! ====Entry 2: November 15, 2012==== Finally our set program was due, I still have no real idea how I was supose to do mine still. ====Entry 3: November 27, 2012==== Taking a more indepth look into how this binary tree program is going to be. Look like I will use a couple of different things. I am going to have to write stuff down on paper by the looks of it, nothing unusual though. ====Entry 4: November 28, 2012==== Couple of days left to do my keywords and my experiment. This is going to be interesting. Also went over all of our end of course experiences, looks pretty fun. I am excited for this semester to be almost over. 1 more semester and hopefully I will be trnasfering to RIT! =====Keywords===== {{page>datapart3&nofooter}} {{page>discretepart3&nofooter}} {{page>unixpart3&nofooter}} =====Experiment 3===== ====Question==== what is up with the "+" and the "-" from jobs ====Resources==== What Matt said in class and my minor playing around with it before starting the hypothesis ====Hypothesis==== I believe the + sign desonates the last paused job that will be resumed first in a stack style. While the - sign desonates the 2nd last paused job that will become the + sign after resuming the previous + signed job. ====Experiment==== I am going to run and pause several jobs, and then print out jobs, and take note of where the + and - sign are. Then resume a job, and close it. Rerun jobs, and take note of where the + and - sign are again. Contine that a couple of times taking note of where the + and the - signs god, and that should give us enough data to confirm what is what. ====Data==== lab46:~$ jobs lab46:~$ cat ^C lab46:~$ cat ^Z [1]+ Stopped cat lab46:~$ vi [2]+ Stopped vi lab46:~$ nano Use "fg" to return to nano. [3]+ Stopped nano lab46:~$ emac -bash: emac: command not found lab46:~$ emacs [4]+ Stopped emacs lab46:~$ jobs [1] Stopped cat [2] Stopped vi [3]- Stopped nano [4]+ Stopped emacs lab46:~$ man jobs after resuming and closing EMACS lab46:~$ fg 4 emacs lab46:~$ jobs [1] Stopped cat [2]- Stopped vi [3]+ Stopped nano lab46:~$ we noticed how our - on nano became a + and the vi program got -, so next we will open and close Vi, which should move the - from vi to cat. vi lab46:~$ jobs [1]- Stopped cat [3]+ Stopped nano lab46:~$ Did exactly as expected. now lets open up a couple more programs and see what happens. lab46:~$ vi [4]+ Stopped vi lab46:~$ jobs [1] Stopped cat [3]- Stopped nano [4]+ Stopped vi lab46:~$ man What manual page do you want? lab46:~$ man printf [5]+ Stopped man printf lab46:~$ jobs [1] Stopped cat [3] Stopped nano [4]- Stopped vi [5]+ Stopped man printf lab46:~$ so now lets use basic fg, which is what this entire experiment is about. lab46:~$ fg man printf lab46:~$ jobs [1] Stopped cat [3]- Stopped nano [4]+ Stopped vi lab46:~$ it opened our man page. So all of this data has confirmed to me my hypothosis was correct. ====Analysis==== Based on the data collected: My hypothesis was correct, even after running the progams several times to make sure. ====Conclusions==== Jobs and fg and bg work all together and they work on a stacak based idea. Last object in is the first object out. What can you ascertain based on the experiment performed and data collected? Document your findings here; make a statement as to any discoveries you've made.